ORMSBY GUITARS profile picture


ORMSBY GUITARS - Award winning custom electrics

About Me

Welcome to the official Ormsby Guitars myspace page. Check out the gallery for pictures of our work, or visit our WEBSITE
For a quotation on your next dream guitar, please send an email to us via our website (not myspace) HERE
All quotes take up to seven days. Please help us, by being as specific as possible. You cant list too many details!! Inlays and airbrush work can only be quoted if a picture is supplied (otherwise we can give you a rough estimate).
We regret that due to the massive number of comments and messages we received via myspace, we are no longer able to discuss quotes or pricing. All requests for prices MUST be done via our website. Regular email is so much easier, as it allows us to search for previous correspondence, attached images (and receive), and 'quote' previous text.
Just remember, we are based in Australia, so all prices are in Australian dollars. Nearly half of all instruments we manufacture are for clients in Europe, and the USA.
Customshop: 6+ months build time
Anything you want, there are NO LIMITS for design, paint, scale length, inlays, number of strings, timbers, hardware, etc. We are a TRUE customshop, and will build anything you like. The only exceptions are: we will not do any headstocks which cannot be replicated by law, and we will not build anything overly offensive or racist.
Whilst our main line of work is custom made guitars, we do make basses on request.
The Customshop series includes our PDV replicas, as these are essentially a custom made instrument.
The Customshop price starts at $2000, with an average price of around $2800.
As a rough guide, some prices for the guitars on display within the photo section are (dependant on final specifications):
Dan's WOMD $3300 (set neck, 'war torn' camo paint, worn hardware, EMGs, binding, simple inlays)
PDV Vintage trem $2500 (through neck, dimarzio's)
PDV Floyd trem $2850 (through neck, EMGs)
Nick's METAL $3300 (through neck baritone, EMGs, Vortex paint, binding, intermediate inlays)
Andy's Seven String Baritone $2700 (laminated through neck baritone, EMG, clear finish, shell logo)
Graham's GG6 $3095 (bolt on, floyd, seymour's, veneer top, inlays)
Perry's VINE $4000 (premium grade maple, set neck, hidden pickup mounts, wood cavity covers, inlay, binding, double carved top, carved back)

Standard Series: approx 8 week built time
The Standard Series was designed for the musician who wants a handmade quality instrument, with a handfull of custom options, but without the bigger pricetag of a full custom guitar, and without a long built time. Basically, you can choose the paintwork of your dreams, but inlay is limited to dots or sharkfins. Hardware is Floyd Rose (genuine not licensed) or Gotoh. Body timbers are: Mahogany, Alder, Black Limba, Korina, Swamp Ash, etc etc. Pickups are Seymour Duncan or EMG. Fretboards are Ebony, Maple, or Rosewood.
Standard Series guitars start at $1850 for the VS and VT (Vintage inspired) models, and $1990 for the SS, Star, V, Concorde, Explorer, Mockingbird, Firebird, and Warlock shapes.
We will update this section with more info soon.
ALL Customshop guitars are paid for in five equal instalments. One as a deposit, the next when the fretboard and inlay is completed. Another payment is due when the neck is shaped, and again when the body is ready for lacquer. The final payment is due when the guitar is complete and ready for delivery. ALL payments are 1/5 of the total amount. If you are having trouble making a payment, that is cool, we can put your guitar to the side until you are ready. We are very flexible with the payment terms, as long as you keep us informed. Want to put the build on hold while you travel the world? No problem!!
Standard Series:
The standard series guitars are paid for in two equal instalments. One as a deposit (50%) and the next when the guitar is finished and ready to deliver/pickup.
Please note: Messages asking for endorsements will not be replied to. We currently get more than 20 requests for endorsements a week. Our entire production, is less than 25 guitars per year... they are all handmade, one by one, by ONE person.
We are not interested in mass production, so we dont even need to endorse anyone. We do, and will endorse someone if we think they are special, and their achievements are worthy of something extra.
IF you think you can make it as an Ormsby endorsee, you'll need to stand out from the crowd. By doing a little research into us, you'll find our street address. If you've made an effort to write us a letter, send a CD, some band photos, and list the shows you've played in the last 12 months (plus who you have played with), we will definately be more interested in looking over your application.
To date, only three people, in the last three years, have ever bothered to do that, yet we get 20 emails or myspace messages (1058 in 2006 to be exact!) asking for endorsements. This leads us to believe people do not even bother to read our policy before asking, and to be honest, thats a little rude. Please treat us with respect, and treat an endorsement request as a business transaction, and we will show you the same courtesy.
Thats not too much to ask, for the chance of getting one of the best custom made guitars around, as an endorsement, right?
Check out Ormsby Endorsee Graham Greene's website HERE
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My Blog

New Factory Now Open

Hiya guys, proud to announce we have now completed the move into the new premises. If you saw the previous studio, you'll know how cramped it was in there... one room for all repairs and building, a m...
Posted by ORMSBY GUITARS on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 07:28:00 PST

GG6 and GG7 Launch party, all welcome

Be there for the unveiling of the new GG6 and GG7 "Graham Greene Signature" model guitars, as Graham and friends slam the door on 2005 with a huge show at Perth's legendary Amplifier Bar! The night s...
Posted by ORMSBY GUITARS on Sat, 10 Dec 2005 10:32:00 PST

New Options for custom guitars

An exciting new option has just been added to the already extensive list of  custom options for all custom guitars: "R" for RECORDING Basically, all the tricks ive learnt over the years on how t...
Posted by ORMSBY GUITARS on Sat, 10 Dec 2005 10:48:00 PST