Taken from their video enhanced APE TO ANGEL CD.
Buy the APE TO ANGEL CD or download tracks from it by clicking HERE
The WAVEFORM label began life in the summer of '93, when a nomadic being from England's Beyond label (inventors of the term "Ambient Dub") visited the UFO filled canyons of Sedona , AZ, and mind melded with a radio ephedra type who was also exploring chilled ambient beats from the UK and Europe. Twenty minutes later, WAVEFORM hatched and we began our journey of establishing a genre of music we call "exotic electronica."
In May, 1994 from Sedona, we brought our first release to market, with national distribution through the Navarre Corporation. The highly praised, best selling compilation of UK artists known as " ONE A.D. " (volume one ambient dub), was followed soon thereafter by Birmingham, England's HIA, the Higher Intelligence Agency and their debut and now out of print release, "COLOURFORM." In 1995 still in Sedona, the WAVEFORM catalog expanded with our biggest selling title and follow-up compilation, " TWO A.D. " (volume two ambient dub); Tuu's ancient and atmpospheric, " ALL OUR ANCESTORS ;" Loop Guru's, cross-cultural, worldly and energetic " DUNIYA " and A Positive Life's, classic synth masterpiece, " SYNAESTHETIC ." In 1996 we stayed busy with a move back to Mill Valley, in California and four new releases, including the third chapter in the A.D. compilation series, " THREE A.D. ;" as well as Sounds from the Ground's " KIN ;" and the Higher Intelligence Agency's second full album, " FREEFLOATER ;" plus the totally chilled, trip hopish and acid jazz tinged compilation, " FROSTY ." In 1997, we slowed down a bit and watched the titanic music industry rearrange its deck chairs, but still found time to release our most erotic album, " SLUMBERLAND ," a dreamy, atmospheric compilation designed for sensual pleasures.In 1998, from new headquarters in Austin, Texas, we served up a full plate of four new releases. " NOMADIC IMPRESSIONS " by Open Canvas, ancient cross-cultural electronica inspired by the middle east; " ANCIENT ALIEN ," our first soundtrack album from the eye popping Sony Music Video of the same name; our dubbiest compilation ever, " EARTHJUICE ," -- freshly squeezed (drink deeply) electromagnetic dub from the UK and Germany (we could easily have titled it Four A.D.); and " ZERO ONE " by ZerO One, calculated adventures in intellectual listening. We also began offering direct, secure, online ordering for customers worldwide.In March of 1999, just before we left Austin, we welcomed the blissed out beatz of " URCHIN " by the UK duo Urchin. By midyear our wanderlust resurfaced and we found ourselves back in Cali again, this time along the coast of San Diego. Our first release from the land of surf and sun, in mid September, turned out to also be our first foray into vocalese. It's called " LIQUID ZEN " by San Antonio's Liquid Zen -- electronica flavored, angst tinged vocals and instrumentals.
2000 ended up as our most prolific year ever, including (drum roll) -- " CHEERY " our benefit Holiday/Christmas album. We struck a match with " SERIOUS SMOKERS " -- the dubby best of Germany's late Ras Command and rested droopy eyelids to the swanky trumpet and electronic breakbeat album from Japan's Kozo -- " PLANNED PENETRATION ." Still from Y2K, we served up a second, soulful Sounds From the Ground release called " TERRA FIRMA ;" a second spicey, more energetic Open Canvas titled " INDUMANI ;" a second intellectually stimulating album from ZerO One called " protOtype2 ;" a more eerie and exotic " SLUMBERLAND EPISODE TWO : AWAKE & DREAMING ;" and a reformulated edition of "ONE A.D." the collection that started it all! Seven new titles in 2000 plus the reformulation!
2001 began steeped in ancient atmospheres from the UK's Tuu, and their second WAVEFORM release " ONE THOUSAND YEARS ." We followed with what was quickly described as "a killer new Waveform compilation that could easily have been called FOUR A.D." " VOODOO ROUX " -- it's in the sauce! Also that year, another chilled back compilation titled " SUNSET MAGNETIC NORTH " (cooler perspectives) first exposed north of the border and we ended the year on a very up note with the cross-cultural debut release from Eastern Dub Tactik called " BLOOD IS SHINING ."
Our 2002 releases continued our unhurried but deliberate tradition. Sweden's Skin to Skin began the year with their introspective album titled " TEMENOS " a greek word that means the sacred, most inner part of a temple -- a sanctuary for inner reflection. We continued to get in trouble with " MULTIPLE OFFENSES " a mind bending, tripnotic downtempo journey from the UK's Slowdeck. The year closed out with our second saucy Voodoo Roux compilation titled " VOODOO ROUX DEUX " and a dreamy, scandinavian designed self-titled debut release from Sweden's " OMNIMOTION ."
In 2003 we formed a new partnership with the then respected Studio Distribution in New York, who went under three years later! In '03 we kicked things off with an early fall street date for southern California's Bluetech and his full length debut release, " PRIMA MATERIA ." A completely fresh sound you'll be wanting to add to your music collection. Listen...become inspired. And by overwhelming popular demand we took up the torch of the A.D. (ambient dub) compilation series once again with a much requested " FOUR A.D. "
2004 brought us the stunning debut release from Phutureprimitive titled " SUB CONSCIOUS ." Vibration for the imagination! We also offered an all new Sounds From the Ground album, " LUMINAL " as we welcomed Nick and Elliot back to the Waveform family. Late in the year we began offering links to instant downloads for all our tracks from each of our album pages with iTunes, Music Match, Napster and Rhapsody.2005 began with a special radio single compilation, featuring tracks that have generated the most listener response from our catalog, titled " SMOOTH CHILL - The Radio Singles ." We also brought out the superb New Zealand release " APE TO ANGEL " by Pitch Black [nz], repackaged for America with a bonus track and eye-popping video as our first enhanced CD. The year's release schedule closed out with Australia's Grey Area and an aquatic adventure titled, " AND THEN THE CLOUDS " our 39th release!
2006 started off with our distributor (Studio Distribution via Navarre) going under at the end of February. Not to worry, on March 1st we inked an even more promising relationship with the Portland, Oregon based Allegro Group . For 2006, first out of the box was " CHILLICIOUS " a various artist compilation of deeper, darker, sensual soundscapes. Cool and refreshing! Also in 2006 - our fourth Sounds From the Ground title called " HIGH RISING " more sky-scraping musical panoramas from the UK duo on the Waveform label. Check em out!
2007 kicked off with " ozOne " the third full length and welcome back release for ZerO One. More music for intellectual stimulation! Also in 2007 - the first in a fresh new compilation series as only Waveform can bring it to you called " WAVEFORM TRANSMISSIONS - Volume One " a mind-blowing journey through psychedelic chill and psy-ambient. Check em out!
And who works so hard to bring you our unique brand of "exotic electronica" from the UK, Europe, Asia and right here in the ole U-S-S-A? Our entrepenurial explorers include vegi head and wheatgrass fanatic Forest, (doa/mia) Moby lookalike Brian, papa Pierre -- check out his suave band Rilo Kiley at RiloKiley.com , Arco the mysterious art master, plus other assorted stragglers, hangers-on, henchmen and minions. Dare you look, you can see a few of our faces here .
another important transmission from:
©1993-2007. Waveform Corporation. Waveform and the Waveform Logo are registered trademarks of the Waveform Corporation. All rights reserved. No material including sound samples, may be used without prior permission.