Cakarot profile picture



About Me

I was left on the doorstop of a barely competent vets' office at a very tender age. The vet, thinking she might pawn me off on someone else a.s.a.p., "fixed" me right away. After a month passed and i had no takers, she declared to her staff that if one of them didn't take me I would be "put to sleep" the next day. Since noone else wanted me, and he needed a fresh victim, a terribly incompetent v.a. took me to his home and abused me for four months. At that point he grew tired of me (as i never ever came out of hiding) and asked a few people he knew if they wanted a cat. If not, he said, it would be the end of the road for me. Luckily, the abusive idiot knew a fellow by the name of Jacob who took me and said he'd find a good home for a tiny, scared, little kitten. He's a nice guy. He's so nice that when he couldn't place me in permanent home he didn't once consider killing me an option. Now I live with him, his pushover of a wife, two "siblings" and alllll the pillows I could ever want. Yeah, baby -- the pillows just keep comin'. Get your own free cool template at MySpace Layouts

My Interests

Wrestling, Sneaking, Spying, Eating plants, and my favorite, Pouncing!Save The World - One Click At A Time!

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I'd like to meet:

Welllll, I'd love to have Charlie Tuna for dinn -- I mean OVER for dinner, Jerry (of Tom and Jerry fame) he seems quite the morsel - err- mouse of the hour, I've often felt that Jimminey Cricket would be great in a pie- sorry- PLAY is what i meant, Daffy Duck has always seemed so succulen -- err, stunning on screen, and last but not least, I'd really like dinner with my arch-enemy, the Fly. First I'd serve him a knuckle sammich, some broken bbq ribs, a nice hamstring on the side, crushed grapes for dessert, and punch to help it all go down. Yeah.
WARNING: this video has terrible music but some great footage further in...


the Stray Cats, White Lion, Josie and the Pussycats, Baby Animals


Catwoman -- gotta love all that girl on girl pouncing!!! The Ghost and the Darkness -- great until the end. The Lion King -- that's me, right? Ohhhhh lion -not- lyin' sorry.


Animal Cops, Top Cat, Nature


Comics mostly -- Garfield, Heathcliff, Felix, you know, the good stuff


Sher Kahn, Scar, Dragon, Si and Am the twins,generally anyone who like to pounce on others.

My Blog

Stop Kitty Massacre!!!

Please sign this petition to stop kitty massacres! All you have to do is> 6884...
Posted by Cakarot on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 05:47:00 PST