Chou Ching Chong profile picture

Chou Ching Chong

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About Me

I drive a van. I often get pulled over by the police for driving too slow, and for honking my horn at everything that moves. Dislikes: America, people with hearing problems, noisy chewers, country music, emotional people, morons, my ears, people who touch my ears, jay-walkers, screaming babies, man-boobies.

My Interests

Television, beer, binges, boobies, hippies, Scientology, vacuum cleaners, extra-terrestrial life, large V10 vans with tinted windows...child safety locks and all-wheel drive, Tom Cruise, Christianity, exhaust fumes, paint fumes, flatulent fumes, my toenail collection, Ghandi, pissing in the shower, pissing in the sink, pissing in my bed, pissing in fuel tanks, pissing on you because your unconscious from me hitting you with my 2-tonne V10 van with tinted windows, child safety locks and all-wheel drive, tea.

I'd like to meet:

My parents, aliens, a cavema...woman, fellow Asians, Bob Saget, a Scientologist, Saddam Hussein's carcass, a rhinoceros.


I often listen to recordings of my neighbors in climax while going for my early morning power walks, scoping out the local playgrounds.


I saw a film once.


I enjoy eating sushi and pussy whilst watching my favourite live surgery episodes with my nephew. He's 3. "Only on Life Network!"


"How to Pleasure Yourself Using Common Household Appliances" -Rosie O'Donnell.


John Labatt, Donkey Kong, Conan the Barbarian.

My Blog

Henry the Hippopotamus.

Hi. I have a pet hippopotamus. Can you fucking believe that! He's real friendly. Too friendly! Because my anus bleeds everytime I try to fucking shit! Fuck! The diamater of my stink hole has been inc...
Posted by Chou Ching Chong on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 07:31:00 PST

I'm Thirsty.

So here I am sitting at my desk and I am in need of a drink to quench my parched tongue. There's a problem though. Lately I have been having explosive diarrhea, or watery filthy shit for the illitera...
Posted by Chou Ching Chong on Mon, 08 May 2006 11:37:00 PST