Member Since: 6/9/2008
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Influences: The Holy God of Israel, His Son Yah'shua, Christ Jesus and His Holy Spirit, Ruach Kadosh...
Sounds Like: A reflection of heaven through this heart surrendered, this heart humbled in The Light of Truth...Bittersweet,
the bitter and the sweet…
The word bittersweet came to mind a few days
ago as I was working on another
writing in the sanctuary.
As of late I have been deeply pondering
how to make more acceptable
the things I have been
given to write
and say.
The answer is simply that I must bring forth this
light I have been given without tampering
with the fuel from which it is fired.
That which comes from the fire that is pure
cannot be changed as it burns
brightly and eternally.
So is the way of Truth !
The Truth is indeed sweet to the taste
while becoming bitter in the
deeper places.
The difficulties with The Scriptures themselves
is man’s desire to bring joy to his existence
and keep control over his comfort.
The Truth of God is a perfect, flawless mirror
of the true reality of our imperfection
despite our good intentions.
We forsake the Truth for the comfort of illusions.
We forsake the Truth for the sake of not
making waves as we find ourselves
engulfed in a sea searching
meeting with waves
of confusion.
Drowning in a sea of endless distraction
we reject the eternal life preserver
believing we can just swim
our way out of the
stormy sea.
The drowning man is desperation unleashed
frantically trying to find his upward
struggle to find a breath of
life while sinking
Then the drowning man tries to help the others
around him that are drowning…they
entangle together falling
now together.
So is the way of the world !
It is the world in which I drowned finding no
solace in the many shallow offerings
and false ointments and
many potions.
It was like injesting a bitter poison disguised
as the sweet honey of redemption
as the world consumes
more of me.
But rather than dying I fall asleep as though
drugged…I stumble in many directions…
I sleepwalk through the world in
this my blind slumber.
The pursuits in the world as sold as a drug
to the flesh who needs a fix
to feel better.
So is the way of drugs and addictions !
So then if our behavior patterns are born of the
world that deals drugs and potions to
the unknowing trusting child.
Look here I have many drugs to make you feel better
the world says as we become sicker and sicker.
…the drug and subsequent addiction then re-defines
life itself blurring one’s perception of
what a good and righteous
life is or should be.
In the individual and collective blur we then try
to come together to make better a world
while sharing a common plight of blindness,
each walking in his own direction
not agreeing as a whole
in the proper
Each person defines and re-defines their reality
on the fly guided only by finding some
comfort, happiness and a
of well being.
The key word is “sense†of well being.
The words sense and sensory
that are both physical
is the flesh.
It is our senses, emotions and feelings that guide us
towards progress measured by these
drivers that feel their way
around hoping
to find,
to fill
and to fulfill !
In this behavior we say “flesh†have your way.
In this behavior we say you guide the way,
In this behavior we relinquish control.
That which feels sweet is bitter…
that which is bitter fears
and is surely not
that which is
So it is with The Gospel of Christ !
So it is with The Word of God !
That which is sweet is the true fuel of life yet we
prefer the false fuel of desire over
the true fuel of reliance
and trust.
We can read the Scriptures and decide quickly
what we are able to do and what we
are unable to do without
even trying.
That which is possible is deemed impossible.
That which is sweet is deemed bitter
for all the wrong reasons.
Yes…the Truth is as a bitter pill because
it is the antidote to our flesh
addictions and ways.
Yes…the Truth is a bitter pill because
it points out why we are sick
and offers the wisdom
to change a life.
The wisdom of The Word of God is so very self
evident yet we try to read it much like a
blind man would run his fingers
across the page that is
devoid of brail.
Yet The Word provides sight and insight to
bring the blind man to see again.
The greater miracle is to deliver a man that can
see from blindness than delivering a
true blind man to see.
The man with eyes to see has for so long
decided what to see and what not
to see that when the Truth
is in front of him
he sees it
he knows it
not !
So is the way of the man who prefers the
darkness over the Light !
Furthermore when we decide that which
Is applicable to us and that
Which is not…
We abandon the Whole by rejecting a part !
As it is with The Commandments…
you break one you have
broken them
all !
And if you re-define The Commandments into
A shallow interpretation then you believe
that by changing the meaning of
the offense then the
trespass is
somehow avoided,
somehow eliminated from a
true accountability and responsibility !
So are the ways of watering down The Word of God !
Suddenly a life granting living water becomes
tainted and poisoned leaving us
with only infected
water to
thirst for and drink of !
It is like lowering a bucket with a hole in it
deep into the well expecting to
find a full bucket when
it is reeled back
up to the
Yet on the way up all the water gathered
has leaked out through the hole !
So it is with the man who does not want a full measure !
Rather that a full measure he receives no measure !
Rather than humbly coming for living water
he exchanges it for the water of
Life for the water of
pestilence, of disease and affliction !
Rejecting the water that heals for water that kills.
Rejecting the whole vine by rejecting a grape,
Rejecting the true medicine for a placebo.
Rejecting the Vineyard for desolation.
Rejecting fine wine for the vinegar.
Let us remember that Jesus was not given
water to drink for His parched lips
by the world while on the
The Cross He was given the
sting of vinegar…
the final sting of the world that
offered him no comfort
and no help !
Let us stop and no longer consume the vinegar
that is sour and seek the sweetness
of the fruit of the vine.
A man that claims vinegar to be fine wine knows
not He that turned water into wine !
Sweet is the repose of Truth while bitter
after ingested to the stomach.
Sweet is The Pure and Sacred Light !
Bitter is the heart that has known
no light, only darkness !
Dark is the heart that perceives not Light !
Dark is the life that sees Light as dark !
Dark is the existence in that room !
Well lit is the room where the true
Light has entered !
Light is the heart where The Light has come
and all the darkness has fled !!!
The consumed becomes consumed.
The enslaved becomes enslaved.
The prison becomes imprisoned.
The captive is no longer captive.
Sweet is The Father’s Embrace and Rest !!!
Sweet was The Father for The Son !!!
Sweet is The Son Jesus for us !!!
Sweet is The Father found.
bitter is the world that offers no
place to rest one’s head.
Sweet are the end times as the
road to a new beginning.
A new beginning is devoid of time but time used
To nurture a new beginning is precious !
bitter is the journey
to that road…
down that road…
Sweet is the repose of a heart free
to be as it was intended.
to be…
bitter is the heart isolated
Sweet is the heart found. Embraced
and the sinew re-connected
held together as one.
bitter is the coming out…
the seeking…
the vulnerability…
Sweet is the discovery of who we are.
Sweet is vulnerability defeated with trust
Sweet is the finding !
Sweet is to just be what we are,
who we are !
bitter is the conformance to being
what others expect…
what others want…
Sweet is the acceptance God offers,
the unconditional
the kind
the compassionate.
bitter is acceptance denied by
and conditions…
bitter is the sand upon which
our dwellings are built…
that we are sinking…
Sweet is The Rock of The Lord
the foundation solid.
bitter is the fear that leads us
to alienation and confusion…
Sweet is the fear that leads
to true reverence
Of God !
bitter is mortality and
the fear of dying…
Sweet is the knowing of a new life
while living, living life.
…the gift of Life Eternal !
bitter is dying to live…
the full sacrifice…
Sweet is finding Life In Christ by dying
to that which destroys us
to be the grain of wheat that falls
to the ground and dies !
bitter is giving up self reliance…
giving up the control…
Sweet is the heavenly protection of
Our Father Who
gladly takes over control
as we
it !
bitter are the many lies and the
the false directions…
deciding to leave them
Sweet is The Truth And The Light
the direction good and true
that comes forth
by faith !
bitter is the surreal world that
offers little hope…
Sweet is the living reality of Hope
In Christ Jesus, In Yah’shua
the reality of hope granted
of hope known
walked !
bitter is the bondage of captivity…
giving it up for a new captivity…
Sweet is the full release from captivity.
To be free indeed as the servant
Bonded In Christ
a bond servant !
not a servant in bondage !
bitter the marriage to the world…
bitter is seeking the divorce…
leaving an old spouse…
leaving a false…
Sweet is becoming as a new bride readied
for the wedding to come unto a
New Husband That Is Our Lord
for the true marriage that is
both ever lasting and
forever more !
bitter is the rivalry and many
disputes, the tyranny…
the many judgments…
the hatred…
and warring…
the destruction…
Sweet is Unity In Christ, In Yah’shua.
Sweet is the prevailing wind of
His Great Love !!!
Sweet is the radar that reveals
no storm in the horizon
of one’s heart.
Sweet is peace found while others
around you are floundering
in distress.
Sweet is the peace you find
the calm you exude
in the midst
of the greatest
of turmoil
As you navigate rising above
the stormiest
of seas
Rising above it by keeping focused
like a flint on The Lord
Your God !
Sweet is following The Lord
on the path well lit !
Sweet is the destination
The Kingdom
reached !
Sweet is The Way, The Light And The Life
found, guarded and
lived !
bitter is the valley of death we must walk through…
. the valley in between death and life…
. the distance between …
. the travel ahead…
. . . . . the things bitter and
The Sweet
bitterSweet !
February 11, 2007
..These are my writings as a servant and scribe unto The Lord since 2002. Please feel free to download these as I wish to share them freely as I received them freely...
Record Label: Musikreativ
Type of Label: Indie