I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4I believe in Learning from your Heroes but not becoming them.I believe in Quality not Quantity.I believe that a lot of us have lost our way - and are unable to get back because we don't recognize that we are lost.I believe that most of the people that smile at me are are hiding something.I believe our Governments Smile at us the most.I believe that God is in everything - and saying that we were made in God's Image is an insult to Gods everywhere.I am a Minimalist, a Survivalist, and a Constitutionalist who believes in a true way of life that does not recognize Authority or Convenience.I am an Astronomer peering into the Universe of our Being, looking for the Big Bang/Holy Spirit of us all.I have died and come back to life.
Welcome Home.I have been Writing for 15 years. I have recently finished working on two new books - my first Book: Poems for the Short-Term Memory was released earlier in 2007, published by Cornerstone Books. It is available at most book retailers and their affiliated websites including Amazon.com. If you would like a signed copy you can contact me by email at the link below and make a request. Other than writing, I am performing my poetry to the music of HOBO/MONK. If you have a couple seconds scroll up and check out our show listings. Maybe you can make the time to catch us Live if you don't have to Work, there's nothin on T.V., the Computer is off, and your Cellphone is dead - did I miss anything?
If you are interested in having the Band perform at your Venue, having me perform at a reading, or having book signings please email me at: [email protected] Robert Fraser
To purchase a signed copy of Poems for the Short-Term Memory click the [email protected]