Lt. WildmanΩ *on VOY* profile picture

Lt. WildmanΩ *on VOY*

I am here for Friends

About Me

--Basics-- I'm a Xenobiologist married to a Ktarian named Greskrendtregk. I joined the U.S.S. Voyager crew unaware that I was pregnant with a daughter. I gave birth to Naomi in 2372 and selected Neelix as her godfather. I continued my scientific duties while raising my child.
--After The Delta Quadrant-- Five years after returning to Earth, my daughter, Naomi, was assimilated by the Borg. Icheb had assimilated her with help from Vorik, who was also a drone at the time. Because of Icheb's physiology, the sphere they were on began malfunctioning. The three of them eventually escaped, barely getting away with their lives.
A while after my birthday (which was the next day), Naomi and I set off for Vulcan, which is where my husband was at the time. On our way, an anomaly appeared and pulled us in. When we emerged it had seemed like mere minutes to us, but it was in fact a week. We returned to Starfleet HQ and Naomi kept telling me about dreams she was having saying we had been captured inside the anomaly. I didn't really believe her until Dr. Missy Brown took her to Vulcan. They came across a shuttle that wasn't quite Starfleet and inside was an older clone of Naomi. Her dreams had been confirmed by the young woman, who later decided to call herself "Mara." It was later discovered that Mara was really the mirror version of Naomi and had created the illusion of the anomaly to keep our capture secret so she could learn about us.
Mara and Naomi tried to escape once to find and fight the Borg. Icheb had been assigned to keep them out of trouble with the Borg since they seemed too eager to have their revenge for being assimilated. After they were caught trying to escape they were put under house arrest. Then, Captain Janeway requested for us to return to the USS Voyager.
My daughter Mara couldn't seem to feel loved. She started running programs on the holodeck to help her feel like she belonged. One day when she entered the holodeck she didn't realize that Vorik was already there looking to treat his pon farr. My oldest became pregnant that day, but kept it secret from most for three months. She even went into battle. When she finally let it out in the open, she also decided it would be best for the child if she and Vorik married.
Naomi had been having dreams about the Borg, and one night the Borg actually contacted her in the form of a dream saying they wanted her and Mara's baby. She told no one of this until Mara decided to leave Voyager and go to Ktar so she wouldn't put the baby's life in danger. Naomi finally protested and told everyone about her Borg communication and Mara decided to stay.
About a month-and-a-half later, Icheb and Vorik were captured by the Borg. Ender (a Borg drone) tried to get them to reveal the location of Mara and the baby. Vorik was partially assimilated in the process. A few days after they were rescued by Naomi, Mara and Vorik decided to name Icheb as the baby's godfather. Shortly after that, Mara told him that she wanted to name the baby after her mother, who we all thought was me at the time.

My Interests

I got this locket for my 40th birthday

My Blog

Leaving Voyager

Just leaving a note to let you all know that I'm leaving Voyager for a while.  I'm going to Deep Space Nine to be with my husband.  He was living on Ktar, his homeworld, for a few years, but...
Posted by Lt. WildmanΩ *on VOY* on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 11:01:00 PST

A Great Honor

Read this blog. amp;friendID=73498805&blogID=238676675&Mytoken=AFED8 E4D-E1AD-4534-980665DCD934C17E18880202...
Posted by Lt. WildmanΩ *on VOY* on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 04:44:00 PST


Samantha sits in the mess hall, thinking about Naomi, who was just freed from the collective.  Knowing Naomi will be entering sometime today to greet her, Samantha can't seem to sit sti...
Posted by Lt. WildmanΩ *on VOY* on Thu, 11 May 2006 05:07:00 PST


My baby has been assimilated by the Borg! This is the last straw! I'm going after her, even if I get assimilated in the process!
Posted by Lt. WildmanΩ *on VOY* on Tue, 02 May 2006 05:45:00 PST