You're a Vulcan! Cool and collected, you represent the epitome of self control.
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Vorik was played by Alexander Enberg, who had previously played the similarly named Vulcan Ensign Taurik in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Lower Decks". Producer Jeri Taylor (who happens to be Enberg's mother) once suggested that Taurik and Vorik were twin brothers.
Early Life
When Vorik was young, he spent several summers exploring the Osana caverns on Vulcan, which included some particularly advanced rock climbing. Like most Vulcans, as a child, Vorik had a young Vulcan girl chosen to be his future wife when the two came of age. (VOY: " Blood Fever ")
Life On Voyager
In 2371, he was serving aboard the USS Voyager, on its mission to locate a Maquis ship. But a coherent tetryon beam scanned Voyager, and brought it to the Delta Quadrant. Shortly there after, the Caretaker's array, beamed the entire crew of Voyager aboard, for testing. He was returned to Voyager unharmed.
In 2373, he assisted B'Elanna Torres with maintenance on Voyager's plasma injectors during the ship's visit to the Nekrit Expanse. (VOY: " Fair Trade ")
Later that year, Vorik experienced his first pon farr on stardate 50537.2. Believing his intended bride would have declared him lost and lacking another Vulcan mate, he attempted to court and mate with fellow crewmember B'Elanna Torres. After a brief physical contact was made between them which initiated the Vulcan telepathic mating bond which caused Torres to suffer the same neurochemical imbalance that Vulcans undergo. Vorik's pon farr was ended when he and Torres fought in the ritual Kal-if-fee. (VOY: " Blood Fever ")
In 2375, Vorik was also a member of the development team that designed and built the Delta Flyer shuttlecraft. He was initially assigned to be on the trial-run team, but B'Elanna insisted on replacing him. (VOY: " Extreme Risk ")
Later that year Vorik, along with crewmates Tuvok and Jarot, was suspended in a transporter loop to avoid detection from Devore inspections who were seeking out telepaths. (VOY: " Counterpoint ")
In early 2378, he assisted B'Elanna in repairing a damaged power conduit in Main Engineering. Later, when the Doctor was impersonating Lieutenant Torres, he asked Vorik where they kept the spare gel packs. Vorik was confused about why she wouldn't know this, but reminded her that they were in locker Gamma-5. She acted surprised not to remember, but then looked lost. Vorik reminded her that locker Gamma-5 was "on the upper level", to which she responded angrily, claiming that she knew where they were. Vorik hadn't realized that at the time, this was the Doctor.
Later, when the Doctor impersonated Chakotay, and told B'Elanna to evacuate Main Engineering. Vorik led the engineering staff out while B'Elanna tried to stay behind, unaware there was no actual breach imminent. (VOY: " Renaissance Man ")
Life After the Delta Quadrant
After being back home for five years, Vorik was assimilated by the Borg, but it wasn't known for a month. He had been assimilated along with Icheb, who then assimilated Naomi Wildman. (VOY Blogs: "Another Victim Part 1 and Part 2 ")
Due to Icheb's genes designed to destroy the Borg, all drones aboard sphere 026 slowly remembered their pre-Borg lives. One by one they wouldn't awaken out of regeneration until the only ones left were Icheb, Vorik, and Naomi. They escaped the sphere, with help from Q Jr . then performed surgery on them for several hours until they were restored to normal. (VOY Blogs: " Escape? " and " IS THERE A DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE?! ")
Approximately seven-and-a-half years after his first one, Vorik began to go through the pon farr. Without a chosen mate to get him through it, Vorik needed to think quickly about what path to take. Tuvok helped him in heavy meditation techniques, but they ultimately failed. Vorik remembered during his first pon farr aboard Voyager, the doctor had suggested he use the holodeck to treat his condition. Those attemps failed, but he decided to try it again. Asking the computer to generate a random female, a hologram of Mara appeared. (VOY Blogs: " It's been this long already? ")
The holodeck appeared to work at first, but his emotions began to resurface. A few more times on the holodeck with the Mara hologram eventually cured him. (VOY Blogs: " On the holodeck.... to take care of the pon farr... ," " Holodeck time ," " On the holodeck yet again ," and " Personal Log: It's Over ")
Little did Vorik know that what had happened would stay with him. About three months later, Mara informed him that she was pregnant. Vorik left it up to her to decide if they would marry and she eventually decided, for the baby's sake, that that's what she wanted. (VOY Blogs: " Vorik's turn to know " and " Decisions, decisions... ")
Nearly two months later, Vorik and Icheb went to a conference at Starfleet Headquarters. On their way back to Voyager the Borg intercepted them. Ender informed them that the reason for their capture was to find out the location of Mara's baby. When Vorik wouldn't comply he was injected with nanoprobes. The Borg worked on a way to assimilate Icheb without his DNA becoming a problem. Naomi had been hearing the hive mind as well as Vorik and he told her where they were being held while keeping her safe from the Borg detecting her presence. After a well-worked plan to rescue them, Vorik and Icheb were returned safely to Voyager and Vorik was sent directly to Sick Bay. After his full recovery, Vorik was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. (VOY Blogs: " Borg Interrogation ," " The Mission ," and " A Great Honor ")
About two weeks later, Mara went into premature labor. Before the child was born she and Vorik had a quick wedding, performed by Captain Janeway. Mara gave birth to a daughter. The pregnancy went not much more than half of its full term, so the child did not survive. (VOY Blog: " It's Too Soon! ")
After a couple months, Vorik went missing without a trace.