Emmer Lou Harris profile picture

Emmer Lou Harris

I am here for Friends

About Me

It feels good to be good.

Check out my music weblog, Folk You!
Add my music weblog to your MySpace friends

.."http://www.myspace.com/peterkatz" target="blank"I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (www.strikefile.com/myspace)

My Interests

Music. The planet. Art. Check out Pat Lackenbauer's very cool journal, 'The Wandering Artoholic' (totally inspirational!):

I'd like to meet:

Mike Doughty, Zach Braff, Oprah.Yes, it's true, if you're a musician, I probably love you, but if I don't know you, or have never had any contact with you ever, I don't really want to be your MySpace friend. I am content with loving you from afar.


Good music. Live music. (Indie music.)
I'm into the folk-rock thing.
Apart from all the aweseome musicians in my top friends, je trippe sur the likes of THE FRAMES!!!!!!! Pete Yorn, Danny Michel, Sufjan Stevens, and Mike Doughty.
Music that has changed my life (a lot): The Polyjesters. Lindy. "The boys": Rob Szabo. Peter Katz. Scott Cooper. Billy gets honorable mention for bringing me to some of my best friends ever.


The Pillars of the Earth & World Without End by Ken Follett


Mr. Fuzessy. Donna. Jody. Daver. Jason, Sheldon, Rob, Scott & Peter who inspire me to no end. And ol' Flohil.

My Blog

Brew Up Some Company

Posted By:Folk you!Get this video and more at MySpace.com...
Posted by Emmer Lou Harris on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 12:04:00 PST