Politics are like tradewinds; the course we need take often depends on the weather. - .....Poetry was my passion, politics my strife. - .....God must be a Communist, He invented families -....
Il Postino (1994)An Italian fisherman learns the ways of love and poetry while delivering mail to exiled Chilean poet Pablo Neruda. The fact of his naiveté in romantic matters is delivered by his daily arrival on a bicycle.http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/LAC.200 70504.SCOTSIDE04/TPStory/TPEntertainment/Movies/The love poetry Patch Adams (Robin Williams) read to Corinne Fisher (Monica Potter) in the movie Patch Adams was from Pablo Neruda's "100 Love Sonnets : Cien sonetos de amor".Spanglish The Simpsons
Books, I've written and translations:CREPUSCULARIO, 1923 VEINTE POEMAS DE AMOR Y UNA CANCÃON DESESPERADA, 1924 - Twenty Love Songs and a Song of Despair ed.: PÃGINAS ESCOGIDAS DE ANATOLE FRANCE, 1924 RESIDENCIA EN LA TIERRA (1925-31) - Residence on Earth TENTIVA DEL HOMBRE INFINITO, 1926 - Attempt of the Infinite Man ANILLOS, 1926 - Rings EL HABITANTE Y SU ESPERANZA, 1926 EL HONDERO ENTUSIASTA, 1933 - Enthusiastic Slingshooter RECIDENCIA EN LA TIERRE, 1933-35 - Residence on Earth ESPAÑA EN EL CORAZÓN, 1937 (Espagne au coeur, foreword by Luis Aragon) LAS FURIAS Y LAS PENAS, 1939 NERUDA ENTRE NOSOTROS, 1939 'Un canto para BolÃvar', 1941 'Canto de amor para Stalingrado', 1942 'Nuevo canto de amor a Stalingrado', 1943 CANTOS DE PABLO NERUDA, 1943 SUS MEJORES VERSOS, 1943 SELECCIÓN, 1943 (ed. by Arturo Aldunante Phillips) Selected Poems, 1944 SALUDO AL NORTE Y A STALINGRADO, 1945 CUATRO DISCURSOS, 1945 (with others) TERCERA RESIDENCIA, 1947 RESIDENCIA EN LA TIERRA, 1947 DULCE PATRIA, 1949 CANTO GENERAL, 1950 - Canto General / General Song LOS VERSOS DEL CAPITÃN, 1952 - The Captain's Verses TODO EL AMOR, 1953 POESÃA POLÃTICA, 1953 (2 vols.) Le chant général, 1954 (ill. by Fernand Léger) Pablo Neruda, choix de poèmes, 1954 (ed. and trans. by Jean Marcenac) Tout l'amour, 1954 (ed. by Pierre Segners) LAS UVAS Y EL VIENTO, 1954 ODAS ELEMENTALES I-III, 1954-57 - Elementary Odes NUEVAS ODAS ELEMENTALES, 1956 TERCER LIBRO DE LAS ÓDAS, 1957 OBRAS COMPLETAS, 1957 ESTRAVAGARIO, 1958 - Extravagaria NAVEGACIONES Y REGRESOS, 1959 CIEN SONETOS DEL AMOR, 1960 - One Hundred Love Sonnets CANSIÓN DE GESTA, 1960 - Song of Protest LAS PIEDRAS DE CHILE, 1960 - Stones of Chile CANTOS CEREMONIALES, 1960 Selected Poems of Pablo Neruda, 1961 PLENOS PODERES, 1962 - Fully Empowered SUMARIO, 1963 MEMORIAL DE LA ISLA NEGRA, 1964 (5 vols.) - Isla Negra, A Notebook ARTE DE PÃJAROS, 1966 - Art of Birds LA CASA DE ARENA, 1966 - The House in the Sand FALGOR Y MUERTE DE JOAQUÃN MURIETA, 1967 - The Splendour and Death of JoaquÃn Murieta LAS MANOS DEL DÃA, 1968 COMIENDO EN HUNGARÃA, 1969 - Sentimental Journey around the Hungarian Cuisine FIN DEL MUNDO, 1969 AÚN, 1969 Early Poems, 1969 A New Decade, 1969 AÚN, 1969 - Still Another Day LA ESPADA ENCENDIDA, 1970 LAS PIEDRAS DEL CIELO, 1970 - Stones of the Skies GEOGRAFÃA INFRUCTUOSA, 1972 OBRAS COMPLETAS, 1973 ( 3 vols.) CONFIESO QUE HE VIVIDO, 1973 - Memoirs - Tunnustan eläneeni INCITACIÓN AL NIXONCIDIO Y ALABANZA DE LA REVOLUCÃON CHILENA, 1973 - A Call for the Destruction of Nixon and Praise for the Chilean Revolution 2000, 1974 - translated as 2000 EL MAR Y LAS CAMPANAS, 1974 - The Sea and the Bells ELEGÃA, 1974 Five Decades, 1974 EL CORAZÓN AMARILLO, 1974 EL LIBRO DE PREGUNTAS, 1974 JARDÃN DE INVIERNO, 1974 - Winter Garden LA ROSA SEPARADA, 1974 - The Separate Rose DEFECTOS ESCOGIDOS, 1974 PARA NACER HE NACIDO, 1977 - Passions and Impressions EL FIN DE VIAJE, 1982 Late and Posthumous Poems 1968-1975, 1988 Pablo Neruda: Selected Poems, 1990 (trans. by Anthony Kerrigan) The Poetry of Pablo Neruda, 2003 (ed. by Ilan Stavans) The Essential Neruda, 2004 (ed. by Mark Eisner) http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/neruda.htmIsla Negra - Pablo Neruda Museum - Santiago Chile
First Muse, Albertina Azócar My Wives, Matilde Urrutia, Delia del Carril, Maryka Antonieta Hagenaar Vogelzangand daughter,Malva Marina Trinidad