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TotalMyspace.complease check out my video and picture are a few more tracks that i`ve made in the last 2 years

CURRENT MOON about the moon

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Member Since: 5/12/2007
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Click here to post this on your page or 'blog Which Tarot Card Are You?:
You are the Magician card. Magick is the use of the will to effect change in reality. The will is the ability to direct knowledge and experience towards an end goal. The Magician is capable of manipulating his environment because he knows it so well. He effects the thoughts and emotions of those around him. Therefore, the Magician is often thought of as an artist, writing or speaking in a way that strongly influences others. The Magician understands how to bring concepts into form and how to express metaphysical concepts in a physical way. He is seen with the symbols of each suit: a disk, a cup, a sword and a wand. These symbols are each a physical expression of a concept. They are The Magician's tools. Following after The Fool, The Magician acts as a messenger. His planet is Mercury, who is Messenger of the Gods. He brings The Fool into the new world that The Fool seeks. The Magician represents the act of creation. Because he can use his knowledge to form something new, he seems to be able to make a thing appear out of a void. Image from: L. S. Irish.
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Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

sarah sounds

if you get chance - check out my girlfriends grooves - shes in my favourites (top left, next to the great john mclaughlin :)
Posted by merlingroove on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 10:01:00 PST