-Q-Jay- *OOC: Knows, is working on it* profile picture

-Q-Jay- *OOC: Knows, is working on it*

I am here for Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

"So you little biped's want to know more about me huh, how quaint, well what's there to say exactly...I'm the only son of my dad, "Q" the most powerful Q in the entire Q continuum...
You may refer to me as "Q" or "Junior" if youre Family, (I.e. My Dad) I am the son of Q and Q. And was conceived during the Q Civil War as a way to help restore the status quo of the Q Continuum and end the conflict. Shortly after my birth, My aunt Kathy agreed to be my "godmother", based on the fact that she had supported and encouraged my Dad during the civil war.
Although my parents had had great hopes for me as the almighty "savoir" of the Continuum and all, their high expectations I'll admit had a dramatic effect on my attitude. I became obnoxious and disruptive, causing even more pranks and disorder than my Dad did in the past. (Im sure he was secretly proud of me for that)
My Dad finally encouraged me to visit my Aunt Kathys little ship the USS Voyager, hoping that her "Starfleet ideals" would rub off on me. However, I became even more disruptive, such as propelling Voyager into the path of three Borg Cubes, despite my Dad's warning, "Don't provoke the Borg!" (Hey I was bored, what did he expect me to do?) Finally fed up with my misbehaviour, My Dad attempted to teach me the consequences of my actions by turning me into an Oprelian amoeba.(Nice huh) He then completely went over the top as he stripped me of my powers and left me to die of boredom on Voyager for a week under the guidance of "Aunt Kathy".
Initially, my lessons on Voyager were a dismal failure, on no fault of mine they were just too boring. So I plagiarized an essay on the Q Continuum (getting my good friend Itchy to write the paper for me, he really is a good friend), and secretly reprogrammed a holodeck simulation so that the solution could be achieved more easily. However, when Aunt Kathy threatened to cut off my lessons and return me to my Dad, I resolved to behave more appropriately knowing that my Dad wouldnt be too miffed at the fact that this had failed. I became good friends with Icheb, (Cant miss him he's the one with the Borg implant) but whom I nicknamed "Itchy". (As the Doc will tell you Borg Implants can cause severe skin irritations)
On several occasions, I expressed my deep frustration at my apparent inability to live up to my Dad's expectations. My Dad, in turn, seemed totally frustrated with my apparent lack of "Q-ness", despite being unable to describe that quality. My Aunt Kathy, impressed by my more recent efforts, offered to allow me to stay aboard her little ship, should I be rejected by the Continuum.
But I had not entirely forsaken my old hell-raising habits, however. Whilst repairing the Delta Flyer II, I convinced Itchy to help me steal the shuttlecraft and take it on a joyride to the Clavari system, hoping to hide from My Dad. Breaking free from Voyager's tractor beam, and ignoring protests from Itchy, I opened up a spatial flexure and escaped.(sometimes I surprise even myself)
However, the runaway immediately ran into trouble when I encountered a Chokuzan warship; when I refused to surrender,(forgetting I was no longer Q at this point) the shuttle was hit by an energy beam that severely injured Itchy. I wont deny I Panicked, and returned to Voyager to get help. However, the Doctor was unable to treat Icheb, and my Dad told me the grim news that I had to face the consequences of my actions. Reluctantly, I returned to the Chokuzans and volunteered to surrender myself for punishment in exchange for information that would help treat my friend, even though I didn't know what the punishment would be. The Chokuzan captain then revealed himself to be my Dad in disguise, (I felt like such an idiot) having staged the entire incident as a test for my newly-learned values.
The Continuum, however, was not impressed by my progress, and sentenced me to remain in Human form permanently.(I would had surely died of boredom) However they acquiesced when my Dad threatened to leave the Continuum if I was not accepted. (I owe my Dad everything for that)
Grateful for her assistance in teaching me, I filled my Aunt Kathy's readyroom with roses as a parting gift. I then left to spend more time with my Dad and with that we came across this Myspace.
My IQ Is 2,006
Your Logical Intelligence is Beyond Genius
Your Verbal Intelligence is Beyond Genius
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Beyond Genius
Your General Knowledge is Beyond Genius A Quick and Dirty IQ Test

My Interests

"I like to wreak hav....entertain myself when I go and visit my Aunt Kathy's ship, on my last visit to her rickety old barge I re-decorated engineering for them, gave their computer it's own personality and I even put a stop to Neelix's endless jabbering and do I get thanked for all my hard work??"....

I'd like to meet:

My Dad, my Aunt Kathy, Itchy and all my other "friends" who I haven't mentioned on Voyager.


"You bipeds and your archaic forms of entertainment, I'd much rather make the Borg attack the Federation again and make my own...now theres an idea"....


"Even with your limited mental capacity we would have hoped you bipeds would have evolved beyond needing such a primitive piece of entertainment”


"When you know everything before it has even been documented as we do, you really don't see the need for books"