... art festivals, aphorisms, absurdisms, affordable life, almond ice-cream, amber with bugs, bells, balconies, bamboo, bric-a-brac's, bookstores, boats, commedia dell'arte, clay, children's books, cafes, camels, Celtic signs, Chinese fans, donkeys, Dao, doodling, ears, fairy tales, fantasy, fortune,fishing villages, glass, giraffes, graphic novels, grotesque, instant revelations, imperfect people, incantations, independent films, jesters, kaleidoscopes, lampshades, looking at the ceiling, leaves' patterns, letters, moon, masks and maskerades, Mozart, mixed media, minimalism, moments, markets, museums, nonsense, names' dictionaries, old languages, odd objects, paints, performance art, red poppies and poppy seeds, pictograms, puppet theatre, poems, rain, shadows, strangers, strange scripts, sailing in the seas, silhouettes, signs, sand, stoics, silent movies, synchronicity, seashells, pebble, smell of river, snowflakes, tea drinking, trees, trams, turtles, travels, toys, vacancies, wooden houses, wells, webs, web design, wander, wonder...
Creative minds, creative souls, good-natured looneys, nonchalant thinkers, artists, Art servers, amazing guys, amazing women, free spirits
"La Strada" Fellini
"Invisible Cities" by Italo Calvino
Mary Poppins