Zero Dean Photography profile picture

Zero Dean Photography

Zero Dean Photography

About Me : My Official Web Site
Hey Everybody!
First things first, yes, Zero is my real name! ( You can read more about how and why here , if you want).
If you haven't noticed the pics yet, I'm a photographer.
At age 32, I took a leap of faith and left a decent paying and secure career in computer graphics to pursue my passion as a self-employed photographer in the highly competitive and unpredictable world of photography. And at age 34, I "started over" yet again by moving to LA in an effort to push my new career to higher level.
As I've only been based in LA since mid-summer 2006, I'm still working on building relationships and getting an awareness of my name (and my work, of course), out into the neighborhood.
Right now, I'm primarily focused on getting to the point where I can continue to make a living doing what I love with a greater sense of security, creative freedom, & fewer restrictions. And I am always seeking opportunities to work with amazing people.
If I sent you a friend request, then that's my way of saying "Hello", "Hi", or "How yoooouuu doin'?" (whichever you prefer). And if I haven't sent you a personalized message or comment yet, I will!
I think one of the main challenges in photography, much like acting (or any other creative field, for that matter), is that you can be very good at what you do, but still "fly under the radar" because there are so many other people in your field all attempting to do the same thing. And sometimes, success is more determined by who you know, than what you know. And right now, I just don't know many people out here.
For me, moving to LA was a conscious "career move", but I must admit that I was a bit unprepared for just how crazy & competitive photography really is out here and how difficult starting from scratch in this town really is! It seems like every actor I meet is also a "photographer" on the side. And some are actually quite good! Not to mention other full-time photographers!
Fortunately, as challenging as it's been, it's also been an incredible and rewarding experience so far and I'm glad to be here. I've had the tremendously good fortune of meeting an amazing array of wonderful and incredibly talented clients & individuals that could be found in no other place than here. And every one of them has helped me, in their own way, on my path to take what I do to the next level.
So to all those folks (you know who you are, and I've got the pictures to prove it), I'd just like to give a heartfelt "THANK YOU".
And to all the exceptionally awesome and creative people I haven't yet had the pleasure to meet or work with, DROP ME A LINE! :)
1. To network, meet people, make friends, and build positive & mutually beneficial relationships.
2. To get an awareness of my name & services out into the world.
3. To invite opportunity in any form and to help create opportunities for others.
Announcing My Short Notice Free Photo Shoot Announcements List
Announcing Paid & Free Opportunities For Make-Up Artists
About This Guy Named Zero.
Photographer Marketing Tactics Exposed.
I'm Evil And I Want Your Money.
Frequently Asked Questions (Answered!)
Actor Headshots : Part 1 : Details
Actor Headshots : Part 2 : Photographers, Stylists & Make-up Artists
Actor Headshots : Part 3 : How To Prepare For Your Headshot
Actor Headshots : Part 4 : Headshot Printing Options
Actor Headshots : Part 5 : Reviewing Your Headshots
Actor Headshots : Part 6 : Retouching, What You & Your Photographer Should Know
Q: What are your rates? How much do you charge for headshots? Do you have a web site?
A: Yes. My rates are on my website . Thanks for asking! There are a lot of great photographers in LA who provide a variety of different styles. I'm not here to push my services on anyone whose not interested. I'm just happy you know I'm here. Work with whoever makes you comfortable and whose style suits you the best!
Q: RE: Friend Requests - Who are you? Do I know you? How did you find me? Why did you send me a friend request?
A: You can read a litle about me above and on my web site. If you have to ask if you know me, then no, you probably don't. I most likely found you while browsing myspace affiliations or simply surfing profiles. I probably sent you a friend request because I like to network with creative and interesting people or we share a common interest. Please consider it a compliment. And if you don't feel inclined to accept my friend request or if you only keep your friends to people you know well, no worries. I respect that. Just consider my friend request a friendly "Hello". There's nothing you need to do and I'm not trying to sell you anything.
Q: RE: Free Photo Shoots? Everyone wants one. How can you get one?
Helping people achieve their goals with whatever skills I can provide is one of the most rewarding aspects of what I do. Which is why I am happy to give away my services as often as I can afford to, but unfortunately, I'm not at a place where I can do this for everyone who asks and still make a living at what I do.
So if you inquire about a free shoot, and I'm unable to provide one, please don't be put off. I receive a lot of such requests, but only have a very limited amount of availability to fulfill them.
I recently created a " short notice photo shoot announcements list " which allows me to utilize any free time I have by providing free shoots to folks who are available at short notice. Getting on that list will immediately increase your chances of a free shoot.
Outside of that, you're still welcome to come right out and ask for one, but if you really want to make an impression, better than just asking me for a free shoot is telling me a bit about your goals & aspirations and what a shoot would mean to (or for) you or how collaborating could be a beautiful thing that benefits more than just one person. In fact, if you just ask without making the effort to provide any additional information, the answer will most likely always be "no".
Although I no longer provide "TFP - Time For Prints", I do ~occasionally~ provide testing for models, actors, or anyone interested in having professional photos taken, though as I mentioned, I most enjoy collaborating with ambitious & creative types. Folks who are determined to "make it happen" (which, despite being my business motto, it's also a mantra I live by).
Q: Do you work with [noun] (ie. men, animals, bands...)?
Yes. But it's important for folks to keep in mind that there is a particular "style" and "look" to my work. Although I am always working on stretching and trying new things, if you're looking for a particular look that is the polar opposite of what you see in my gallery of images, then it may be better for you to work with a photographer whose style more appropriately fits the look you want. With that said, don't be afraid to talk to me anyway!
Q: Are you looking for make-up artists?
Yes. I'm always looking for additional make-up artists and stylists to add to my "go to" list.
See More Questions & Answers In My FAQ Blog Entry Here
Yes, I've written some articles to primarily help out aspiring models & actors, though I've been told that they've been of help to experienced folks, too.
Headshots Advice:
Some Things Every Actor & Model Should Know
Modeling Advice & Tips For Models
I'm based in Santa Monica. If you know where Santa Monica College is, then you're getting warm.
I love meeting and collaborating with positive, highly motivated, and creative people. I truly love that kind of energy and just can't get enough of it. So if that's you, no matter what you do, please say "Hi".
OTHER PLACES TO FIND ZERO DEAN: : My Official Web Site : My Blog
Zero Dean at Model Mayhem
Zero Dean at OneModelPlace

My Interests

These are not necessarily in order... photography, computer graphics, collaborating with creative genuises, acting, laughing, learning, writing, creative ventures, funny people, open minds, anything that helps me stay fit, mountain biking, rollerblading, adventuring...

I'd like to meet:

home | e-mail zero | add zero as a friend | read zero's blog | subscribe to zero's blog | add zero to your favorites

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official | gallery zerotopia/gallery

zero dean's | Links

official site
vanity domain
profile at model mayhem
profile at one model place

zero dean's | friends | view all

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zero dean's | latest blog entries | subscribe

Free Photo Shoot Opportunity 2/28/2007 - 1pm
Free Photo Shoot Opportunity 2/27/2007 - 1pm
Photographer Q&A: What Can An Actor Do To Achieve The Best Shoot?
Filmmakers, I Will Photograph Your Production
You Are What You Think You Are

zero dean's | popular blog entries | subscribe

Free Photo Shoot Opportunities for Actors & Models
Free & Paid Opportunities For Make-Up Artists & Stylists

Zero Dean : An Introduction.
Photographer Marketing Tactics Exposed.
I'm Evil And I Want Your Money.
Frequently Asked Questions (Answered!)

Part 1 : Details
Part 2 : Photographers, Stylists & Make-up Artists
Part 3 : How To Prepare For Your Headshot
Part 4 : Headshot Printing Options
Part 5 : Reviewing Your Headshots
Part 6 : Retouching, What You & Your Photographer Should Know

zero dean's | welcome statement

who is | zero dean?

Hey everybody!

First things first, yes, Zero is my real name! ( You can read more about how and why here , if you want).

If you haven't noticed the pics yet, I'm a photographer.

At age 32, I took a leap of faith and left a decent paying and secure career in computer graphics to pursue my passion as a self-employed photographer in the highly competitive and unpredictable world of photography. And at age 34, I "started over" yet again by moving to LA in an effort to push my new career to higher level.

As I've only been based in LA since mid-summer 2006, I'm still working on building relationships and getting an awareness of my name (and my work, of course), out into the neighborhood.

Right now, I'm primarily focused on getting to the point where I can continue to make a living doing what I love with a greater sense of security, creative freedom, & fewer restrictions. And I am always seeking opportunities to work with amazing people.

If I sent you a friend request, then that's my way of saying "Hello", "Hi", or "How yoooouuu doin'?" (whichever you prefer). And if I haven't sent you a personalized message or comment yet, I'm working on it!

I think one of the main challenges in photography, much like acting (or any other creative field, for that matter), is that you can be very good at what you do, but still "fly under the radar" because there are so many other people in your field all attempting to do the same thing. And sometimes, success is more determined by who you know, than what you know. And right now, I just don't know many people out here.

For me, moving to LA was a conscious "career move", but I must admit that I was a bit unprepared for just how crazy & competitive photography really is out here and how difficult starting from scratch in this town really is! It seems like every actor I meet is also a "photographer" on the side. And some are actually quite good! Not to mention other full-time photographers!

Fortunately, as challenging as it's been, it's also been an incredible and rewarding experience so far and I'm glad to be here. I've had the tremendously good fortune of meeting an amazing array of wonderful and incredibly talented clients & individuals that could be found in no other place than here. And every one of them has helped me, in their own way, on my path to take what I do to the next level.

So to all those folks (you know who you are, and I've got the pictures to prove it), I'd just like to give a heartfelt "THANK YOU".

And to all the exceptionally awesome and creative people I haven't yet had the pleasure to meet or work with, DROP ME A LINE! :)

Why i am | on myspace

1. To network, meet people, make friends, and build positive & mutually beneficial relationships. 2. To get an awareness of my name & services out into the world. 3. To invite opportunity in any form and to help create opportunities for others.

Who i would | like to meet

I would love to meet people with whom I can collaborate on projects that are greater than the sum or their parts. But in general, I love to meet highly motivated, creative, and positive people. Artists, actors, authors, athletes, models, musicians, dancers, performers, comedians, and anyone who feels they have something inside (a gift, a talent, an idea, a story...) that they want share with the world. People who are genuine, real people, not cardboard cutouts. People who are either passionate about what they do or who are passionate about what they hope to do. People who make things happen.

If any of the above describes you, don't be shy. Please drop me a line, a telegram, or even a smoke signal.

zero dean's | info

real name zero dean
age thirty five
sign capricorn
status in a relationship
orientation straight
body five nine | athletic
here to network, make friends
grew up in small town, maine
smoke / drink no / yes
occupation photographer & digital artist

zero dean's | interests

misc anything that keeps me fit
music a little of everything
television 24 and more soon
books coming soon
heroes coming soon
movies coming soon

zero dean's | free shoots?

Everyone wants a free shoot, but can you actually get one? Yes, you can if you're on the list.

Get all the details here.

zero dean's | rates & services

Wondering about what I do and how much it costs? See the rates & services section of my web site.

zero dean's | parting words "thanks to you!"

Thanks to everyone for stopping by. Please feel free to leave comments! (note: No HTML)

sign zero's | guestbook | view comments


A little bit of everything really... Blink 182, U2, Cold Play, Jack Johnson, Colin Hay, My Chemical Romance, She Wants Revenge, The Fray, Gnarls Barkley, Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, "80's hits", "90's hits". Peter Gabriel's "In Your Eyes", probably my favorite song ever, followed by U2's "Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For".


Say Anything, Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid, Lawrence of Arabia, Galaxy Quest, Gladiator, Jerry Maguire, The Princess Bride, The Shawshank Redemption, Cool Hand Luke, Aliens, The Abyss, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Iron Giant, The Sixth Sense


I enjoy it, but don't watch much TV. When I do, it's usually on DVD at my own pace. However, here are some of my favorites: 24, Lost, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Farscape, The Office (UK & US), The Simpsons, South Park, Fawlty Towers, Invader Zim, Inside the Actor's Studio, and depending on my mood, almost anything on VH1 (I know, I'm sick), Discovery, National Geographic, History, or the Travel Channel (Samantha Brown rocks). And I love anything that teaches me stuff.


I love "imagination" and the "escape" that books provide. Many of my favorites involve times & places that didn't actually exist by authors like Orson Scott Card (especially the Ender's Game "trilogy"), Douglas Adams, Tad Williams, and Melanie Rawn. But I'll read any genre, really. I've been enjoying Deepak Chopra lately, actually. Calvin & Hobbes still rocks.


Dreamers who are doers and anyone who overcomes adversity and great challenges to accomplish their goals. I've rather liked this Leonardo Da Vinci guy since I was a teen (which, if you can't tell, was well before the "code").

My Blog

Attn: Relocating to San Diego!

Hi Folks - I just wanted to get the word out that as of Sept 1st, 2007, I will no longer be working from Los Angeles (Santa Monica), and will instead be based out of San Diego (Carlsbad/Vist...
Posted by Zero Dean Photography on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 10:52:00 PST

Free Photo Shoot Opportunity 2/28/2007 - 1pm

Here we go again... :) This email is intended to inform you of the availability of a short notice photo shoot testing opportunity. To read more about my free photo shoot announcements list, read this ...
Posted by Zero Dean Photography on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 09:37:00 PST

Free Photo Shoot Opportunity 2/27/2007 - 1pm

Hey Folks - This email is intended to inform you of the availability of a short notice photo shoot testing opportunity. To read more about my free photo shoot announcements list, read this blog entry....
Posted by Zero Dean Photography on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 09:47:00 PST

Photographer Q&A: What Can An Actor Do To Achieve The Best Shoot?

DISCLAIMER: All opinions expressed here are strictly my own and have also been known to change over time. I am a work-in-progress. I am not always right. I do not consider myself an expert at anything...
Posted by Zero Dean Photography on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 12:52:00 PST

Filmmakers, I Will Photograph Your Production.

Anyone who really knows me knows that I loves films (well, the good ones, at least) and I've always had a fascination with film making. In fact, back when I was knee-high to a grasshopper (or perhaps ...
Posted by Zero Dean Photography on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 02:17:00 PST

You Are What You Think You Are

I've been thinking about writing a blog entry on how many times I've seriously thought about giving up my newly found career and passion in order to go back to something a bit more "stable". I know,&...
Posted by Zero Dean Photography on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 03:54:00 PST

Free Photo Shoot Opportunities for Actors & Models

DISCLAIMER: All opinions expressed here are strictly my own and have also been known to change over time. I am a work-in-progress. I do not consider myself an expert at anything or necessarily unique...
Posted by Zero Dean Photography on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 09:05:00 PST

If You Don't Read, You Won't Know

I don't know where to begin with this one because if I don't start off right, then the people that this blog entry is for are going to miss it. (Oops, too late! I was just informed that those peo...
Posted by Zero Dean Photography on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 12:56:00 PST

Losing My Battle With MySpace Mail

DISCLAIMER: All opinions expressed here are strictly my own and have also been known to change over time. I am a work-in-progress. I am not always right. I do not consider myself an expert at anything...
Posted by Zero Dean Photography on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 10:05:00 PST

An Open Letter to LA Photographers

DISCLAIMER: All opinions expressed here are strictly my own and have also been known to change over time. I am a work-in-progress. I am not always right. I do not consider myself an expert at anything...
Posted by Zero Dean Photography on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 02:08:00 PST