LIVING, LOVING, LEARNING, DREAMING, DANCING, CREATING, SHARING, EXPEIENCING. Camping, Hiking, Waterfalls, Sunlight through leaves, The sound of rain in the dark, Ripples on the surface, Plants, Physics, Neurology, Bonfires, Boys, Pretty girls, People with Shining souls and Radiant hearts, Comunication, Costumes, Ceative culture crush, Sewing, Vintage clothing, Handcrafted clothing, Making things for my friends. Freeform dance expression, Fire, Bellydance, Poi, Yoga, Gypsy life, Live Theatre, Story telling, Collective Human Thought, Understanding others, Electronic music, World music, Freak folk. Learning new things, Going new places, Pushing my limits. Gratitude, Pondering the mysteries, Being human, Experiencing Joy, Loving my friends, meeting new ones, Letting my spirit run rampant, unleashing my creative forces, hopefully, for the greater good
I want to slowly melt in to you, and you into me, and us into all. I want to feel the boundaries shifting, bleeding, smudging, smearing into ONE.What do I really want out of life?To truly free myself from my own mental slavery.To truly love those around me, without fear, or jealousy.To grow into a wise compassionate individual and help those around me do the same.To be strong and overcome fears and obstacles with out undue stress.To love and respect others and be loved and respected myself.To constantly grow with life and open my self to change.To accept, process and learn from my mistakes.To fully immerse my self in human life and be a part of it's constant creative process.To take time to reflect and appreciate, the beauty and the mystery.This is who I am at my core. If I am true to myself than there is nothing worthwhile in this life that I can not accomplish.The perfect path will unfold. I post this here as a reminder to myself.
Klimt Munch
Love my girls! Amzebeth Mama Mom and Dad