Axel profile picture


Axel von Fersen - Swedish Count, Soldier, Statesman and veteran of Yorktown and American Revolution,

About Me

My profile here at myspace is in two parts1st - My historic alter ego, the romantic defender of the ill-fated Queen in the French Revolution, a historic character I've always had an interest in.
2nd - The person behind the name, in 21st century America, with interest in music, art, sports, film and yes... progressive politics. For that look to my blogs above or drill deeper down into my profile below. This includes my new theme song for June 2007 and latest video added in honor of our veterans on Memorial Day 2007, James McMurtry's WE CAN'T MAKE IT HERE ANYMORE. Hope you enjoy the listen and will check out the video further below. The video is a fine collage of images to go along with this song. It aptly tells the tale of contemporary America, in many respects A TALE OF TWO CITIES or as John Edwards described it a tale of two Americas. Count Axel von Fersen .. I first came to France in 1774. And soon met the princess to whom I would be linked for the rest of my life...MARIE ANTOINETTE...
In old Marie Antoinette Novel:
Swedish count to the court of France. Friend of Queen Marie Antoinette of increasing intimacy. Friend in good times and bad whose loyalty was tested by the furnace of Revolution but never wavered.
(Images of my queen, appear in my Pics - so please do View: Pics - your comments on these pics of Marie Antoinette are most welcome. Love to see comment on the Queen. *smiles*)
In the time of Revolution, I would risk my life to try to gain freedom for the king and my beloved Queen. But the fates were against the royla couple, as shown in this English cartoon from 1791 "French Democrats surprising the Royal Runaways".Below is the banner for the MARIE ANTOINETTE novel - please do visit and join us

That novel is no longer active. But at this link - Marie Antoinette Novel you can see the remnants. (if the link does not work here is the http - tion/ please do visit) That site is one of several sites of which the main one is Images of Marie Antoinette From that MARIE ANTOINETTE novel and its predecessor at my olde home The History Vine, I’ve reconstructured a bit of our story of The Queen and me, with my “home” and “Mission Statement” and "Biography-Study" from the olde history vine.. *smile* My home deals with days before Revolution, my Mission Statement the perilous time to 1791 when I try to help the Queen to flee the Revolution. The Study - Biography is the time after that. I have left out for now the Study - Bio. And alas the old home was laden with pictures as mentioned in the text below that I am only just beginning to edit *sigh*
It will take me a while to finish the editing and to get those pictures up. But I love the wonderful home sites I've seen for so many at myspace. So, when those I've asked to be friends visit here, I do want you to see something.I have now at least done some editing and moved what was on this first page to my blog. I have also for that blog tracked down some pictures. I look forward to your comments on my blogs, on my pictures of Queen Marie Antoinette, and on this home dedicated to my Queen - most loving, most loved of women.
.. In my blog, I have put up now three entries, first a bit about THE MARIE ANTOINETTE NOVEL, that was once on Panhistoria, then 2nd my HOME ENTRANCE circa 1774-78, the time of my first arrival and the first flowing of my relationship with Marie Antoinette, and then 3rd STUDY _WARROOM which is 1791 in the midst of the French Revolution. The king and queen under house arrest at the Tuileries in Paris and my attemtp to rescue them. Comments, Debate ... Also, as a follow-up to your visit here, please do visit my yahoo group, with photos, deabates, polls, links to other sites and online materials. To visit this world of Marie Antoinette...., click here - Images of Marie Antoinette ...Here also is a video of the current Marie Antoinette movie, by Sofia Coppola, starring Kirsten Dunst in the title role.In my blog I comment on this movie. My yahoo site also has a poll about which actress would make the best Marie Antoinette, now or in the classic 1930s 1940s era.This Sofia Coppola movie focuses on the Queen's arrival in France and her early years as a teen and 20-something queen - her party-girl years.
The movie was shown at the Cannes Film Festival and is due for release in USA in October. For more comments based on reviews I've seen, see my blog. Your replies to my comments and your own view of movie are welcome in reply to my blog.Would you like to see the trailer of this movie? and clips form it - to preview and judge it for yourself?I've also set up a separate "Axel' movies: Marie Antoinette" blog where you can see those and also other recent and not so recent Marie Antoinette movies or movie clips that feature her. These are highlights of my collection of over 120 MA clips at YOUTUBE. So, please do check out that new blog. If you like leave comments on the clips you like or dont. *smiles* .......
My homesite here at myspace has been all about Marie Antoinette as reflected above. However, my interests, loves and passions extend far beyond this queen in history. Those more diverse interests are reflected in the friends I've tried to make here at myspace.
In the space below I'm placing some more highlight videos that speak to my other interests and passions that I hope will be enjoyed by friends at myspace. Five actual videos show below with jackets from two more I couldn’t find. However, beyond this quick sampling I plan to create a new blog “Axel’s movies II – History, Drama, Sport and the Human Spirit” which will offer a broader sampling of 50 or so movies that I enjoy and inspire me and I hope you as well. ?
So again, here are the first seven (7) with more to follow when I set up the new blog “Axel’s movies II”.
EVELYN (2002) starring Pierce Brosnan, Julianna Margulies, Aidan Quinn, Stephen Rey, Alan Bates, Sophie Vavasseur, Frank Kelly, John Lynch, Luke Hayden, Don Foley
Here is a new link to the trailer for "Evelyn" (3-8-08) - EVELYN TrailerPS 4-8-07 EVELYN is a gem of a picture and this trailer gives an excellent feel for so much of this can't miss film. And today's our lucky day! Here are two html's to seven different film clips from the movie 4 video clips from EVELYN4 more EVELYN video clips (with just one overlapping from four clips above)
Here's two html to further EVELYN sites, inlcuding letter by Irishborn Pierce Brosnan about this film - 6-6-07 Further footage of the film EVELYN with the song Video and song "Angel Rays (watch over you)"
PS2 4-8-07 AXEL VIDEOS II, III, IV - I've also added many new links as well as htmls to my Video blogs today ..trailers for BREAKER MORANT, THE MOLLY MAGUIRES, SEPARATE BUT EQUAL and other movies and music videos for HANK WILLIAMS, THE WEAVERS and others just found. So, hope you will visit my blogs and perhaps comment too :))
CASABLANCA (1943) starring Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman, Claude Raines*** MEMORIAL DAY 2007 SPECIAL *****
"WE CAN'T MAKE IT HERE ANYMORE" by James McMurtry in tribute to those in service, those who sacrifice and those who gave all for the United States.Z (1968) film by Costa-Gavras, starring Yves Montand, Irene Papas, Jean-Louis Trintignant">
No link – to video footage. Sorry, none found yet :(, but i'm still looking ;) Here at least is the music…
To yelastro pedi – Theme to Z – music of Mikis Theodorakis
5-5-07: Still no movie clips, but I'm getting closer :) Below are links to video of a political concert filmed by the director Nikos Koundouros in 1974 ("Ta tragoudia tis fotias"), just after the end of the Greek dictatorship. 1st - Maria Farantouri sings TO GELASTO PEDI (1974) Mikis Theodorakis is leading accompaniment at this wonderful concert. 2nd - Maria Farantouri sings PIOS DEN MILA YIA TI LABRI (Mikis Theodoarakis again leading accompaniment and singing along too)(1974) - The power of this song! its role in the movie "Z", and the timing of this concert with the junta overthrown - the passion is palpable.
When you see "Z", it's worth staying through the credits. Those credits end with the chilling saying (if memory serves me) "Any similarities between the scenes shown and real events are not by chance. They are INTENTIONAL." Here are bios of two Greeks of great courage who lived "Z": Gregoris Lambrakis (fallen leader), Christos Sartzetakis (intrepid prosecutor). PS 10-11-07 - ***Just added*** SCENES FROM THROUGHOUT THE MOVIE "Z" Alas no English subtitles for this French language film, but hopefully, those (like me) lingusitically-challenged, can still get an understanding of the film. And then, as a bonus feature, this combination of scenes from the film "Z" ends, and is fillowed by a series of photos from the life of the real Gregoris Lambrakis. These photos include a photo of Mr. Lambrakis to which the actor who plays him Yves Montand bears close resemblance. Seeing these photos (that I don't recall from seeing the original 1969 film) really brings home how close the film is to the real historic drama it depicts.PS 5-5-07: Also in Axel's Movies II, just added more video from movies THE NATURAL (1982) and GLORY (1989).
Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.) - Democratic Response to Bush "State of the Union" speech - 2007
4-28-07: See also, this online article by retired Lt. Gen. William Odom who is neither a Democrat nor a Republican but who nonethless gave the April 28, 2007 Democratic response the Bush weekly radio address on April 28, 2007. Odom's radio response urged Bush to sign leglation just passed by the Congress to fund troops and set a deadline to begin bringing them home after over 4 years of the US-Iaq war and occupation.
Why do we stay? Why shouldn't all US forces leave Iraq within 3-4 months? Questions the press should be asking. by Lt. Gen. (retired) William E. Odom
This article takes 9 standard assertions made by Bush, Cheney and their apologists for why the US stays in Iraq, and carefully answers each one. The amazing thing??... what Gen. Odom wrote as posted 2 years ago... the Bush arguments to stay and the common sense answers to each, are just as applicable today.
A WALK IN THE CLOUDS (1995) starring Keanu Reaves, Aitana Sánchez-Gijón, Anthony Quinn, Giancarlo Giannini A tribute to "Walk in The Clouds" this beautiful film of honor and integrity in old California circa 1945, this tribute to the sound of Ravel's Bolero.
Mariachi seranade
Pedro, meet Paul Sutton
EXODUS (1960) starring Paul Newman, Eva Marie-Saint, Lee J. Cobb, Ralph Richardson, Sal Mineo, Peter Lawford
Here’s a link to EXODUS sound track. Unfortunately, this youtube posting was marred by two illinformed comments (mainly "atlantic965"). I have posted eleven (11) replies to set the historic record straight (replies are limited to 500 characters). If you go to oldest comment - by atlantic965 - then look for my reply and read from oldest to most recent. Hopefully, ordering not too confusing. Hope my comments will be read by those who visit. And hope people will use this link - soundtrack so beautiful and evocative of important movie and story told.
Soundtrack and credits to the Otto Preminger movie EXODUS
PS 4-27-07 - Ok!! Found it. Here is a tailer with footage from the film
Highlights and trailer for movie EXODUS
SEABISCUIT (2003) starring Jeff Bridges, Chris Cooper, Tobey McGuire .."INTRODUCING THE ... i-RACK" (2007)The new invention impacting all America...the iRACK “Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed.”
Quote from remarks of President Bush (in flight jacket costume above), May 1, 2003 from the USS Abraham Lincoln at Sea Off the Coast of San Diego, California. As backdrop behind Mr. Bush for this televised speech, May 1, 2003, the ship's bridge displayed a large banner
"MISSION ACCOMPLISHED".O BROTHER WHERE ART THOU (2004) starring John Turturro, Tim Blake Nelson, George Clooney
Here’s a link to film footage and some of the film’s wonderful country blue grass music…
Man of Constant Sorry by the Soggy Bottom Boys
THE LIFE AND TIMES OF HANK GREENBERG (1998) film by Aviva Kempner includes interviews with Walter Matthau, Sen. Carl Levin, Charlie Gehringer, Bob Feller and many others in and out of baseball.
No link – to video footage. Sorry, none found yet :(, but i'm still looking ;) Here is a link to sound footage and an interview with the film maker…
Interview and sound clips on NPR “All Things Considered”
EL NORTE (1983) film by Gregory Nava, starring Zaide Silvia Gutierrez, David Villalpando, Ernesto Gomez Cruz, Alicia Del Lago, Trinidad Silva
No link – to video footage. Alas, no sound footage either. It’s another immigrant’s story. But this time not a fomous baseball player. Just a real story made 25 years ago. But a story that could have been made last week. The story of an immigrant’s experience coming to the United States today …immigrants as people… a story rarely seen… Here is a bit more from a film critic Roger Ebert’s “Overlooked Film Festival”
PS#1 5-20-07 Still no trailers of videos for EL NORTE but here is a link to a site with a wealth of information on this movie including images from it and all kinds of background on the movie and its filming Wikipedia - EL NORTE, the movie
PS#2 5-20-07 Here is a song to go along with the movie EL NORTE. It was a song written by Woody Guthrie: "Plane Wreck at Los Gatos (Deportees)." Guthrie composed the song after reading, early in 1948, that a plane deporting migrant farm workers back to Mexico had crashed. Accoring to Joe Klein, Woody Guthrie: A Life, London, 1981,( , this song was the last great song Guthrie wrote, a memorial to the nameless migrants "all scattered like dry leaves" in Los Gatos Canyon, where the plane crashed.... The song, as he wrote it, was virtually without music -- Woody chanted the words -- and [the song] wasn't performed publicly until a decade later when a schoolteacher named Martin Hoffman1 added a beautiful melody and Pete Seeger began singing it in concerts.... The version below is by Christy Moore in 1979. All they were was just Deportees
DID YOU SEE JACKIE ROBINSON HIT THAT BALL? (1949) song by Woodrow Johnson, Count Basie Orchestra. Sung here by Natalie Cole
4-23-08 - Here's a link I just got to the original count Basie orchestra version…
Did you see Jackie Robinson hit that ball?
For a further link that includes a montage of Natalie Cole singing the famous 1949 song interspersed with footage of the legendary Jackie Robinson ant the revolution he wrought in the major leagues and well beyond, as an authentic American hero and true profile in courage obinson-Hit-That-Ball/index.htmlPS 6-6-07Beyond that, here are some further videos Buck O'Neal recalls Jackie Robinson a Brooklyn 1997 tribute to Jackie Robinson that discusses Jim Crow and the Negro Leagues, the context of Jackie Robinson and his lasting contribution to America's advance in race relations Before and After Jackie (Jackie Robinson 1997)

My Interests

My interests are history, sports, politics, film and music. I have special interest in Marie Antoinette and own and moderate a yahoo website about the queen - her history, times, images, fashions, and depictions of her - in art, film, fiction and non-fiction. Images of Marie Antoinette .........but also interests beyond my character in other areas of history, drama, cinema, sports, literature, politics, music and the media....with my other passions and interests listed below *smiles*... see also my blogs for "Axel's videos"

I'd like to meet:

People who are interested in world history, Marie Antoinette, and the French and American Revolutions, and depictions of them in film, art and literature..........but also other people in contemporary progressive politics, and of the progressive era in US and world history - the Kennedys, both Roosevelts, Truman, Lafollete, Susan B. Anthony, Frederick Douglass, MLK, Thurgood Marshall, Louis Brandeis, Clarence of the Revolution like John Adams, Sam Adams, Washington, Hamilton, Monroe, Tom Paine... here and across the pond... Mirabeau, Danton, Robepierre... Wolf Tone, Robert Emmett, and the 19th century J.Q. Adams, Clay, Calhoun & Webster, Andrew Jackson & John Marshall, Tecumseh, Lincoln, Grant, Lee, Joseph E. Johnston and Sherman... Napoleon and Wellington...Bolivar, Garibadi, Cavour, Bismark, Disraeli, Daniel O'Connell, Parnell, Pearse, Conooly, De Valera, Collins and the the men 1916.... Hertzl, Ben Gurion, Weitzmann, Ben Yehuda, Bialik, Jabotinsky, Anilewicz, Rabin, Begin, Dayan, Golda Meir, Anwar Sadat.... and figures from the sports world - Jackie Robinson, Babe Ruth, Satchal Page, Spahn & Sain, Chrisy Matthewson, Lou Gehrig, Hank Greenberg, Dizzy Dean, John McGraw, Hank Aaron, Willy Mays, Joe Dimaggio, Carl Yastrzemski, Kirby Puckett, Ozzie Smith, Joe Lewis, Rocky Marciano, Jack Johnson, Jimmy Braddock, Bill Russell, Wilt Chamberlain, Jerry West, Johnny Havelicek, Red Auerbach, Rocket Richard, Bobby Orr, Jen Beliveau, Bobby Hull, Pele, Franz Beckenbauer, Jesse Owens, Red Grange, Mike Ditka, Sammy Baugh, George Gip, Joe Montana, Johnny Unitas, Jim Brown, Troy Brown, Tom Brady.... the heros like Jimmy Stuart, Henry Fonda, Harrison Ford, Tom Hanks, Jean-Louis Tritignant, Ingrid Birgman, Lana Turner, Vivien Leigh, Simon Signoret, Catherine DeNeuve and those in the movies I list... and the singers i list, plus composers like Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert, Berlioz, Rimsky-Korsikoff, Moussorgsky... journalists and publicists Emile Zola, William Randolph Hearst, Woodword and Bernstein....artists Picasso, Rembrandt, Van Gough, Vigee LeBrun, what a party if all of them were there togwther *smiles*


Celtic (Wolftones, Clancy Bros, Tommy Makem, Dubliners, Paddy Reilly, Chieftains and more), Country (Hank Williams, Alan Jackson, Merle Haggard, Patsy Cline, Dolly Parton, Johnny Cash, George Strait, Garth Brooks, Suzy Boggus, Vince Gill, Pam Tillis, Willie Nelson, Mary Chapin-Carpenter, Josh Turner and more), Bluegrass (Bill Monroe, Ricky Skaggs, Alison Krauss & Union Station and more), Israeli (Naomi Shemer, Chava Alberstein and more), Folk (Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, Weavers, Tom Rush, Phil Small, Bill Staines, Tom Paxton, Judy Collins, Tom Rush, Kingston Trio and more), Motown (The Supremes, the Temptations, Anthony and the Imperials and more)


Z, Evelyn, It's A Wonderful life, Capra-corn - Meet John Doe, Witness, Exodus, Missing, The Official Story, Grapes of Wrath, Apollo 13, Cinderella Man, Million dollar Baby, The Unforgiven, Dirty Harry, Seven Days in May, Mancurian Candidate, 12 Angry Men, To Kill a Mockingbird, Return of Martin Guerre, Sothersby, the Shipping News, Casablanca, Woman of the Year, Good-bye Girl, Tootsie, Butch Cassidy & Sundance Kid, All the President's Men, Julia, Shawshank Redemption, Dave, Michael Collins, The Wooden Gun, Hill 24 Does not Answer, I love you Rosa, Ship of Fools, Lodz Ghetto, Partisans of Vilna, Munich, The Informer, Sound of Music, Wizard of Oz, His Girl Friday, Shane, High Noon, For Whom the Bell Tolls, Spartacus.


PBS, the American Experience, Ken Burns stories, Baseball, the Civil War, NewYork, US-Mexican War. Newshour, Washington Week, NOW, Masterpiece Theatre and BBC imports, Town Like Alice, I Claudius, Battlefield, Elizabeth R, By the Sword Divided, A Very British Coup, Danger UXB, Poldark. Some commercial TV - David Kelley shows - Hill St Blues, LA Law, the Practice, Boston Legal. Desparate Housewives. NPR RADIO, Country Radio - love Country Top 40. A&E The American Revolution. Classic TV - the Honeymooners, Twilight Zone, the Outer Limits, Wagon Train.


Robert McCollough's books - Harry Truman, John Adams, 1776. Doris Kearns Goodwin - Kennedys and Fitzgeralds, Team of Rivals. Ton Flanigan - The Year of the French, Tenants in Time. John Grisham - A Time to Kill, The Firm, The Client, The Partner, The Chamber, Rainmaker and more. John Clavell - Shogun, Taipan, King Rat.


Jackie Robinson, Abraham Lincoln, Yitzhak Rabin, Harry Truman, Anwar Sadat, Nelson Mandella, Mohandes Gandhi, John Adams, Woody Guthrie, Martin Luther King, Alfred Dreyfus, Joan of Arc, Winston Churchill, Michael Collins, Hank Greenberg, Chief Joseph, Thurgood Marshall, Emile Zola, George Washington, Thomas Edison, Benjamin Disraeli, Paul Robeson, John Quincy Adams, Simon Bolivar, Frankin Roosevelt, Clarence Darrow, Hurricane Carter, Buck Leonard, Sydney Poitier, Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Barbara Streisand.

My Blog

Tommy Makem

  Tommy Makem, who played with the Clancy Brothers during the 1950s and 1960s, died of lung cancer on Aug. 1, 2007. (Canadian Press) Twas my pleasure to see Tommy Makem live.  To share his ...
Posted by Axel on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 07:56:00 PST

Axel's Videos V - History, Music, Sport and Human Spirit (34-52)

34.  I HAVE A DREAM (1963) Speech of Rev. Martin Luther King on steps of Lincoln Memorial before 200,000 in the great march on ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:sma...
Posted by Axel on Sat, 12 May 2007 11:46:00 PST

Axel's movies I - Marie Antoinette

This blog contains clips from movies about Marie Antoinette.  It is intended as a highlights blog or "greatest hits (available)" blog with 10 or so of my favorite Marie Antoinette movie clips f...
Posted by Axel on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 11:22:00 PST

Axel's Movies II - History, Drama, Sport and the Human Spirit (No. 1-9)

What follows are links to video clips and trailers that I enjoy seeing and that when I see them they make me feel inspired.  Film can do that for me and I hope for you as well. In Axel's Movies I...
Posted by Axel on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 12:55:00 PST

Axel Videos III - History, Music, Sport & the Human Spirit (No. 10-20)

Axel Videos III  History, Drama, Music, Sport and the Human Spirit  (No. 10-20) ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />  This blog is a continuation of Axe...
Posted by Axel on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 02:50:00 PST

Axel's Videos IV - History, Music, Sport and the Human Spirit (No, 21-33)

21.       LIAM CLANCY  THE BAND PLAYED WALTZING MATILDA     22.       HIGH NOON (1952) starring Gary Cooper, Grace ...
Posted by Axel on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 06:04:00 PST

MARIE ANTOINETTE: The roleplay novel at Panhistoria

Below is the banner for the MARIE ANTOINETTE novel that existed at Panhistoria from 2000 to 2004.  It was a roleplay novel, where different participants at Panhistoria took on characters real and...
Posted by Axel on Fri, 27 Oct 2006 06:11:00 PST

July 14, 2006: Happy Bastille Day. But Anniversary of French republic on different date

Yes, it is 217 years since the first Bastille Day - July 14, 1789 but not since the birth the French republic as I reply below C'est jour important - c'est vrai. Yes, Napoleon, July 14 is an impo...
Posted by Axel on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 02:40:00 PST

Marie Antoinette movie by Sofia Coppola

In my profile, I posted today a video of the current Marie Antoinette movie, by Sofia Coppola, starring Kirsten Dunst in the title role of the Queen.   I have not seen the movie.  ...
Posted by Axel on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 10:10:00 PST

Warroom - Mission Statement - 1791 Flight for Freedom

 ****AXEL ANTOINETTES MISSION STATEMENT WARROOM**** I fear for my dear sweet Antoinette. I fear for safety of this galant lady as the tides of Revolution rise ever higher and threaten to sink ...
Posted by Axel on Sun, 04 Jun 2006 09:08:00 PST