The Musical Evolution of ..EDEN..,
The span is 15 years, 5 states, 3 countries,
12 producers, 4 identities...
ONE Vocalist
1 John 3:16-18
"Never discourage anyone...who continually makes progress,
no matter how slow."
..E D E N
a State of Innocence, Bliss, or Ultimate Happiness
Spirit-Media Artist and Visionary of EdenDust
"I'm on a Serious Multi-Media Mission.
My intention is simply to connect with ARTISTS that are very intentional with their gifts and who recognize the power in what we do and what a privilege it is to be able to do it, with humility."
I dream of bringing Artisans of varying degrees and skills, together,
Under One Spirit,
to Bless this world, with Love, Music and Art.
Until those eventual goals are reached, remember...
We are servants of our gifts.
All the rest is vanity.
..EDENintheDESERT will debut a new band and sound, JULY 2008
Friends of ..E D E N