Chris Cook lived in Brighton, now he lives in noisy London. He's been making electronic music of all kinds for many years since his Electronic Music degree and operates under the names Remote and Hot Roddy, playing sitar along with electronic jiggery pokery. In 2004, Cook also started to play gigs as Same Actor, using various stringed instruments building up soundscapes on the fly using no pre recorded or pre sequenced material, but playing with alternative tuning systems and unusual rhythms.
Hot Roddy collaborations include work with Planet Mu artists Urban Myth, Chevron and Kyler as well as Rashamon (High Point Low Life), Bela Emerson (Quiet Records), Kenny Process Team, Tim Holehouse, Jane Bartholomew and not least with various clients within his day jobs in care work. He also helps run Brighton's Spirit of Gravity electronic music collective, promoting monthly nights, presenting a show on Totally Radio and releasing sporadic compilations. Hot Roddy has been in session on Radio One and Same Actor on Resonance FM more than once (twice in fact). Chris provides the sitar in Brighton based group El Maes and he's produced glitchy remixes for them. He's played been playing Hot Roddy and Same Actor live sets in all kinds of live settings, touring with Totally Bored (Monster Bobby, Bela Emerson and Britch) and Wrong Music (Shitmat, Ebola, Droon, nwodtleM, Gross Consumer, Ladyscraper and Floorclearer).
After an abundance of CDRs, Bip Hop released a Same Actor album "Sharp Edges" in 2005 which was nominated for a Quartz award and then Litmus, Heresmycardrecords and Wrong Music Complaints Dept released Hot Roddy CDs. "One Liners" for Henry Shitmat's diverse Wrong Music label is Cook's most focused work, an intense half hour of detuned guitar, sitar and dulcimer with lots of rhythm and noise and but no breaks. It’s the first album he made while living in London and “One Liners†is influenced by the noise between pirate radio stations and the noise in the street as well as the recently deceased composer Gyorgy Ligeti.
....and by the way check out my NEW LISTINGS SITE for live experimental and electronic music in London