I have been blessed beyond measure by laying my old life down, my old self purposed life just about killed me more than once...Now dedicated to God in a real way...not the religous church way...Have personal relationship and am guided in all things...Making music in my project studio, writing and publishing books, painting, collecting ancient artifiacts and art ! Travelling, that is to say exploring our world is indeed my greatest Joy ! My second home is Germany...oh, my revelation and photoART collection is extensive which I would like to share with everyone!
Have not dated in about 7 years...made many wrong choices along the way...decided the best things come by not seeking them...Amen ! The purpose of my being here is to share freely that which I have been given freely...
have a very sharp discernment for truly Spirit Led giftings...i teach how to connect with the deeper places of the heart in freeform music making. Have over 700 recordings in 5 years just sitting down playing one of 30 keyboards or picking up a synth Bass or violin, etc. then when the music bed is ready just standing up and knowing what lyrics to sing...Have posted music, podcasts and a web-site called musiKreativ.com ! Please visit our My Space URL musikreativcom for music from our Renaissance players! I work in every form and type of music and have a library that is quite diverse...music we hear adds new pigments to the musician's palette ! Then the brush combines colors to make new colors...Music is a sacred gift from above that must be respected and used responsibly...Amen !
Ghandi and Everything is Illuminated ! I have to say that romantic movies, especially depicting earlier times in history do have a way of moving me to tears.
not an advocate other than documentaries, History Channel and National Geo station ! Movies that are not filled with sex and violence too.
The Bible in various translations, The Fruit of The Spirit and a few others...i enjoy old books due to their cleaner focus on the subjects and the fine binding work ! Will be personally publishing 7-12 books in the next 3 years!
none...I have God in my Life...I do appreciate Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Martin Luther as they were single individuals that stood for something, layed their lives down freely and affected whole societies and countries as individuals in Christ ! They stood against man's iniquities...As Ghandi said...We do not have to look to the outside for evil...the devil runs around in our hearts...Darkness does reside in the heart and manifests in such awful ways in history...man believes that he can just repeat foolish negative history and expects a different result...pure insaniTy..Cd'A