Nini'ane profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

~ My Goal ~

To help myself and others to promote and to maintain a healthy, vital and sustainable lifestyle ~ to become more consciously aware of the foods we eat ~ the water we drink ~ the air we breathe ~ and the thoughts we think.

~ The affects of global warming on the Hawai'ian Islands ~

~ Images courtesy of u.s. geological survey ~

(click images to enlarge)

Everything we do in in life - every choice we make - is ultimately motivated by our choices in the food we eat ~ making the right choices involves asking the right questions and getting the right answers ~ all too often we're fed lies about how our food is grown and about how that growing process affects our physical bodies and our environment.

95% of all the food purchased in grocery stores contain either genetically modified organisms (gmo's), or were grown with the use of dangerous chemical fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, rodenticides, herbicides fungicides, growth hormones, and antibiotics ~ before our meat and produce reaches the supermarkets, they are irradiated with cancer-causing nuclear radioactive isotopes called cobalt-60 ~ the u.s. epa's website informs us that our food supply is also currently being irradiated with spent nuclear fuel rods, and that they are testing the safety of this method on u.s. army soldiers ~ and of course we've taken for granted that most of our foods are laden with various synthetic substances such as chemical preservatives, artificial colors, artificial flavors, artificial sweeteners, and animal by-products, etc.

~ Islands at Risk - Genetic Engineering in Hawai'i ~

The following documentary video "the future of food" offers an in-depth investigation into the disturbing truth behind the unlabeled, patented, genetically engineered foods that have quietly filled u.s. grocery store shelves for the past decade.

These genetically-modified, chemically-saturated, nuclear-irradiated foods cause birth defects, cysts, tumors, skin discolorations, rashes, acne, brittle hair, headaches, migraines, gastrointestinal disorders, learning disabilities, cancers, leukemia, degenerative diseases, arthritis, viral infections, bacterial illnesses, allergies, blood toxicities, age acceleration, and lower nutritional absorption ~ other far-reaching affects on the environment include plant and animal defects and genetic mutations, air and water pollution, soil erosion, water shortages, and vast contributions to global warming.

~ Top 10 Reasons For Opposing Food Irradiation ~

1 ~ In legalizing food irradiation, the fda did not determine a level of radiation to which food can be exposed and still be safe for human consumption, which federal law requires.
2 ~ In legalizing food irradiation, the fda relied on lab research that did not meet modern scientific protocols, which federal law requires.
3 ~ Research dating to the 1950s has revealed a wide range of problems in animals that ate irradiated food, including premature death, a rare form of cancer, reproductive dysfunction, chromosomal abnormalities, liver damage, low weight gain and vitamin deficiencies.
4 ~ Irradiation masks and encourages filthy conditions in slaughterhouses and food processing plants ~ Irradiation can kill most bacteria in food, but it does nothing to remove the feces, urine, pus and vomit that often contaminate beef, pork, chicken and other meat ~ Irradiation will not kill the pathogen that causes mad cow disease.
5 ~ Irradiation destroys vitamins, essential fatty acids and other nutrients in food -- sometimes significantly ~ the process destroys 80% of vitamin A in eggs, but the fda nonetheless legalized irradiation of these products.
6 ~ Irradiation can change the flavor, odor and texture of food -- sometimes disgustingly so ~ pork can turn red; beef can smell like a wet dog; fruit and vegetables can become mushy; eggs can lose their color, become runny and ruin recipes.
7 ~ Irradiation disrupts the chemical composition of everything in its path -- not just harmful bacteria, which the food industry often asserts ~ scores of new chemicals called "radiolytic products" are formed by irradiation -- chemicals that do not naturally occur in food and that the fda has never studied for safety.
8 ~ The World Health Organization did not follow its own recommendation to study the toxicity of "radiolytic products" formed in high-dose irradiated food before proposing in November 2000 that the international irradiation dose limit -- equal to 330 million chest x-rays -- be removed.
9 ~ Soon, some irradiation plants may use cesium-137, a highly radioactive waste material left over from the production of nuclear weapons. This material is dangerous and unstable ~ In 1988, a cesium-137 leak near Atlanta led to a $30 million, taxpayer-funded cleanup.
10 ~ Because it increases the shelf life of food and is used in large, centralized facilities, irradiation encourages globalization and consolidation of the food production, distribution and retailing industries ~ these trends have already forced multitudes of family farmers and ranchers out of business, reduced the diversity of products in the marketplace, disrupted local economies in developing nations, and put American farmers and ranchers at a great economic disadvantage.

Diet for a New America (part 7)

The environmental effects of animal-food production

The importance of choosing organic, natural, life-enhancing, sustainable, and locally-grown foods is imperative ~ the act of grocery shopping must cease to be a passive experience ~ we must educate ourselves about where our food comes from ~ we must learn to read our food labels ~ and we must take political action to ensure that we are not being used as human guinea pigs in this vast profit-motivated, corporate-owned, mass-production, genetically- modified food-farming experiment.
Ancient Hawaiians were deeply connected to their 'aina ~ they wasted nothing ~ they used the abundance the 'aina provided without depleting or destroying precious natural resources ~ post world war II has brought uncontrolled development and wasteful consumerism which now threatens to end the pristine nature of the beautiful Hawaiian Islands.

~ 100% Kona Coffee ~

~ Happy Dancing Organic Milk Cows ~

~ Artificial Food Colorings ~

Artificial food colors are derived from petroleum and coal tars ~ although banned in the european union due to hazardous health concerns, these dangerous artificial food colors are still certified and approved by the fda for use in food production in the united states ~ the following are the seven primary artificial food coloring additives being used today :
fd&c blue no.1 ~ brilliant blue fcf (bright blue) ~ derived from coal tar
fd&c blue no.2 ~ indigotine (royal blue)~ derived from coal tar
fd&c green no.3 ~ fast green fcf (sea green)~ derived from petroleum
fd&c red no.40 ~ allura red ac (orange-red) ~ derived from petroleum
fd&c red no.3 ~ erythrosine (cherry pink) ~ derived from coal tar
fd&c yellow no.5 ~ tartrazine (lemon yellow) ~ derived from coal tar
fd&c yellow no.6 ~ sunset yellow fcf (orange) ~ derived from coal tar

~ Aspartame and Other Artificial Sweeteners ~

In the united states, there are five artificial sugar substitutes approved by the fda : aspartame, neotame, sucralose, acesulfame potassium, and saccharin ~ these chemical sugar substitutes are referred to as high-intensity sweeteners ~ of these five artificial sweeteners, the most dangerous and toxic is aspartame ~ there is irrefutable evidence that aspartame is extremely hazardous to human health ~ the digested byproduct of aspartame, formaldehyde, stays in the body permanently and bonds with the body's protein cell structure ~ 91 different adverse long-term toxic effects have been widely documented ~ they include:
dizziness ~ tremors ~ headaches ~ migraines ~ memory impairments ~ irritability ~ confusion ~ numbness ~ tingling sensations ~ chronic fatigue ~ depression ~ insomnia ~ slurred speech ~ blurred vision ~ ringing in the ears ~ joint pain ~ sore, achy muscles ~ arthritis ~ fibromyalgia ~ gastrointestinal disorders ~ burning, frequent or uncontrollable urination ~ urinary tract infections ~ menstrual abnormalities ~ reproductive system abnormalities ~ cysts ~ tumors ~ attention deficit disorder (add) ~ seizures and convulsions ~ aggressive behavior ~ anxiety ~ panic attacks ~ personality disorders ~ phobias ~ suicidal tendencies ~ rapid heart beat ~ tachycardia ~ asthma ~ ulcers ~ chest pains ~ hypertension ~ high blood pressure ~ nausea or vomiting ~ diarrhea ~ abdominal pain ~ painful swallowing ~ itching ~ hives ~ urticaria ~ allergic reactions ~ hypoglycemia ~ hyperglycemia ~ weight gain ~ hair loss ~ impotency and sexual problems ~ excessive thirst ~ excessive hunger ~ bloating ~ edema (fluid retention) ~ infection susceptibility ~ spontaneous miscarriages ~ decreased red blood cell count ~ birth defects ~ lung tumors ~ breast tumors ~ leukemia ~ brain cancer ~ brain tumors ~ brain lesions ~ epilepsy ~ multiple sclerosis (ms) ~ enlarged liver and kidneys ~ lymphoma ~ lyme disease ~ immune system damage ~ nervous system damage ~ genetic damage ~ and death.

aspartame ~ sold as equal and nutrasweet ~ developed by g.d. searle & company in 1965 ~ the fda did not approve aspartame in the united states for many years ~ aspartame was ultimately approved by the fda in 1981 ~ why would the fda allow such a toxic and dangerous chemical in our food ? ~ in 1981, searle's ceo was donald rumsfeld ~ approving aspartame was an obvious political maneuver motivated by corporate greed and profit ~ in 1985, searle was purchased by monsanto ~ in this acquisition, searle’s aspartame business became a separate monsanto subsidiary.
sucralose ~ sold as splenda ~ was originally developed as an insecticide ~ may be less toxic than aspartame, but preliminary research shows that prolonged use can contribute to serious chronic immunological or neurological disorders.
acesulfame potassium ~ ace-k, sunette, sweet one, swiss sweet, sweet & safe ~ less toxic than aspartame ~ preliminary research shows that prolonged use can contribute to serious chronic immunological or neurological disorders.
saccharin ~ sold as sweet n' low ~ proven fact: saccharin is a carcinogen ~ prolonged use will cause cancer ~ banned in canada and european union.
neotame ~ sold as nutrasweet ~ developed by monsanto corp. ~ insufficient research available ~ however, given monsanto’s track record with aspartame, it would be safe to assume that neotame is just as dangerously toxic as aspartame ~ monsanto's policy regarding chemical food additives says it all :

"Monsanto should not have to vouchsafe the safety of biotech food.
Our interest is in selling as much of it as possible.
Assuring its safety is the fda's job."

~ A Fox News Report on Aspartame ~

~ We Are What We Eat ~

~ Foods that Make us Smart, Healthy & Happy ~

Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, currants, watermelon, canteloupe, honeydew, muskmelon, papaya, mango, starfruit, guava, passion fruit, pineapples, pomegranates, kiwifruit, bananas, lychees, grapes, cherries, loquat, figs, dates, prunes, raisins, apples, pears, peaches, nectarines, apricots, plums, oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, lemons, limes, kumquat, tropical fruits, spinach, collards, kale, swiss chard, mustard greens, beet greens, bean sprouts, alfalfa sprouts, barley grass, wheat grass lettuce, watercress, green beans, peas, cucumber, tomatoes, bell peppers, chili peppers, celery, okra, kohlrabi, radishes, carrots, turnips, parsnips, beets, rutabagas, taro, potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, jicama, zucchini, yellow squash, acorn squash, spaghetti squash, butternut squash, pumpkin, corn, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, chinese cabbage, napa cabbage, red cabbage, bok choy, brussel sprouts, bamboo shoots, water chestnuts, mushrooms, eggplant, artichoke, avocado, onion, leek, chives, garlic, gingerroot, nuts and seeds (almonds, brazilnuts, cashews, chestnuts, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, peanuts, pecans, pinenuts, pistachios, walnuts, flaxseed, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds) legumes, pulses and dried beans (chickpeas, split peas, black-eyed peas, kidney, pinto, black, red, navy, lentils, dal, lima, azuki, mung, fava, soy), pasta, white rice, basmati rice, brown rice, jasmine rice, wild rice, wheatgerm, bran, cereal grains, rolled oats, oatmeal, barley, buckwheat, bulgar wheat, spelt, millet, quinoa, grits, alpen, kashi, muesli, granola, hummus, tabbouleh, couscous, tofu, tempeh, eggs, cheese, yogurt, fish, green tea, herbal tea, dandelion tea, ginseng tea, banchi tea, kombucha, chlorophyll, chlorella, spirulina, bee pollen, honey, herbs and herbal remedies.

Recommended Food Combinations
To enlarge, click image

I'm not exactly a vegetarian ~ I'm more of a fruitarian by nature ~ however, even though I oppose the mass-production and consumption of meat for ethical, environmental and health reasons, I do eat meat out of physical necessity ~ I advocate homemade chicken soup to treat colds and flus (made with lots of carrots, onions, celery and garlic) ~ I don't eat fast foods ~ I don't eat processed foods (except cheese and chocolates) ~ I don't drink sodas ~ I love seafood (sushi, lomi-lomi salmon, ahi, mahi-mahi, aku poke, striped bass, shrimp, crabs, clams, scallops, lobster and oysters) ~ and I've never set foot in a starbucks.

Hitler was a vegetarian;

The Dali Lama is not;

You decide.

~ Be Kind to Your Body ~ Heal It ~

~ eat fresh fruits and vegetables ~

~ take vitamin & mineral supplements ~

~ exercise, exercise, exercise ~

~ get plenty of sunshine & fresh air ~

~ meditate twice a day ~

~ sleep 6-8 hours a night ~

~ drink 10-12 glasses fresh water daily ~

~ Vitamin, Mineral and Herbal Supplements at Risk ~

Our freedom of choice to take vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements is at grave risk ~ the following video details the ongoing attempts by the fda and several multinational pharmaceutical companies — in concert with the 'world trade organization' (wto) and the 'world health organization' (who) — to limit our access to vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements.

~ We Become Silent ~

~ A World Without Cancer ~

~ The Story of Vitamin B-17 - The Cure for Cancer ~

~ Save the Environment ~

~ Buy Used and Vintage Clothing~

~ Buying hand-me-down, charity shop, "vintage clothing" is far more ecologically friendly than buying brand new, mall-purchased clothing.
~ Buying used clothing saves energy and carbon emissions which would have otherwise been spent in the production, shipping and purchasing of new clothing.
~ Most clothing purchased in our stores today are, for the most part, made in china, where factories are fueled by coal-fired plants.
~ Every item of clothing you own has an impact on the environment ~ synthetic textiles are made with petroleum products ~ cotton accounts for less than 3% of farmed land globally but consumes approximately 30% of the world's pesticide supplies.
~ Here's a hint ~ carpool with your friends, family members or neighbors to all your local charity shops in your area.
~ Another easy way to save the environment is to invite your friends over for a "closet swap," to which everyone brings a few items they want to trade.

Only One Chance to Get it Right

~ The Navy's War on Whales ~

Deafeningly loud sonar is a proven danger to marine life , but its use throughout the world's oceans is spreading ~ this powerful movie , brought to you by the 'natural resources defense council' ( nrdc ) shows what sonar does to whales caught within its range , and explains how whales , dolphins , and other marine animals can be protected from deadly sonar.

Environmental News Service

Stay Informed ~ First, Fast, and Factual

News Target Network

Information that Empowers

The News Target Network is a non-profit website providing valuable, unbiased information designed to empower individuals to make positive changes in their lives by providing daily news and commentary on natural health, wellness, planetary health and medicine ~ topics include:

~ Help save the planet from Global Warming ~

Switch from using incandescent light bulbs to using compact fluorescent lamps ~ they use 75 percent less energy, and they will help you save significantly on your monthly electric bills ~ in turn, the utility companies will generate less energy to provide the same service ~ If everyone in the united states swapped out two incandescent bulbs for compact fluorescent lamps, it would be the equivalent of taking 2 million cars off the road ~ compact fluorescent lamps cost more, and they contain trace amounts of mercury so they will have to be disposed of through recycling ~ but they will last between 3 to 5 years longer ~ the return on investment will be substantial.

~ Wood Spider on Drugs ~

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My Eternally-Enigmatic and Ever-Elusive Muse.

~ I'd Like to Meet ~

Activists, adventurers, artists, beatniks, bohemians, craftsmen, demonstrators, dissenters, dissidents, drag queens, dreamers, ecologists, eco-warriors, environmentalists, ethical travelers, existentialists, explorers, flower children, free spirits, free thinkers, freedom fighters, fruitarians, hippies, iconoclasts, infidels, individualists, liberals, libertarians, meditators, mediators, nature-lovers, new age travelers, nonconformists, organic farmers, organic consumers, partisans, peaceniks, philanthropists, philosophers, poets, political activists, progressives, protesters, radicals, rebels, reformists, revolutionaries, shamans, social entrepreneurs, surfers, street people, homeless people, transcendentalists, visionaries, and weavers of wisdom ~ you are all my friends.

East Coast


Be that person you wish to become,

Do those things you've never done.

Huna ~ Secret Hawaiian Wisdom

Huna, in hawaiian, means "secret" ~ huna is the ancient art of spiritual healing which embraces the principles of divine knowledge ~ the practice of huna enables each of us to connect with our higher wisdom within ~ understanding and utilizing the seven principles of huna brings to us healing and harmony through the use of positive thought, and the power of the mind ~ experiencing huna concepts gives us the opportunity to integrate body mind soul and spirit ~ huna is one of nature's many tools we can use to help us develop our inner strength, peace, and divine wisdom.

The Seven Principles of Huna

ike ~ the world is what you think it is

be aware

kala ~ there are no limits, everything is possible

be free

makia ~ energy flows where attention goes

be focused

manawa ~ now is the moment of power

be here

aloha ~ to love is to be happy with

be happy

mana ~ all power comes from within

be confident

pono ~ effectiveness is the measure of truth

be positive

The Aloha Spirit

To learn more, click image

A = akahai

kindness, expressed with a feeling of tenderness

L = lokahi

unity, expressed with a feeling of harmony

O = olu..olu

agreeable, expressed with a feeling of pleasantness

H = ha..aha..a

humility, expressed with a feeling of modesty

A = ahonui

patience, expressed with a feeling of perserverance

~ A Spiritual Journey Begins with a Leap of Faith ~

You have the ability to create your dreams ~ your mind contains all the elements you need to manifest everything you could possibly imagine .

What is your heart's desire ~ do you want to live on a beach mat , take showers under waterfalls , and walk in fern-covered forests ~ do you want to save the world , teach sustainability , and grow organic fruits & vegetables with like-minded souls ~ or would you like to live in a large urban warehouse with room enough to create all those artful things your mind can imagine and share your love and joy with one special person ?

You are very unique ~ there is a season and a reason for everything you can dream ~ all you need to do is to surrender yourself to your urges ~ your spirit knows the way to living a beautiful life ~ allow yourself to follow your heart ~ your spiritual journey begins with a leap of faith ~ trust the universe .

Life isn't about Finding yourself,

Life is about Creating yourself.

~ Letting Go of the Past ~

When one door closes another door opens ~ too many of us look upon the closed door far longer than necessary that we tend to miss the wonderful opportunities which await us beyond the newly opened door.

~ Be ~ Do ~ Have ~

Synergetic Linear Philosophy ~ Be who you have to Be ~ and then Do what you have to Do ~ in order to Have what you want to Have.

The secret of getting ahead is getting started ~ the secret of getting started is breaking up your large complex tasks into small manageable parts ~ then prioritize them ~ start on the first one first ~ begin now.

Science of Mind ~ Religious Science

The Teachings of Ernest Holmes

The Seven Attributes of Infinite Intelligence








The Kybalion: Hermetic Philosophy

The Seven Hermetic Principles

The Principle of Mentalism

The Principle of Correspondence

The Principle of Vibration

The Principle of Polarity

The Principle of Rhythm

The Principle of Cause and Effect

The Principle of Gender

The Seven Spritual Laws of Sucess

A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams

by Deepak Chopra

The Law of Pure Potentiality

The Law of Giving

The Law of Karma ~ Cause and Effect

The Law of Least Effort

The Principle of Rhythm

The Law of Intention and Desire

The Law of Detachment

~ The Story of One Red Paperclip ~

~ Skateboarding 2,000 ft down Tantalus ~ O'ahu ~

Name: ←©©Niniæn©©→
Birthdate: scorpio sun, cancer moon, leo ascendant
Birthplace: planet earth
Current Location: leather chair ~ desk ~ computer
Eye Color: emerald green
Hair Color: miss clairol hydrience no. 04 sunrise
Height: 5 feet 2 inches
Right-Handed or Left-Handed: i write with my right hand and i vote with my left
Your Heritage: smart blonde
The Shoes You Wore Today: i was barefoot all day today ~ i was barefoot yesterday ~ and i'll be barefoot again tomorrow
Your Weakness: blue cheese (my personal aphrodisiac)
Your Fear: not achieving this year's goal for 2009
This Years Goal for 2009: to make a million dollars using my photography and marketing skills
Thoughts Upon First Waking Up: must have excedrins
Your Best Physical Feature: my brain
Your Bedtime: i'm old enough to stay up as late as i want
Your Favorite Color: earth tones ~ browns and greens
Your Most Missed Memory: My Cat Scotty
Pepsi or Coke: Bolthouse and Odwalla
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: carrot juice and pomegranate juice
Cappuccino or Coffee: 100% pure kona coffee ~support the local growers
MacDonalds or Burger King: greek salad with lots of feta cheese and cucumbers
Your Favorite Dessert: anything with coconut
Your Perfect Pizza: hawaiian-style, or supreme is lots of veggies
Your Comfort Food: any kind of fresh fruit
Do You Swear: only when i have to
Do You Sing: not in front of other people
Have You Ever Been in Love: every single day of my life
Your Inspirational Phrase: a spiritual journey begins with a leap of faith
Do You Think You Are Attractive: there's always room for improvement
Are You a Health Freak: i'm very healthy, but i'm not a freak
Do You Like Thunderstorms: i'm a meteorologist ~ stormy wx always excites me
Do You Play an Instrument: piano and hand drums
In the past month Have You Drank Alcohol: I love mojitos, but alcohol makes me narcoleptic ~ i'm always the designated driver
In the past month Have You Smoked: is this a trick question?
In the past month Have You Eaten a Box of Oreos: oreos don't come in a box
in the past month have you eaten sushi: yes, every chance i get ~ i love unagi
Ever Been Drunk: being drunk really sucks
Ever Been Called a Tease: no, but i've been called a bitch a few times
Ever Been Beaten Up: he tried, but when i was finished with him, he was running out of the house yelling, "help, help, she's trying to kill me"
How Do You Want to Die: i believe in Immortality
What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up: what do i want to do when i retire?
What Country Would You Most Like to Visit: the sovereign nation of Hawai'i

My Blog

How long&to sing this song?

by Jon Letman, Honolulu Weekly, 9-3-2008American Friends Service Committee celebrates 40 years of public action in Hawai'iFounded in 1917 by a group of Quakers as a way to provide conscientious object...
Posted by on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 21:38:00 GMT

Famous Are the Flowers: Hawaiian Resistance Then and Now

By ELINOR LANGER, The Nation, Issue April 28, 2008Initial research for this Special Issue was funded by The Nation Institute.What seems like many years ago, on a family trip to Mui, I suddenly realiz...
Posted by on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 21:57:00 GMT

Hawaii Needs You

Hawaii Needs Youby _NONE, The Nation, Issue April 28, 2008An open letter to the US left from the Hawaiian sovereignty movement.The confluence of two forces--a massive military expansion in Hawai'i and...
Posted by on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 22:43:00 GMT

Excerpts from the ’Apology Resolution’

Excerpts from the 'Apology Resolution'by ELINOR LANGER, The Nation, Issue April 28, 2008Whereas, prior to the arrival of the first Europeans in 1778, the Native Hawaiian people lived in a highly organ...
Posted by on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 22:31:00 GMT

Ahi Poke

Ahi Poke Ingredients: 3 cup Med. Diced Ahi Tuna (sashimi grade) 1 tsp Grated Ginger 1 tsp Sesame Oil 4 tbsp Soy Sauce 1 tsp Garlic Chili Paste 1 tsp Hawaiian Sea S...
Posted by on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 10:16:00 GMT