TimEbandit Powles profile picture

TimEbandit Powles

Tim Ebandit Powles- Spacejunk

About Me

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Tim Powles aka timEbandit is a New Zealand born producer currently residing in Sydney, Australia where he heads up Spacejunk Production House, a home for Spacejunk Studio's and Spacejunk the label.He is also a quarter of art rock group 'the church', www.thechurchband.com , and drummer/producer with the Beauty Queens, formed in the studio to record glam actor/singer Iota's latest album...With an upbringing and education of a broad and trans-global nature (NZ, Western Samoa, Fiji, England, France and Australia), Tim has a similar depth and massively eclectic musical and recording history from which to draw upon in his role as producer....Having started with a musical as opposed to technical background, his career path spans the most essential innovations in the contemporary music recording process (Pre MIDI /analogue/vinyl through to digital/hard disk/CD)and a reputation as one of Australia's most solid and diversely experienced drummers (The Church, Wons Phreely, Shelley Harland, Doc Neeson Acoustic, Knievel , IOTA , Jack Frost, The Divinyls, Rose Tattoo , Grant Mclennan, The Venetians, to name a few and miss a lot... ), Allowing instinct and "accident" to flourish and thrive are key ingredients on Tim's production canvas.Recently timebandit has finished albums/EPs for doc neeson (acoustic blue series), tracy redhead, astreetlightsong, george byrne, laura imbruglia, iota, hitchcocks regret (out on spacejunk), beautiful world, the wooden elves and more .... for updates and info on the timEbandit check out www.spacejunk.biz .Past productions include debut albums for skulker, the camels, jamison young, sarah mitchell, grant meffan and stella 1-11...

My Interests


Member Since: 4/25/2006
Band Website: spacejunk.biz
Band Members: Tim Powles- AKA -timebandit- tygs in space- norman singin polevaulter the 3rd
Influences: anything i've heard or felt since about 1964- OR ................
Sounds Like: if it sounds like something else then i dont want it.... make it your own
Record Label: Spacejunk
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

timEbandit n space till may 08

astreetlightsong - The asls boys have been hard at work in the studio with the TimEbandit and are due to release their second heavily anticipated Ep.the ocean floor- synth bass (timebandit grew up on...
Posted by TimEbandit Powles on Sun, 18 May 2008 05:06:00 PST

March to August 07 Updated! - timEbandits News n stuff in retrospect

What timEbandit's been doing.....Tracy Redhead's debut album is mixed ( a timEbandit production thoroughly done at SpacejunkIII ) and awaiting release on Perfect Sun thru Inertia-iOTA is nominated for...
Posted by TimEbandit Powles on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 06:33:00 PST

loads a Spacejunk news feb 2007

Loads of happenings in and around spacejunk studio and label as 2007 gets fully underway- in fact, starts to simply fly by.... Tracy Redheads debut album is due for mastering end of Feb, her 1st singl...
Posted by TimEbandit Powles on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 10:14:00 PST

More Tour and Album Info!

SUNDAY HERALD 4TH FEB 2007EL MOMENTO SIGUIENTE (LIBERATION BLUE)**** 4 Stars"In short: The Church again revisits old friends with dreamy acoustica.""You know what's coming with The Church - sublime, d...
Posted by TimEbandit Powles on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 09:49:00 PST

Official European Tour Press Release

the churchMagnetic Strip Tour Europe 2007Press Releasethe church return to Europe in electric mode this April, promoting their critically acclaimed album "uninvited, like the clouds".The band will per...
Posted by TimEbandit Powles on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 07:33:00 PST

The Church European Tour!

the church return to Europe in electric mode, this April on their Magnetic Strip Tour 2007 promoting their critically acclaimed album "Uninvited, Like the Clouds".The band will perform in places they ...
Posted by TimEbandit Powles on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 08:37:00 PST

New Update 11/24/2006

Posted by TimEbandit Powles on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 07:54:00 PST

timebandit news from planet junk

Spacejunk happenings May June July August October November.... Hitchcocks Regret- endless intermission.... after a long wait ( too long for Spacejunk And Mark Moldre and the Hitchcocks gang!!!!) ...
Posted by TimEbandit Powles on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 03:07:00 PST

US Tour Dates!!!

CHURCH USA 2006 - official dates for the UNINVITED, LIKE THE CLOUDS tourHey ho, lets go!Have guitar.. (and bongos)... will travel. Yesterday is but today's memory,tomorrow is today's dream.Check our o...
Posted by TimEbandit Powles on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 05:07:00 PST


Beautiful World - say goodbye - 1st single from completed album ( largely recorded and produced at Spacejunk I and II ) out now, launched at Spectrum Feb 18th with a monster gig featuring the debut of...
Posted by TimEbandit Powles on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 08:03:00 PST