Don Joey Johnson (a.k.a. Ben Wade) (R-SC) profile picture

Don Joey Johnson (a.k.a. Ben Wade) (R-SC)

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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Fishing Myspace Layouts in sport myspace layoutsWOOOOOH!BACKOFF BITCHES!!!I am Double J. I've spent my life doing what i still love....schooling EVERYONE at drums, shredding like a woodchipper (shoutout A.W.) at the guitar, and writing unbelievable pulp, post-modern fiction and political nonfiction. I love my girlfriend, Christie very much, as well as my cat, Mina....and my this guy of my many heroes:THIS MAY BE THE MOST IMPORTANT SPEECH EVER:
Date: Oct 19, 2007 11:09 PM
..This video is hilarious and best captures WHY i hate liberals: THeEyE
Date: Apr 22, 2008 4:21 PM
Why So Serious???
Horror Pictures at satanspace.comIts my pet monkey, Jefferson:..
adopt your own virtual pet!Mina:HIGHLIGHT TEXT TO READ...ITS IN BLACK AND HARD TO SEE....BUT READ.....I COMMAND YOU!!!:And you hippies carrying pictures of Chairman ain't gonna make it with anyone anyhow"..i'd "picture myself on a boat on a river" near an insurgent hotbed and call in an unrelentless airstrike, followed by a well-coordinated ground attack to take the city, already softened by the Special Ops who'd already been inside two and a half weeks, finding sympathetic Iraqis from that majority who want a functional, constitutional government and the help of the United States to do so. The talk and use of the phrase "exit strategy" reveals that the Dems wish to retreat. In other words, WE neo-cons have an exit strategy and it gives our businesses access to a huge oil reserve (second largest on Earth, but trickling to nearly nothing under Clinton's pussy sanctions)as well as provides a counterbalance to Iran that would prevent its Islamic Fascsist Republic (who funds hamas, hezbollah, trained al-queda as on queda is classified in the "Iranian style" of terror groups, made up of mujaihadeens from many Arab countries...they say they don't stop until we are all dead...i take their word for it and believe in fighting back)and our exit strategy involves WINNING!!!! THAT IS THE EXIT STRATEGY!!!What would happen with the leftist liberal, "exit-strategy":When the dems say it they mean "way to try and save face and back out of our commitment, leaving the fifteen million who voted (and are catalogued) to be slaughtered by the iranian style goverment that Al-Sadr and the maqdi army will impose" (they are pro-iranian shias who will lean towards establishing Islamic law...they believe no law can be above Koranic law....stupid religions)...they will kill them all and they will have all of the oil, and therefore the profits, scientists with nuclear know how, and a parternship, economically and geo-stragecally (for power in the region and against us) with Iran...they will be a joint Islamic Fascist threat with serious Nuclear capabilities...they will eliminate Israel from the map, as they have pledged..but israel will nuke first...this would start the democrats post-exit stragy war....Pakistan would see Musharraf overthrown in a coup and they would join in...they are already nuclear and bitter enemies over Kashmir with who? India....a big ally and economic need of the U. S. We are already against Iran and will side with India. China will, very likely side with us as we have a great trade realtionship and they want even more oil than us...they don't want instability in that region...Japan will also be with us for the same reasons and because, in many ways, we control them...we may even let them have nuclear weapons again one day (they would have to amend their consitution which forbids nukes...)It would be a World War that would make the first two, combined look petty...consider that all of those places that will blow up are just the start...this chain of "exit strategy" events would blow up the situations in Burma, Somalia, the Sudan, North Korea, and Chechnya very much too...especially Chechnya (oil source) and the African countires because of high percentages of muslims and cells of Al-Queda and the like.OUR (true Americans, neo-conservatives, smart dems, some traditional conservatives, christopher hitchens) plan:We could buck up and win. We were actually doing WORSE halfway through the second world war. We lost as many as we have A WEEK in 'nam. We should bolster air support and have a revamped, seventies style CIA that would have people in every hotspot in Iraq, Iran, Somalia, Chechnya, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebanon, etc.We should also support Israel's almost unavoidable airstrikes against Iran. they have publicly stated that they will bomb the nuke facilities, unilaterally, if the U. S. didn't. The Persians will see the Israelis, flying their American Apaches, f-16s and such will see no difference in which of us does it, but we should fly sortees with our flag and make it a joint op, us taking half, as a show of support for our ally (stealing al queda's playbook...great went to my college)they bombed the iranian nuke sites in 82 and nothing ever cam of it short of it taking 24 more years for Iran to get their abilities to nuke about a year they should have four or five....i don't think i have to tell you they are pointed at Israel since the Ayatolla publicly proclaimed, as did president Ahmadinejad that they would "wipe Israel off the face of the map"...we need to use money (soft power) to lure Syria into turning (they let Iran control them)...we should tell Syria they should run to their pride...they would cut off hamas and hezbollah...israel already showed lebanon the light and they are cracking down on the groups...many arab states can be won over cause in arabia...the bottom line.....he with the money wins and we gots the money and the guns....we do like we did for Saudi Arabia...promise Syria 20 Apaches or something....we'll have them using them against Iran anyway....the last step (those who fund and/or form cells like al-queda) are private Saudis....many of them (the originals, leaders)millionaires....sometimes billionaires...they are narcissistic spoiled rich kids with cowboy Mohammed dreams who will not stop until the West it both humiliated and destroyed. They want to bring their opponent to his knees, to taunt him and make him acknowledge his victor, and then kill him. They have promised this. We need to allow our intelligence agencies ALL of their old rules of engagement, including eliminating targets themselves, public assassinations, kidnappings and torture. They could then infiltrate the coterie of circles of upper-class Saudis, who are arms dealers...some real devoted religious types, and target the enemies directly...slit throats, blow up cars, turn groups against one another...end them all.We will then have made ourself as safe as can be, except that we will need Asian Intelligence services to be given the same leeway in the Al-Queda hive that exists in much of the Pacific, especially one in the Phillipines.That would leave us in a world where all the supervillian, diabolical, Bin Laden style attacks would go the way of the caribou. There will always be an occasion where someone will blow something up. But we will have won the war on terror. THAT is the hawk's exit strategy.BaleedatLiberalism at its finest (which isn't saying much):"Harvard. The great liberal camp-out. More clueless, whining intellectuals per square inch than any other place on earth. Kennedy's brain trust, the kindergarten that completely missed the Sino-Soviet split and got us into Vietnam. And now it's 2001 and they're still trading in that Fukuyama crap about liberal democracy and the end of history. The global village, globaloney.Its as if they'd never heard of an intercontinental ballistic missile. As if the Chinese hadn't stolen the plans for our miniaturized nuclear warheads and weren't peddling copies around the world like egg rolls. Rwanda is going to go nuclear before these dumb bastards stir from their slumber. And oil? They think you can go down to the local Starbucks and put all you need on your credit card. when the Chinese own it all, they might just catch on. Just wait: They'll get their wake-up call to the twenty-first century. The sooner the better......Trees are renewable. Sort of. Oil is the endgame."In case you didn't know....the heart of rock and roll is still beating.

My Interests

America, art, and the joker are my interests:bwahahahahahaha!FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS!!!bombs

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The family:


Mostly i watch c-span and the history channel...hardcore, i know. Favorite show is Always sunny in Dexter, the tudors, the simpsons, nip/tuck, rescue me, espn (if i could only have one channel, it would have to be espn)...the sopranos, six feet under, Scrubs, House, the Office, All Comedy Central, really (half-way home, Reno, etc.), Arrested Development....ALL COURT TV, FORENSIC FILES, MURDER BIOGRAPHY TYPE SHIT, ANYTHING ON SERIAL KILLERS....LUUUUUVVVVVVV


Williiam Faulkner y Henry James are gods...and poe and bill shakespeare....along w/ all the other classics that we, the degreed in English, love....ben jonson, marlowe.....all the Classical Greek....Mario Puso (Godfather), Bret Easton Ellis, all founding fathers, Don Delillo, Oscar Wilde, Henry James, Seamus Heaney, Ciaron Carson, William Faulkner, Thomas Pynchon, Robert Coover, etc., etc., etc., (why type 45 pages of authors i like when noone has ever read this section???)


Prince, George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, Ulysses S. Grant, Christopher Hitchens, Bret Easton Ellis, Brian May, Gov. Mark Sanford (another TRUE liberterian....vetoed 104 of 105 pork barrel, liberal/RINO pork barrel spending bills), Shakespeare, Nietzche...PEACE through SUPERIOR FIREPOWER!!!!!those are just a few.

My Blog

"Delete Me"...cont.

Please bear in mind that you are seeing, literally, the rough draft in progress...i'm not typing this off of some handwritten copy...i'm freestyling this with little and, sometimes, no idea of wh...
Posted by Don Joey Johnson (a.k.a. Ben Wade) (R-SC) on Fri, 16 May 2008 10:15:00 PST

great quotes by great Americans on religion (contrary to the crap the church claims was said)

jefferson: Thomas Jefferson (Deist) "History I believe furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance, of which their poli...
Posted by Don Joey Johnson (a.k.a. Ben Wade) (R-SC) on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 10:13:00 PST

New Story: "Delete Me"

This is not to be confused with anything i've written for the blinds novel...its a wholly different beast.  I'm attempting the very difficult task of writing as an adolescant girl...don't know if...
Posted by Don Joey Johnson (a.k.a. Ben Wade) (R-SC) on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 06:56:00 PST

chapter fizive of BLINDS (thats five people): "A Devils Whisperl"

  A Devil's Whisper Daryl stood facing out of his window.  The blinds were shut but he had one pulled down to peer out of, per usual; to peer straight across to her apartment...
Posted by Don Joey Johnson (a.k.a. Ben Wade) (R-SC) on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 03:33:00 PST

chapter 4: Gypsy

Chapter fourah: Gypsy "She was straight from Hell But you never could tell Cause you were blinded by her light She could crack your brain With magic pain And turn a paler shade of white&" &And I'd...
Posted by Don Joey Johnson (a.k.a. Ben Wade) (R-SC) on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 03:27:00 PST

chapter 3: Daryl’s slumber from the Devil’s lullaby

Daryl's in slumber from a devil's lullaby              I am aware of the darkness first.  It is breathing.  Breath  hot and on my n...
Posted by Don Joey Johnson (a.k.a. Ben Wade) (R-SC) on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 03:20:00 PST

Chapter 2 of BLINDS: Of history and hallucination

this is postmodernist pulp...just so y'know.....influenced by Ralph Ellision and, of Course bret ellis the most....the setting of 2 ("Of History and Hallucination") is based on a walk/bluntsmoke you a...
Posted by Don Joey Johnson (a.k.a. Ben Wade) (R-SC) on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 03:18:00 PST

Obama: needs a majority of the black vote to win....

...but his policies are harmful and degrading to black votes (though they seem to, for the most part, not understand this...or not care).... read Thomas Sowell's (who happens to be an African-American...
Posted by Don Joey Johnson (a.k.a. Ben Wade) (R-SC) on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 12:18:00 PST

My first novel...blinds, written in Lander U. years...

This was written starting in my last year of would be my second novel.  I completed it, only recently, having put it on the back-burner with only about a quarter of a book to go...i ...
Posted by Don Joey Johnson (a.k.a. Ben Wade) (R-SC) on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 12:54:00 PST

GOP??? R.I.P....howd it happen....

So here’s a lesson about what happens when your "big tent" starts letting the pseudo-intellectual RINOs in (that’s "Republicans in Name Only for you laypeople....) The Republican Party is ...
Posted by Don Joey Johnson (a.k.a. Ben Wade) (R-SC) on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 10:23:00 PST