Musical Starstreams originated and first aired in San Francisco on December 20th of 1981. Produced, programmed and hosted by Forest for over two and a half decades, Starstreams offers a unique, refreshing mix of "exotic electronica" heard at one time or another on over 200 commercial USA terrestrial radio stations, non-commercial and foreign stations, cable systems, the internet, XM satellite radio channels and DirecTV. Forest also programs the highly recommended site, which is Starstreams mix sets airing as a full-time online radio station.
If you enjoy Starstreams, clue in your friends and let the program director know, of the station, cable channel, satellite or internet location where you listen. Your props will help keep us around. Patronizing our music sponsors like Waveform Records directly supports us too. So, please take advantage of our direct-to-you music offers and show your support by clicking here to donate a few bucks to the cause.
Copyright laws prevent us from selling copies of our programs. If you'd like to add something we've played to your music collection, check our
music offers or the sources on our FAQ page.
If you're not sure about something you've heard, view our playlists and listen online .
If you have music that you'd like Forest to consider for airplay, our address for sending CDs (no mp3s) is on our FAQ page. If you want to know if we're already using your music, do a search on with your full name along with the word 'starstreams' and it will usually show up.
Thanks for listening to the exotic side of radio -