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I am here for Friends

About Me

At birth I was told to have been the greatest thing since sliced bread with my stunning good looks and charisma as a newborn. Since then things have taken a dramatic turn for the worse and I am no longer accepted by family or friends. Some say it has to do with my infactuation with beastiality, but I think it has to do with society not realizing that animals have feelings too. I think that is all you need to know about me at this time.

Background from Google search result

My Interests

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Slayer, A Tribe Called Quest, B-Boys, Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, Johhny Cash, George Jones, D.L.R., Stevie Ray Vaughn, Bob Marley, Biggie Smalls, Vivaldi, Chopin, Jeff Buckley, G n R, Primus, Ween, Skynard, Bob Seger etc. etc..
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