My Twin Flame. Those who wait patiently for me to tread the threads of maya. Good Hearted people. I made the song below in the spirit of hypnotic and poeticism... Here are the words.I saw a great mountain, crumble to her knees, when the ocean lady, Rose up and said please./I saw the ocean lady beg and plead of please, when they had all forsaken, the life of the tree./ Goddess of the sea, have mercy on us please, black oil spills in seas, Lead us God oh please./ I saw the greed in man, refuse to take a stand, against the hordes of evil, we must obey the plan./ Oh pleasures of this world, reveal your lies to me, that right after is see you, False happinness is through./ The path of great worth, I love you donna korth, that one day all will love her, our dearest mother earth./The sweetness of these words, expand your love on strong, that one day we may be, nevermore so wrong./ I love I love I love, the love the love the love, you love you love you love, tis true me and you. (less)