MaraΩ *widowed*moving forward* profile picture

MaraΩ *widowed*moving forward*

The Jem'Hadar will pay for my mother's death!

About Me

I'm Naomi "Mara" Wildman, and this is my story:
Mara's Big Secret
On her way to Earth, Naomi ran into her counterpart and Dr. Missy Brown, who had once saved the other Naomi's life. She was under interrogation for a few days, but all the signs, including medical scans, confirmed her deception as truth.
Since becoming like a big sister to the current universe's Naomi, "Mirror Naomi" began to pretend to feel hatred toward the Borg Collective. The newly graduated Icheb had been assigned by Starfleet to keep the two girls out of trouble. Together they secretly planned an attack which would have taken out at least one Borg vessel with little damage to their shuttle, but they were caught and placed under house arrest.
Because "her" mother and Icheb were called to Voyager, Mara (name picked by the mirror universe's Naomi, which means "bitter") and Naomi had to come along. Mara still had doubts of where she belonged and took her uncertainties to the holodeck where she ran programs of Voyager with her as the Naomi everyone knew. One time when she went on the holodeck, which was already running a Voyager program, Mara got romantic with what she thought was the hologram of Vorik. Two weeks later, Mara went to sickbay, not feeling like herself. Dr. Brown informed her that she was pregnant.
Mara told her mother about her pregnancy as well as Annika , but decided to keep it secret from everyone else, including Naomi. She had much trouble keeping it from everyone, especially the baby's father: Vorik. Mara was soon given the prognosis by Dr. Brown that her traces of Ktarian DNA would affect her pregnancy, in that it would last longer than a Human's usual 40 weeks.
Even with a baby on the way, Mara went into battle with her mother, Vorik, and Icheb to help some Cardassians fight off Jem'Hadar. When she was the one needed to save a crippled Cardassian ship from three Jem'Hadar ships, Mara gladly, but against orders, destroyed the Jem'Hadar ship after it had been disabled.
Nearly a month after the small battle, Mara finally told Vorik about her unborn child. He left it up to her to decide if they were going to get married and she thought that would be best for the child. She then decided to leave Voyager and go to her home on Ktar for the safety of her baby. Naomi stopped her by telling her of the details of her communication with the Borg Queen, who wanted to assimilate the baby.
When Icheb was invited to a conference at Starfleet HQ Vorik went with him. On their way back they were captured by the Borg to find out from them the whereabouts of Mara and the baby. Vorik had been partially assimilated before Naomi rescued them and he was rushed to sick bay. While he was hearing the hive mind, he heard about Mara's "big secret." It was confirmed by Mara when he asked her about it in sick bay.
It was about this time that Vorik and Mara decided that Icheb would be the baby's godfather.
Mara soon after had a visit from †Shifter† , who informed her that the Borg would not get a hold of her baby and that the child was a girl.
The following night, Mara told Vorik that she decided to name the baby after her mother. After telling him her doubts about marrying him, and Vorik reassuring her, Mara went into premature labor. The baby was born (but not before Mara and Vorik were quickly married) and she had trouble breathing because her lungs were underdeveloped and her bronchial tubes were collapsing. The Doctor fixed the problem for the most part, but the child died of a heart complication that the doctor couldn't fix.
Mara was so devastated about the loss of her baby (Samantha T'Pel Wildman) that she locked herself in her room and even wished to die herself. Rose made a surprise visit and comforted Mara, who again wanted to live and to love her friends and family. Shortly afterwards she moved in with her husband.
While Borg battles continued, Vorik mysteriously disappeared. During this time, Mara was led to the alcoves in cargo bay two by the nearly real Borg implant she'd placed in her brain. (Naomi still had one implant remaining when she was released from the Collective.) The Borg Queen used the implant to contact Mara and deceive her into joining the Collective in battle. Days later, Naomi's final dream about her disappearance revealed Mara to be the one who captured her and her mother. Mara began to fear that the people aboard Voyager and the Federation would reject her for who she really was. Without her husband for support, Mara decided to take the Queen up on her offer.

My Interests




What's the best alternate story for Mara?
Mara fell in love with Icheb
Mara left Voyager when pregnant
Mara had a real wedding ceremony
Sammi Jr didn't "die" at birth
Mara stayed with the Borg Queen
The story is perfect the way it is!

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My Blog

Truth Be Told

(OOC: I don't know how long this RPG will take to finish because I'm watching a Doctor Who marathon on BBC America.  I only started watching it about a month ago, and became a huge fan right away...
Posted by MaraΩ *widowed*moving forward* on Mon, 28 May 2007 01:43:00 PST

I'm Trapped

"Be My Escape" by Relient K ...
Posted by MaraΩ *widowed*moving forward* on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 01:33:00 PST


I awake from a somewhat restful sleep aboard the Queen's ship.  At first, I turn over expecting to see Vorik lying next to me.  When reality reminds me of my current situation I bolt upward,...
Posted by MaraΩ *widowed*moving forward* on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 07:05:00 PST

The Deception Begins

The Borg Queen activates a screen for Mara to see.  The light on the device the queen attached to Mara's neck begins to flash more rapidly.  What is seen is a stray Starfleet vessel, but Mar...
Posted by MaraΩ *widowed*moving forward* on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 07:24:00 PST


Personal log, Mara Wildman.My secret is out.  No one has spoken to me since I told Naomi.  I haven't left my quarters, either.  Not even Naomi or her mom have said anything.  I kno...
Posted by MaraΩ *widowed*moving forward* on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 08:16:00 PST

Queenie Wants A Fight

Mara plopped down on the bed.  Just when she thought her life was easing up by only one big thing happening, her husband mysteriously disappeared.  The stress began to really weigh on her.Sh...
Posted by MaraΩ *widowed*moving forward* on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 04:33:00 PST

Repeats of Times Past

Mara sat in a holographic tree in the holographic woods.  The leaves hid her from Naomi, who was looking for her.  Naomi paused under the tree, looked around, then ran off again.  Mara ...
Posted by MaraΩ *widowed*moving forward* on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 08:49:00 PST

(OOC:) Timeline

I've always tried to do RP's in real time, but I finally have the internet at home!  Things may be accelerated since I have more time online.  There's still lots more to come in Mara's story...
Posted by MaraΩ *widowed*moving forward* on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 04:21:00 PST

(IC:) Survey

60 Quirks about me:1. Initials?NW (though I go by MW)2. What is your favorite thing to wear?3. What's the last thing you ate?it's hard to remember.  it was before i went into labor4. Do you think...
Posted by MaraΩ *widowed*moving forward* on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 04:30:00 PST

Comforting Dream

A bit worn out from mourning the death of her baby, Mara falls asleep on her bed, holding tightly to the quilt Lt. Wildman made for the little one.Mara begins dreaming.*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*As she walks th...
Posted by MaraΩ *widowed*moving forward* on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 08:00:00 PST