Fi Stevens profile picture

Fi Stevens

Fi Stevens - Legendary Chicken Fairy

About Me

Where to start! At the beginning I guess! LOL
I'm a 22 year old red-head from the UK. Living in Basingstoke, but born (and lived for 18 years) in Winchester.
I'm a full-time professional model working mainly in the glamour area - Front, Loaded, Nuts, Fast Car, (I'm a UK Cybergirl) - with the odd bit of TV presenting on Playboy TV and Bangbabes and singing/playing guitar thrown in too :O)
I have worked a lot within the modified car scene with Fast Car Magazine (Tash, Jenna, love you loads!!!).
My website can be found here:
Here's my banner (feel free to send me a link request if you have your own site):
Just a few important bits!:
*I am NOT here for dating - and even if I was, would I meet some random off the internet?!
* Don't bother asking me for my msn, if you don't already have it, you're not someone I want to talk to!
* Don't use txt spk.... it's friggin irritating. I just won't bother to reply... plus half the time I don't understand what you're saying!
* No I'm not single, no I don't want to meet up with you in a hotel room, and no you can't show me the time of my life! I'm not here to sleep with anyone despite what you might think about models! Oh and I really couldn't care if you're the size of a donkey... no doubt you're deluded.
* I'm not really here to get your life story (or give mine), so please don't bombard me with a million and one questions when you mail me. If there's too many q's I just won't answer. Sorry, that's just how it is! Plus, the questions on the left of my profile should be more than enough!
* I can't offer any advice to get published or any quick route to success to girls out there wishing to be models. If you want to get there, do it by yourself and work hard! There is no quick answer that I know of! I wish there was more I could do to help you, but all I will say is NEVER give it out for free to magazines - if they truly want you, they will pay for you. Check out THIS for some interesting points.

My stats for anyone interested are:
Height: 5'5"
Chest: 34D
Waist: 24"
Hips: 34"
Hair colour: Red/Blonde
Eye colour: Blue
Shoe size: 4/5
Dress size: 8/10
Click this to see more of my pictures and details about my career! Plus regular news about what is going on in my world of modelling.
For the second year running I am working for Fast Car magazine at most of the UK car shows.
In 2005 I was in the Final 3 for Miss Fast Car, and although I didn't win, I still feel as much a part of the team as ever :)
Don't forget, if you want to see more pictures, just visit my website - there's plenty on there with my portfolio, snapshots and scans of the magazines I have been in :)Now a few more personal pics!I am a big fan of the Tidy Boys and most things Hard House, so here's a pic of me out clubbing in Heaven, London
For some reason my tongue likes to attack people when I'm out!!!
And now some snapshots, mostly at the car shows!
Working for Fast Car at Donny 2006
Working for Fast Car at USC 2005, Jamie is the blonde girlie and Heavenly is the dark haired missy :-)
FiFi Russo, Holly Newbury and me after working at Weekend At Dave's for Playboy UK
At Kerrang's studio after my 2nd interview and yes! that's a turkey on my head! LOL
Me and Jaala at HIN, April 2005
Jenna Hoskins and me at Donny 2006
Youtube films!!!
....and another....
How friggin cute is this?!! test results!!!!!
47% Wench! That's higher than the worldwide average of 39%!
My most recent pic ^^^^
I am a lover, not a fighter (unless you really piss me off of course). I love raspberries, Diet coke, Hard House, and Marmalade Weasel xxxxxxxxxx

My Interests

Rock on little chicken!!!

1. What is your Boyfriend's name? Marmalade Weasel ;-)

2. What color underwear are you wearing now? Black

3. What are you listening to right now? The telly.... something about monkeys!

4. What are the last 4 digits in your phone number? errr.... nice try!

5. What was the last thing you ate? Haribo Tangfastics for breakfast! LOL....tea and tangfastics, it can't get any better!

6. If you were a crayon what color would you be? Purple.... cos it sounds cool when Scottish people say this colour

7. How is the weather right now? Shitty.... but at the same time cool! I love it when it's stormy, but hate it raining... unless it's warm and then I can dance around naked in it... except it's not, so I can't

8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My mum... I think.

9. The first thing you notice about the opposite/preferred sex? Hair.... the style says a lot IMO

10. Favorite type of Food? Italian... I'll eat pasta til it comes out my ears! ooh and dough balls.... luuuuussshhh!

11. Do you drink? Yes, but not that often... I get drunk easily and it's highly fattening!

12. Do you smoke? Yes

13. Ever get so drunk you don't remember what you did? No... don't think so... eek!

14. Hair color? Red

15. What is your eye color? Blue... sometimes grey, they change colour

16. Do you wear contacts? No, but I am supposed to wear glasses for driving and computer work... I'm not at the moment though.

17. Favorite Holiday? I've not been on that many in all honesty, however Kenya was pretty amazing!

18. Favorite Month? December! It's my birthday, Christmas and New Year parties all in one month

19. Have you ever cried for no reason? Yes

22. Are u too shy to ask someone out? No way! Although I haven't for a long time

23.If you can say something to someone right now what would it be? Fuck off and die! (well you did ask!).... ha ha!

24. Hugs or Kisses? ooh tough one, I lurve hugs, but you can't beat a good ol' tongue sandwich ;-)

25. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla for me... although I'd choose raspberry over that anyday... or perhaps banoffee

26. What books are you reading? Karin Slaughter, A taste of Cold Fear (think that's the title) Also reading The Descent (not the film one) but can't remember who it's by

27. Piercings? Yes, tongue

28. Favorite Movie? Sooooo many to choose from! See below

29. Favorite football team? That would require me to actually like the game!

30.What were you doing before this? Er... smoking, drinking tea and checking email.

31. Any pets? Yes, he's the devil incarnate! aka Lokifer Stevens - my puddy tat!

32.Screen name? er... Fi Stevens... no brainer!

33. Butter popcorn, plain, or salted? Salted. Yum.

34. Dogs or cats? Cats... unless it's miniature dogs. I love minature things....well most mini things.

35. Favorite flower? Lillies

36. Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to? Yup!

37. Are you taken or single? Taken

38. Have you ever loved someone? Yes

39. Who would you like to see right now? As in see infront of my eyes?! or sleep with? I'll answer both. The first being my older brother, the second being Jonny Knoxville (that is of course if my man isn't available!)

40. Are you still friends with your exes? Nope!

41. Have you ever fired a gun? Yeah, various air rifles

42. Do you like to travel by plane? I love it! When the plane tips to the side as you're changing direction feels so cool! I love to see the horizon disappear out the window!

43. Right-handed or Left-handed? Right

44. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2-3

45. Do you have a Tattoo? Yes, it's a 5-pointed hollow star (ie thick bordered) on the back of my neck

SO FAR IN 2006 I HAVE...(In simple yes/no form 'cos I couldn't be arsed! LOL)

** broken a promise..........No
** made a new friend..........Yes
** fell in love..........Yes
** fell out of love..........Yes
** done something you swore never to do..........No
** lied..........Yes
** stole..........No
** went behind your parents back..........No
** cried over a broken heart..........Yes
** disappointed someone close..........Yes
** hidden a secret..........Yes
** got arrested..........No
** slept under the stars..........No
** gotten in a fight..........Yes-ish
** kept your new years resolution..........No
** forgot your new years resolution..........Yes!
** met someone who changed your life..........Yes
** met one of your idols..........No
** changed your outlook on life..........Yes
** sat home all day doing nothing..........Yes
** pretended to be sick..........No
** left the country..........No
** almost died..........No
** drank yourself retarded..........Yes
** lost someone close to you..........Yes
** been to the hospital..........Yes
** gotten closer to someone..........Yes
** streaked..........Yes
** cried over someone..........Yes
** broken up with a gf or bf..........Yes
** given up something important to you..........No
** talked on the phone all night..........Yes
** learned something new about yourself..........Yes
** tried something you normally wouldnt try and liked it..........Yes
** made a change in your life..........Yes
** found out who your true friends were..........Yes
** made a total fool of yourself..........Yes
** met great people ..........Yes

I'd like to meet:

Other models, photographers, promotional teams. Anyone who thinks outside the box and isn't just a clone!


I am into singing and playing guitar too. My biggest influences are Eva Cassidy and Jewel. Jewel has THE most amazing voice I've ever known - her first album "Pieces of you" was around when I was going through some big changes in my life and it remains my favourite to date.
My music is a lot like this - haunting lyrics, really emotional. Sometimes I get so caught up in my songs like "Fallen" or "Always in Love" and it's tough to make it through *sob* - ah I'm such a wuss!

I'm a big fan of dance music too. Infact, my entire music collection is very eclectic. Tidy Boys to Marilyn Manson to Tracey Chapman :O) I own a set of decks, but I'm not that great at mixing. I *try* and that's about as far as I can get. To me, mixing is more than just putting 2 tracks together (which is the stage I'm at now!)

I like going out and having a good ol' stomp when I'm clubbing, I LURVE to dance. I'm not a big drinker though, I'm one of those girls who goes from flirty to practically passed out pretty quickly, so I avoid getting drunk as much as possible! Plus it's never nice to be reminded with pictures that people take on nights out. urgh!

You can see some pics of me on nights out dotted around here and on various other clubbing websites :) Love all sorts of music from Hard House, dnb, to Marilyn Manson and Garth Brooks :) I've just bought Fall Out Boy's album (I flippin LOVE the singer's voice!) - and it's tres cool!


Fave movies are the Scream Trilogy, Matrix Trilogy, Batman series (sensing a theme here?) City of Angels, Starship Troopers, American Pie (the first and second only), Donnie Darko (TOP film!!) umm.... and lots of others that I can't seem to think of right now! History of violence was a cool film. Snuff Movie sucked ass. It was probbaly the crappest film I have ever paid to see AND I returned it late so had to pay double! what a joke! :(


ER, (that's the programme, not me hesitating!)...and umm.... CSI - the odd programme. Other that, nothing regularlym - unless it's plastic surgery, I fucking LOVE plastic surgery programmes. They're cool as!


I am reading (and have read) so many books at the moment. Next to my bed (I always read before I go to sleep) is a book about a woman who is having an affair with a married man. He leaves his wife and when he moves in with her she can't stand him being there all the time, so is devising a plan to get rid of him by becoming friends with his ex-wife. I'll let you know how I get on :)


Carmen "Goddess" Electra, Pamela Anderson, Jewel, Supergirl, hehe ;) Hugh Hefner!

My Blog

My new colour and cut!

I had my hair cut and coloured today at Hug Hair in Uxbridge - if you get the chance to go there, do so! They're fab ;-) This is my result from today :) I LOVE it!!! ...
Posted by Fi Stevens on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 12:04:00 PST

More pics on my pics page

Just thought I'd upload some more pics as it was looking a little bare. :O)...
Posted by Fi Stevens on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 03:49:00 PST

Legendary Chicken Fairy....

No it doesn't mean anything, but yes that is me! :O)  
Posted by Fi Stevens on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 08:15:00 PST

Help! Investigation....

I can't access anything remotely adult related from work so I can't look to see if I was featured on or as cybergirl of the month or something else on the 29th December. I've...
Posted by Fi Stevens on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 03:24:00 PST

I fucking LOVE christmas!!!

I do! I love getting xmas feeling - you know the one, where it just feels like xmas! LOL And I love the rush trying to find presents, only just finished my xmas shopping for my family, AND came under ...
Posted by Fi Stevens on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 03:35:00 PST

It's my buffday tomorrow!

And I can't help but do Dr Zoigberg impressions "woop-woo-woo-woo-woo-woop!!!"...
Posted by Fi Stevens on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 08:02:00 PST

Website working now!

 Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!     ...
Posted by Fi Stevens on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 12:49:00 PST


Is it just my myspace that is playing up today? Cos mine is being a real arse!!! rah!
Posted by Fi Stevens on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 03:45:00 PST

I wish I was taller....

Only for today, don't know why, I just do!
Posted by Fi Stevens on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 04:17:00 PST

My website down

Don't panic Mr Mannering!!! I've just changed my server/hosting over so it might be down for up to 48 hours. I will let you know as soon as it's back up!!!...
Posted by Fi Stevens on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 07:17:00 PST