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Cornell d'Angelo

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About Me

My life really is not about me it has been fully turned over to The Lord God of Israel and His Son Jesus Christ, Yah'shua !!! IT IS ABOUT HIM, not us !!!!As I beat upon the drum of Judah, my tribe, I call out for an end to division among God's children and that we become One with The Heart of Yah !I stand for the reunification of Judah and Ephraim !The bride is awakening from her slumber...A writing entitled My Betrothed received In The Spirit :The Oil of The New Beginning… All things of old shall wither away and the new planting shall emerge, grow and blossom in Me ! I am now searching throughout the earth for the few that will be set apart completely unto Me. I will seek her out and lift the veil, I will rent her heart. I am doing a new thing. Be ye of the new in Me and depart of the old. My bride cannot have two husbands one of light and one of darkness. The time of choosing is at hand. Divorce ye yourselves from the world as it offers no good thing. Your flesh must be consumed to ashes that you may walk forth in and by My Spirit ! It is the flesh that loves the darkness, it is the flesh that lies, that trusts not in Me. It is the Spirit that loves My Light and it is My Spirit that must dwell within you. The flesh wages war in the heart seeking dominion and a home within which to control all things of life. For the she that seeks Him not, her Husband, will be as desolate as the desert. She that seeks Him will find the food and drink of Life Everlasting. She will feed and pour out from her abundance as she is one with Me and My Well is Deep ! Deep is the lament, deep is the travail of My bride in her re-birth from anguish and the agonies of this world and flesh. She will bathe and will soak in My Living Word and My Blood that atones will wash her clean. Naked she shall stand before Me and it is good ! I am the palm in the desert, I am the shade, I am the living water that flows forth, I am the river of all her needs and all her desire. She has walked in the valley. She has kept her candle lit for Me. She is the candle lit in remembrance and her life is the observance, the reverence. Her dowry shall not be of this earth, nor shall it be be of the abandonment, death and destruction of the many generations before her, the scarlet of sinfulness. She is indeed washed white as snow. Released are the shackles of the generations who turned away from their Lord and God ! Her garment shall be the finest of white, her purity is as incense rising to My secret place. Her dowry is the riches of Heaven and of My Kingdom to Come ! She will walk amongst the people of the earth who fear and tremble as My Hand pommels the wickedness and wretchedness. She will know My peace and will patiently endure. She will be a light unto the nations and a torch fueled of My Holy Spirit. She will be surrounded by My Light and reflect My Perfect Light into the darkness that so quickly will engulf the world. Her face will beam of Life Everlasting. She will bring hope where there is none. She will remain standing as others grovel in their fear. She will encourage the poor, meek and humble. She will be a living oil of joy as I Live and I am her Joy ! She will be and do all things that I ask of her as she has seeked and I granted her ears to hear and the voice of her Husband she heeds. She will not follow the voice of another as she is My betrothed, My beloved …Mine Alone ! She will walk the distance for she walks with Me. She has been prepared and equipped. She will endure patiently as she knows with certainty that I am Lord ! She will know tears of lament, of anguish, suffering and of deep joy. The tears together are the heart broken, contrite, true and living. She lives the life and the ways of her Lord as she has been delivered unto Life and into The Covenant Everlasting ! She has been set free as she offered up her debt. Her price has been paid in full by the Blood of My Atonement ! She has been purified seven times in My furnace into the thread I weave into My Tapestry ! She will glimmer of gold as I am her riches and her King of Kings ! She will smell of frankincense as I have purified her, as I have consecrated her as I am her Messiah and High Priest. She will smell of Myrrh for she has laid her life down and has given the sacrifice of all she is at My Altar. She is the living blend of all things fragrant and of all things that are good. She is the fruit of compassion. She plants the seed in the yearning heart. She watches as I water and nurture the seed. She knows My harvest is bountiful. She is the oil everlasting that burns within her heart. She is a vessel and shines forth the Light of Life Everlasting ! She is the return to the desires of her Father’s Heart. She is Love. She is Free In Me. She dances with Me Alone ! She is adorned in the purity of My Perfect Light ! She has returned unto My Image and Our Image is One ! She has opened her heart fully to Me and holds back nothing. Her trust and faith are perfected as they have been offered to me completely ! She has surrendered all. She has seen the darkness and loves it no longer. Her heart no longer knows fear as the Love of The Father has entered. Our Love is One ! I have brought her into My Chamber, into My Eternal Embrace ! She reached for Me with all of her heart ! I am but a whisper away… A touch, a glance and a breath away ! So I your Lord Say… May the oil of The New Beginning burn brightly and burn eternally in the she that I have chosen. Go forth and light the way to My Door. Pour forth My Light in you. Pour forth of the oil that fires the Light Eternal unto the meek, blind and weary that seek My Love as you have seeked Me. Now and Forevermore Your Lord…Amen ! November7, 2007 Cd’A
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I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace editor .

My Interests

I have been blessed beyond measure by laying my old life down, my old self purposed life just about killed me more than once...Now dedicated to God in a real way...not the religous church way...Have personal relationship and am guided in all things...Making music in my project studio, writing and publishing books, painting, collecting ancient artifiacts and art ! Travelling, that is to say exploring our world is indeed my greatest Joy ! My second home is Germany...oh, my revelation and photoART collection is extensive which I would like to share with everyone!

I'd like to meet:

Have not dated in about 7 years...made many wrong choices along the way...decided the best things come by not seeking them...Amen ! The purpose of my being here is to share freely that which I have been given freely...


have a very sharp discernment for truly Spirit Led giftings...i teach how to connect with the deeper places of the heart in freeform music making. Have over 700 recordings in 5 years just sitting down playing one of 30 keyboards or picking up a synth Bass or violin, etc. then when the music bed is ready just standing up and knowing what lyrics to sing...Have posted music, podcasts and a web-site called ! Please visit our My Space URL musikreativcom for music from our Renaissance players! I work in every form and type of music and have a library that is quite we hear adds new pigments to the musician's palette ! Then the brush combines colors to make new colors...Music is a sacred gift from above that must be respected and used responsibly...Amen !


Ghandi and Everything is Illuminated ! I have to say that romantic movies, especially depicting earlier times in history do have a way of moving me to tears.


not an advocate other than documentaries, History Channel and National Geo station ! Movies that are not filled with sex and violence too.


The Bible in various translations, The Fruit of The Spirit and a few others...i enjoy old books due to their cleaner focus on the subjects and the fine binding work ! Will be personally publishing 7-12 books in the next 3 years!


none...I have God in my Life...I do appreciate Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Martin Luther as they were single individuals that stood for something, layed their lives down freely and affected whole societies and countries as individuals in Christ ! They stood against man's iniquities...As Ghandi said...We do not have to look to the outside for evil...the devil runs around in our hearts...Darkness does reside in the heart and manifests in such awful ways in believes that he can just repeat foolish negative history and expects a different result...pure insaniTy..Cd'A

My Blog

The Coming of The King of Kings

The time is coming and it is near...The Heart must bow for The Coming of Our King !...
Posted by Cornell d'Angelo on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 04:24:00 PST

Life is In Christ Jesus, In Yah’shua

is really everything about us ?does everything revolve around our wants, our desires ?It is about Him, not us !...
Posted by Cornell d'Angelo on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 04:16:00 PST

Gather ye at The Tree of Life

to experience Life Anew, please visit...Father God's Symphony !
Posted by Cornell d'Angelo on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 04:13:00 PST

The Light of Truth 777 Series

my First Book is located here...The Books From The Well !
Posted by Cornell d'Angelo on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 04:09:00 PST

visit The Well That Is Deep

to experience The Living Water, please enter...The Drink Offering !
Posted by Cornell d'Angelo on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 04:05:00 PST