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I will not die an unlived life!

About Me


If you really wanna know....

Hmmm. Who am I? You'd think I'd have this figured out by now. Don't get me wrong, I do know who I am. It's just not easy to put into words. Soooo, here's my best shot.I am a funny person....well actually I think I'm hilarious but some people are still too cool to laugh. I am a risk taker, that I know. I'm strangely more of a risk taker now than I use to be. I can walk in to a casino and toss down Benjamin on red just for the sheer satisfaction of telling the story of how I won...if I won. If I lost, I'd probably kick myself in the rear all night and slump just a little. It's hard for me to get over disappointment but I'm getting better. I'm not nearly as negative as I use to be. Ugly childhood experiences are now being overwhelming replaced with good ones....thanks to my husband. He's the man! I love him bunches and bunches. Probably too much. I tend to be a little needy. I need attention. Okay, let's face it.....I need a lot of attention. I realize this and although it may not be a desirable trait.... at least I'm being honest. I will wilt very quickly if I'm not getting enough. Lucky for me, my husbands got tons of love and affection to give so we make a perfect match. My health....blaah....could stand a quick pick me up. I'm not sick...just had a rough year. Pregnancy didn't suit me well but I'm on my way up. Oh yea, I am a new Mom. I didn't forget....I just thought I should mention it because it is a huge part of who I am now. I never was really a "baby" person. I guess I'm still not so please don't try and hand me your kid. I pretty much just love my baby and prefer holding her over others. If that makes me weird, mean, rude...whatever! That's just me. Oh and I speak my mind. I try to soften it now more than I use to because although I have no problems telling it like it is....others have a hard time hearing it. This makes for dislike and I do want people to like me. Please...anyone who says they "don't care what other people think" is lying. Everyone does. Ummm, let's see. Modeling...that is a passion of mine. Would I do it a heart beat? Would I do it today? Give a few more months and the gym and we'll see. I did just have a baby not too long ago. Can a Christian be a model? The answer to that is yes because I am. I am proud of the work I've done. I don't do nude. When it comes to modeling, my goal is to not sell out to the highest bidder. Basically if I can't go home and tell my grandma what recent job I've done or if I can't show her the pictures that I've put in public view, then I've gone too far. What else.... I love television. Yes....television. I know it's the "uncool" thing to like but I do. I watch soaps, I watch almost every reality tv show there is and I even like the cheese ball made for tv shows with "has been" actors and actresses. Hmmmm, I love snowboarding. Oh yes...I surely do. Love it to pieces. It's my favorite sport. I love lots of outdoor fun things like: going to Ruby's on the HB pier, the beach, the river...wakeboarding and waterskiing, both rock my socks. I like surfing. Only tried it once in Hawaii but I will try it again someday. I like sunny days and warm night unless I'm about to go shred it up. I like dancing, limo rides, VIP treatment and after parties. Hey, I am a model, that's what we do, ha! I love feeding ducks for some reason. Have you ever noticed how funny ducks look when they fly. Their long necks out in front and their wings pressed waaaaay back flapping super fast like they are in a big hurry. I crack up every time. You know I'm right. (This is where all the cool people are too cool to laugh like I was telling you) Back to me....Ahhh yes. Jesus. He saved my life. Literally. I could explain but how do you explain gratitude for something you can barely comprehend. Maybe this: It's as if you and a child or your child were standing in a parking lot and some thug walks up and points a gun at you. One of the two of you will die and despite your protests and pleading, this child...innocent of anything evil, perverted or disgusting, takes your place and saves your life. It's wrong, unfair, unjust but it happened and all you can do is live your life better than you were and be grateful despite not understanding why he or she did it. Now magnify this by the entire human race from the beginning of time until eternity. It's as if it happens over and over and over again for each person who finally gets that it was for them too. That's Jesus. He taught me my worth and value as a women and that I am to be cherished and not used and abused by men. I am forever grateful.

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My Interests

THIS SONG'S FOR YOU BABY GIRL!!!Snowboarding, wakeboarding, waterskiing, and now since my last trip to Hawaii, surfing.....but most of all snowboarding. I am still a fan of modeling although motherhood has taken front and center stage in my life. I'll hit that cat walk at least once more if I have anything to say about it. I love getting massages. I had my first official massage a few days ago and although it was nice and I can see why so many are addicted to was not nearly as good as Jeffrey gives so we'll see if I do that again. that's something I will never retire from. I'm gonna show my baby girl the world!

I'd like to meet:

I think I'd like to meet your Mom!

And Breakdance Babies
Oh and Derek Zoolander.


I still love 311 if you haven't figured that out already.

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The Devil Wears Prada, Braveheart, The Illusionist, Zoolander, Four Rooms, Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, True Romance, most Tarantino films except I can't watch the new grusome ones he's made or I'll get nightmares, Gone with the Wind, Drop Dead Gorgeous, Fried Green Tomatoes, Twister, A Man Called Rainbo, Bring It On, X-men, Lord of the Rings, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Return to Oz, A Bug's Life, Finding Nemo, Drop Dead Fred, and my more recently newly viewed favorites, Dust to Glory, One Night with the King....and I'll list more later.

Super Cat is Super Cool


Still a Survivor fan, can't help it.

ANTM of course and unfortunately...ABC soaps. All My Children, One Life to Live which I like to call the Todd Show, General Hospital. I got hooked when I wasn't working and since the the pregnacy bed rest, my addiction has only intensified. I'm hooked...what can I's embarrasing. Oh well. Now that I am a stay at home Mom, what else am I supposed to do with all my tons of free relaxing time...yeah right! Star Trek...captian Kirk days as well as Bicard but no further than that, My So Called Life before it got yanked, Savannah if anyone remembers that show, Dr. Keith Ablow, and I'll more later.


Happy Mama's Day Mama! I love churros! And the Jungle Cruise! Ya fired....Momeee! Dis my trick with Daadeee! Can I have anything I want Daaadeee!


Jesus. Name one other person who has saved my life by dying for me.

Jessica Simpson
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My Blog

The Secret To Happiness

I had a very relaxing weekend.  Actually it was a weekend jam packed with life's events but I somehow feel refreshed to start my week.  I went to a baby shower on Saturday afternoon followed...
Posted by :::Melissa::: on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 12:42:00 PST

When Nature Calls

So again at Wal-Mart&I had to go to the restroom.  Don't ask my why I've now had two funky restroom experiences at Wal-Mart.  Really, I don't hang out there or anything.   Anyway, natu...
Posted by :::Melissa::: on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 02:34:00 PST

What came first, the pervert or the telescope?

Why do I always start my blogs off with the word - So? Anyway. So Jeff, Munchkin and I went to Rubies on the pier for lunch last Sunday.  As we were walking out, we noticed a few "dirt bags" oog...
Posted by :::Melissa::: on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 05:29:00 PST


I want to touch on the subject of gentlemen and the definition of.   The dictionary describes it as: a man whose conduct conforms to a high standard of propriety or correct behavior  ...
Posted by :::Melissa::: on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 10:43:00 PST

Hi Mom!!!

Last night we were invited to a BBQ.  Steaks!!!  A free home cooked meal and I get to let my daughter run around while I eat...priceless.  How could I refuse th...
Posted by :::Melissa::: on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 02:50:00 PST

Double Dip

Before Jeff and I expanded our family to three, we used to have a regular date night.  Every Friday night we would go out to eat or to a movie and just enjoy each others company.  One of our...
Posted by :::Melissa::: on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 10:34:00 PST

True Love vs Ghetto Love

True love vs Ghetto Love   Well I think there are two ways you can find love.  1.  The way normal people do and 2. Ghetto style.   The first way is the way most find someone. ...
Posted by :::Melissa::: on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 05:23:00 PST

She couldn't spare a square!

So last night we Jeff decided that would would get our daughter some fishies and a little fish tank.  After dinner, we went over to Walmart because, as you know, Walmart is always open. We ...
Posted by :::Melissa::: on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 10:35:00 PST

Like a good neighbor...

Setting the scene: So a few of you know that Miranda and I just recently had the flu.   It was nasty but we healed up pretty fast.  Just a week after feeling better, Jeff came down with...
Posted by :::Melissa::: on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 05:55:00 PST

Myspace Friends

Myspace Friends:   So I had a play date with a friend of mine today.  Actually the play date was for my daughter.  It was her first one and she seemed to love it.   We got on the s...
Posted by :::Melissa::: on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 07:54:00 PST