Music, movies, freeform documentaries, music video, Journalism, Shooting, Directing, editing, FX, Cultural understanding, Middle East Peace ... saving the world.
Joan of Arc, Vaclav Havel, Ray Kurzweil, John Waters, Grace Paley, Sister Gertrude Morgan, Ernest Hemingway, Upton Sinclair, Gwendolyn Brooks, Martha Nussbaum, Leonard Nimoy, Patrick Stewart, RUN DMC, Ice T, Ice Cube, Snoop Dogg, Tribe, Byrne, Dammers, Dr. J, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglass, JFK, Gandhi, Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, Kelpias, Tesla, Helen Keller, Van Gogh, Stieglitz, Man Ray, DaDaDaDaDa, Robert Frank, Kubrick, Lynch, Train, Monk, Dizzy, Baker, Zappa, Stipe, Iggy, Tosh, Marley, Parliament, Deniro, Cusak, Oldman, Hurt, Depp, Malkovich, Tarantino, Dafoe, Sheen, Hepburn, Garland, Monroe, Thurman, Davis, Berry, Sevigney, J.Cusak, Ryder, Jolie, Stan Ridgway, Stan Lee, Silver Surfer, Nagas King, Nephilim Galactic Watcher, Plato, Aristotle, Jack Finley, B.F.Skinner, Mark Green, Bill Clinton, Minister Haniyeh, Trudy Rubin, Director of the DNC, Castro, the Editors of Discover ...our childrens, children, children ...
most ...
for tomorrow ...
will exist forever.