This bit is currently under reconstruction, except to say;
I have fairly recently teamed up with former Hawkwind &Gong musician Charlie C. .. We are called WACKY WOOKEY ...CC on Guitars and myself & 2 others on Drums ..We are in the course of getting an Album together, called'The Coffee Shop Tour'I have discovered I can carve Woodwind instruments, sogetting thereputic time doing that... and Drumming.Getting to grips with the intricacy of MIDI, I am composingsome intentionally long tunes via myEvolution MK-149' and an African Fish Drum, using 'AdobeAudition' and 'Cakewalk' software, as well as that, I amattempting some 2D Animation projects.
I have recently become less of a purist with Photography,having found that PhotoEditing withprogrames such as 'Picasa2' 'Macromedia Fireworks8' and'Photoimpact8' enables me to create someDigital Artwork from the previously mundane, Lamp-posts atnight for instance.
Settling into the life of Wells in Somerset. (Smallest Cathederal City in the UK by Royal Charter)
When previously doing Helpx projects; Organic Farms and Grounds maintainance worker/Volunteer - - Bracken cutting, Plant transplants, Weeding, Digging Compost, Woodland Management, Tree Planting, Photogaphy, Nature Trail restorations, Outdoor facilites design and construction ....also Pet Sitting, Cookery & Home Sitting. Refs available.
Also ; Artist, Writer, and Actor; L.E.A./LW Management/StarNow
In 2006/7 I was at Worcester University, updating my memory banks about aspects of Film Making and Creative Digital Media.
During 2002/3 I studied Music Technology followed by Piano Technology and Repair at the Royal National College (RNC) in Hereford UK, having previously come from a background in Television (NYNEX TV Southampton UK) and Hospital Radio.
Medic. bit:
I am Dyslexic, I have Irlen Syndrome, so wear special glasses with Blue filters which have a really positive effect on my vision. I can only hear High & Low pitched sounds out of my Right Ear, and occasionally suffer from a version of a Stress Relaterd Disorder/illness,
Influential Book bit:
'The Outlaw Trail' Robert Redford,
'The Hammer Of God' Arthur C Clarke,
'China After Mao' Liu Heung Shing,
'Voices From The Mountains' Guy & Camdie Carawan.
Travel bit:
My childhood was spent in Austin Texas, Bristol UK, Innsbruck, Paris, Hamstead Heath & Camden Town. I have been to & sometimes return to: Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Jersey, Gurnsey, Alderney, Portugal, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Spain, Italy, Malta, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Cz Republic, Turkey, Greece, Soviet Union, UAE, India, Kashmir (no, I am not a Terrorist thank you) Mexico, USA and Canada