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What Wolf Element Are You?
~ICE~ You are distant and secluded, not feeling comfortable in large packs, and may even be a loner. But you will join forces when absolutely necessary.
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What is your role in a wolf pack?
You are the warrior! You do whatever it takes to ensure safety of the pack. You're also very shivalrous.
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What Rank in the Wolf Pack Are You?
AlphaYou lead the group and are very good at it. Do not forget about those in a lower position though, they could be important to you later on.
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What Kind Of Wolf Are You?
You're a gray wolf! Your name is SilverFoot and you're the Leader of The SilverHunters Wolf Pack. You are very wise and the young pups tend to ask you for advise.
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I'd like to meet:
There are great many number of people I would like to meet. I have alot of WONDERFUL friends right here on Myspace!
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Could you be a wolf?
Oh you ARE a wolf!!
Oh yeah you where born to be a wolf. You have all the instincts and the right attitude. Go out there and start your own pack because you where born to howl at that moon!!
What type of wolf are you?
Lone wolf
You are a lone wolf. You are independant, and always do things your way. Why follow someones rules when you don't need to?
Which type of Wolf are you???
The Gray Wolf
You are the Gray Wolf! You are always looking for new ways to search, you love to explore and you also love to get up to mischief. If anyone stands in your way, you'll put them right. You love family and friends. You are the Great Grey!
What rank of wolf are you?
You are a Beta. You organize most of the important things within the pack. You are probably a close friend of the alpha, and are trusted by him/her. Your advice is valued, and you handle most of the disputes within the pack.
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yeah, baby you can you can you can forget about the people who said you can't own a wolf
Which wolf are you most like?
Eastern Gray Wolf
The gray wolf, including the eastern subspecies, the eastern timber wolf (Canis lupus lycaon), is a large animal. Adults weigh 50-l00 pounds (23-46 kg). Males are generally heavier than females. Coloring is usually a mixed gray or grizzly color, though a few are black or white. Gray wolves appear quite similar to large German shepherd dogs. They have a pointed muzzle, erect pointed ears, bushy tails and moderately long legs.Gray wolves usually live in family groups or packs of 2-8 individuals, though some packs contain 20 or more members. Packs are territorial, frequenting areas of 20-200 square miles.
Which wolven god or goddess are you most like?
Tammonuk, Goddess wolf of Spirit
You are most like Tommonuk! I didn't think you'd be like her! You are usually calm and persistent when you work but when someone comes along and hurts your friends, your temper shows! Though your temper isn't at all like Firiyan's. You are the type to have a calm temper, the most deadly of all. You keep your love life to yourself as well! :) :) :)Take the quiz:
Which wolf creature are you?
Angelic wolf
You are a sweet thing. Ever since you died your soul has looked out for everyone and anything bad was punished. You really try hard to make the world better!!! Well done!!!
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Animal Spirit Guides ~ Which One Calls To You?
Wolf ~ Wolves are also regarded as path finders and teachers. Wolf is represented by the constellation Sirius, the Dog.In the Zuni tradition the Wolf symbolizes the direction East.Wolf's Wisdom Includes:
Facing the end of one's cycle with dignity and courage
Death and rebirth
Spirit teaching
Guidance in dreams and meditations
Instinct linked with intelligence
Social and familial values
Outwitting enemies
Taking advantage of change
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What is Your Native American Totem?Wolf
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Try out my new comment boxI would love to know you were here. I have some people tell me that they can't find the link to leave me a comment and then I feel like I am missing out on something. LOL. Have a Blessed Day My Friends!!!
Country, Rock, Heavy Metal, You name it and I will listen to it. (As long as I can understand it.)
I dunno, there are too many.
Don't watch much television.
Way too many to name. I love to read!
My Mom, she showed me that no matter what life throws at you, you are capable of over-coming alot more than you think. She was sick for so long and she faught the good fight till the very end. My son who joined the service is also my hero.
My handsome son before, during and after boot camp.
Do you love wolves? yes You love them so much you just like me you have a billion wolf things and still looking for more
What animal is in your soul??? Wolf You are a wolf. You are cunning and shy.
What is your Spirit Animal? Wolf Teaching skill, Loyalty, IndependenceMy other persona on the net. :)My Real Name Is