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What Star Trek Race Are You?
You're a Vulcan! Cool and collected, you represent the epitome of self control.
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Are you a hard-core Trekker?
You my friend, are hard-core! Star Trek is the center of your life, you've probably written at least one report on warp engines, impulse power, Data's positronic brain, or Vulcan mating habits.Your goal in life is either a Star Trek channel, getting Trek on TV more often, or proving that starships are possible. Now tell the truth, how many times have you listed Klingon, Romulan or Vulcan as your native language? Or put the stardate on a paper instead of the Terran date? Better yet, you probably know Vulcan isn't a structured or learnable language. I wouldn't put it passed you to of claimed to be in Pon Far to get lucky with a woman, either. ;)
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Which Trek leader are you?
Captain Jean Luc Picard
You are highly diplomatic and well-respected. You are rational but can get down and dirty if you need to. You are a true hero!
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