•°o.Miss Cantrell.o°• profile picture

•°o.Miss Cantrell.o°•

Too much of a good thing is even better - Mae West

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4The ONLY way to contact Jennifer is through her only official URL http://www.myspace.com/jennifercantrell and her only offical Blog URL http://blog.myspace.com/jennifercantrell
All creepy emails, horny guys, and perverts will be PROSECUTED!!
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I am your basic girl next door who has no problem enjoying the finer things in life. I graduated from UCLA and own my own business. I lived in Huntington Beach, but now am in LA. Used to be into the club scene, but I seem to have outgrown that phase in my life. Now I much more enjoy dining out, traveling, or just relaxing with a good book. My business also helps keep me out of trouble. Not that trouble is necessarily a bad thing ;) I love being my own boss. This is the 4th company I've owned. Last company I sold to match.com right before all the dot coms went dot gone. Retired for a while- nice at 24. Got bored started another corporation- S corp C corp done them all. Long story short I love what I do. My company VIP Getaways, Inc. (www.VIPGetaways.com) basically makes dreams come true. Living in LA seeing celebs becomes routine. I work with charities and individuals to help them spend a day living out a dream...may it be a movie premiere, a walk on role, lunch with Robin Williams (he is the nicest person in the world). Seeing the look on someone's face, seeing their life change makes me appreciate and adore every day. I also have and still work as a dating coach. Matchmaking is in my blood. More than anything I want a life that makes people change and realize their dream. As a hobby I also am great at taking my friends dreams and making them reality. I'm never too busy to not help someone find their desire and turn it into a passionate career. 9-5 and being miserable is not how to live your life. I've helped so many friends find passion and money and love and happiness....maybe that will be my next business...Now that my company barely needs me...looking for the next adventure.
I can be sassy, a little sarcastic, and a lot silly. At the same time I love to talk politics, religion, business, culture, art, current events, physics (just kidding about the physics part- actually one of my fav subjects). Take time to wonder how and why we all are here. If you are able to read this consider yourself lucky. You are healthy and fortunate enough to own a computer. We take our lives so much for granted. We bitch that we don't have this or that when we are so lucky to have all that we have. I try to remember that everyday when I'm stuck in traffic, I have to wait for a table at Koi more than 10 minutes, or my Dior glasses break. I try to remember how lucky I am and how God has blessed me. Although, I still hate traffic on the 405.
I guess I would say I'm part sexy vixen, part silly nerd, and part sweetheart. You'll always know exactly where you stand with me for better or worse. I leave my heart out in the open. So many have told me to not say what I feel, to guard myself, and not get hurt and sensor my emotions. But I don't want to let LA make me cold. What you see is what I feel for better or worse.
I also run a very successful corporation.

My Interests

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Last weekend of Rehab. Vegas Baby! This is how we roll!!

The only way to arrive in New Zealand when working for the World Lifesaving Federation. "Hi boys...I'm here to teach you how to save lives. Cheers Mate!"

I love to travel and experience life. I have a strange habit of pushing myself to try new things and expand my horizons. I worked for the World Lifesaving Federation while living in New Zealand. I play flute, am a licensed massuse and have my captains license. This year I played full contact football in the Lingerie Bowl and took up ariel (aka climbing up fabric and doing mid air acrobatics) ,the flying trapeze, and fire. I think I saw Cirque de Solei one too many times.Outside of the extreme realm, I also love fine dining and trying new cuisine. However, given the choice I usually end up having Sushi. With Sushi it's not just the amazing food but the ambience surrounding the experience.I also love to spa. Must be a female thing, but I am addicted. I'm a glutton for a good massage and a lot of pampering. I work out a lot so I justify the need for lot of massages to compensate for all the hard work I do.I'm a romantic at heart and love anything involving music, candle light, and a good bottle of wine- occasionally whips and chains. I also love music everything from Opera to Kid Rock. I love art, poetry 'J. Alfred Prufrock' has always moved me as well as the ultimate love story that played out in poetry between Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Their love was a love which gives me hope that true love does exist against everything the world puts in our path, if you truly love you will find a way.

I'd like to meet:

BEFORE ADDING ME AS A FRIEND PLEASE READ I'm not here to hook up or really meet anyone I don't already know. Not the goal here. Just want keep in touch with my friends and those I've lost touch with along the years. And no I'm not really married. I just put that there to throw the stalkers off. Please understand that I get lots of messages from people I don't know and I will not just add you as a friend if I don't know you or you don't know a friend of mine. I also don't add people under 18, as I don't think that is appropriate. *****If you must know the man of my dreams first and foremost has to be a man. A take charge kind of guy who still opens doors, can make a decision, and takes my order (maybe orders me around sometimes too...when I want him to ;)- Extremely intelligent, opinionated, and witty. Fun, crazy, sexy and hott!!! Willing to try anything, open minded, and adventurous. I can't stand finicky eaters (funny... that's my biggest turn off). I also can't stand people who only like one type of music or one type of people. You get my drift...I want to be exposed and challenged every day. The politically correct need not apply. I am a woman and I know what I want. I find guys in LA are stuck trying to be mini Hefs (Love you Hef...but no guy should try to compete with the master) "Puer Aeternus" if you don't know Latin then look it up.

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Everything. I love alternative, rock, hip hop, anything I can dance to (love to dance) yet I also love Opera and country. Country is the best with a fine wine and a good cry. The French have mastered the art of making music sexy and 'Le Femme' is one of my favorite productions in Vegas. I only wish they had a sound track available.


Warning- I cry at almost every movie I watch. I really get into the magic of the storylines. I love foriegn films. My all time favorite movie is "Dangerous Beauty." I think that is the sexiest movie of all time!!! Some other favs include 'Shall we Dance' (the original from Japan), 'Amores Perros,' and 'Cinema Paradiso.' Other movies I absolutely love include 'Layer Cake', 'The Beast' (amazing how our attitude towards Afganistan has changed), 'Dirty Love' (Jenny McCarthy is brillant & we've all been there), 'A lot like Love,' 'The Notebook' (talk about love!) 'Alfie' (even Alfie is almost capable of settling down), 'Blowing Smoke'(what men talk about when women aren't around) and anything else that is beautiful and has a message or at least makes us laugh at how much we can relate to the message. RIP to Moustapha Akkad, most well known for the Halloween series, but of far greater importance he was the briliant man behind 'The Message' and 'Lion in the Desert.' Unfortunately, he did not survive these turbulant times he had hoped to help end.But don't let all the serious stuff fool ya, I love to laugh my ass off too! Other top picks include Resvoir Dogs & Trainspotting- Are those comedies, Dramas, or just way cool...


Of course, the History channel rocks. It's amazing to see how thousands of years ago people still suffered and strived for answers to the same questions we struggle with today. Also anything about serial killers, unsolved crimes. Would love to own a John Wayne Geshe piece. Big Ed Kemper,too many to list- Ok now I'm sounding like a freak. A great book is 'The Professor and the Madman.' Did you know that one of the main contributors to the first Oxford English Dictionary was in an asylum for the criminally insane. The dicotomy of the human condition facinates me. Throughout time and turbulance since the beginning of mankind we as humans have not changed. We still face the same struggles and strive for the same emotional goals. Even the most popular people just want to be loved and still fear rejection, yet what is it that happens in someones life that makes them snap- what makes a mass muderer? What makes someone need to be a superstar? What drives us and what happens to drive a person into such an ugly place facinates me. If only we could spend each day trying to make others smile not cry- Feel valued not worthless, the world would be a better place. Stop watching the car crashes; start doing everything in your power to end the suffering and saddness in so many hearts.It's not all so cerebral. I love Nip/Tuck, Desperate Housewives, 24, and Greys Anatomy. Those are pop culture phenomenons I adore. Yet if you ever come to my house you will be forced to watch 'The Prisoner'. If you haven't seen it, you must!!! A classic British 17 episode TV series that debuted in the summer of 1968. Besides being facinating, it was the show that inspired the James Bond saga. Patrick McGoohan stars as a top secret agent and was originally slated to be the first James Bond, but turned down the part. He felt it was too racey and sexual. That's a man with integrity- why have so many in Hollywood sold out their values (perhaps because you have no idea who Patrick McGoohan is). Money and values don't go hand and hand in Hollywood. But 'The Prisoner' is a must not only see but share.


I love to read. I read the Bible everynight and try to practice what it says. Although, it was 200 years after Christ's death that it was actually written and so many books were left out. I never read the Bible other than Catholic school until I got 'The Student Bible' which is broken up in sections and has amazing explainations through out. It even has a list of chapters to read if you just want to sound smart and bang out some quotes to sound cool. It took me 2 days to read that & now I can quote verse with the Pope. If you don't want to read the Bible from start to finish buy this one and next time some holier than thou comes along you can put them in their place.Being of a scientific mind- I feel religion is the opiate of the masses (yes, I know not my original thought-Marx). However, I am intrigued by the human condition and besides a degree in Psychology, I have a minor in theology and have taken from all to form my own belief. 'The World's Wisdom' by Philip Novak is a must have. Again overview of every religion. Read it and you can debate anyone.I also love poetry. It's man at his purest. It's amazing how even hundreds of years ago we all faced the same thoughts. Must have 'The Norton Anthology of Poetry' think cliff notes on every amazing/need to know poem possible. I left out all of the obvious ones since you know what they are and you know I've read them. However, the BIGGEST must read is the 'Celestine Prophecy.' That book changed my life and I owe all of my success to it!!! Don't event message me if you have not or are not willing to read it. I have 10 copies right now for friends, so I can always send you one. It will make you successful and happy- hands down. Without doing anyting but being aware of opportunties that pass your way.I read alot...everything and anything. Even the manuals on how to set up my Plama TV. I read all of Patrick O'Brian before he was popular (at least he saW a bit of his fame before he passed away). Lexicons, anything contraversial, politics, books that make you think, (the tipping point) etc...OK now I really sound like a nerd. I do love a good mystery, murder, suspense novel as well. Anyone who knows me would never believe this side exists considering I love a good party and rarely do people see the deeper side of me.Not a book, but the best magazine out there is the Economist. Not the American Economist, but the British Economist.


Ali G, Bono, Stephen Colbert....anyone else who's not afraid to buck the system or at least make a mockery of it :)

My Blog

If I haven't replied

Greetings from Park City.  I noticed I have a ton of messages and friend requests.  I haven't had much time to get on the computer or return calls.  Sundance is amazing, crazy, busy, fu...
Posted by "°o.OJennifer Cantrell O.o°" on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 01:02:00 PST

Sundance Update- What I'm doing

Friday, January 19th, 2007 v      Peta Party hosted by Joanna Krupa Saturday, Jan. 20th, 2007 v      Heineken Winter Retreat Lounge & Gifting Su...
Posted by "°o.OJennifer Cantrell O.o°" on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 12:15:00 PST

Sundance Gift Bags & Parties

Sundance is really shaping up to be an amazing experience. We've locked down the John Paul Mitchell beauty cafe and the Moving Pictures Magazine Lounge and party.If you have an amazing product you wo...
Posted by "°o.OJennifer Cantrell O.o°" on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 08:30:00 PST

See I told you SO....

Your Birthdate: September 5You have many talents, and you are great at sharing those talents with others.Most people would be jealous of your clever intellect, but you're just too likeable to elicit j...
Posted by "°o.OJennifer Cantrell O.o°" on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 01:57:00 PST

Which Victoria's Secret Angel are you?

Which Victoria's Secret Angel are you?Adriana LimaYou are wild,crazy,exotic, and love to wear as little as possible!Take The Quiz Now!Quizzes by myYearbook.com...
Posted by "°o.OJennifer Cantrell O.o°" on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 05:27:00 PST

Hold on to love...Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock...Lesson to learn,.

LET us go then, you and I, When the evening is spread out against the sky Like a patient etherised upon a table; Let us go, through certain half-deserted streets, The muttering retreats &nb...
Posted by "°o.OJennifer Cantrell O.o°" on Thu, 18 May 2006 02:57:00 PST