================================= We had a ball playing with Sonny Rhodes at Levon Helm's MIDNIGHT RAMBLE! Here I am blowing twin harps with Little Sammy Davis. Photos of Sonny and Sammy are courtesy of Paul LaRaia. ================================= I have been a professional blues harp player for over thirty years and have toured the US and abroad with blues legends Sonny Rhodes and Blues Man Willie. My love of blues has placed me on stages with Clarence Clemmons, David Johanson, Levon Helm, Gatemouth Brown, Willie Dixon, and Taj Mahal to name a few.It has been a charmed life in that I have come to know the men and women that we regard as our musical heroes. I have great memories of the time I spent with them. However, it is the bevy of friends that I have made along the road that I cherish most.Please feel free to browse my website at www.bignancy.com or GIVE A LISTEN at www.myspace.com/courtsupreme. ============================== ==== PLEASE VISIT www.bignancy.com AND our band page www.myspace.com/courtsupreme ======= ==== VISIT www.bignancy.com AND the band page www.myspace.com/courtsupreme ======= ==============================Through the years....
Try the BEST MySpace Editor and MySpace Backgrounds at MySpace Toolbox ! =========================== Recently I was approached about doing a movie about the characters and culture of New Brunswick's Court Tavern. This is an excerpt. I spent a wonderful afternoon there with the first man to play music in the Court Tavern and the man who got me started... Bob White. There amid the characters we played a little.... and laughed a lot! ========================== ===========================