Professor Pooch profile picture

Professor Pooch

Music Biz Guidance: Creative, Business & Legal

About Me

It seems everyone in the Music Industry knows me as "Professor Pooch" - so I guess that's who I am :). I was a Recording Artist waaay back [Rock Singer/Songwriter] but I've been guiding Music Biz Careers for the last 25 years as a Consultant, Educator, Advisor & Contract Specialist.
I help guide the careers of present and future Singers, Songwriters, Bands, Managers, Music Publishers, and Producers, as well as guiding Production Companies and Indie Labels. I take care of all their contractual needs, also, including writing, explaining and negotiating them.
Although I'm based in the Philly area, I have clients throughout the United States. I can help you on the Creative, Business and Legal ends, and I'll be happy to answer questions on the biz for free, right here on MySpace...
You can check me out at my large Music Biz Education & Resource Center Website that has lots of free info for everyone:
Just Click on the Pooch Below...
Professor Pooch is available for...
Radio and Print Interviews,
Q & A's, Articles, etc. re:
the Music Business

A Great Gift For Your Favorite Musician -
Including Yourself!
Here's a grrreat way to learn how to "Get In, Survive & Succeed in the Music Business - Without Getting Ripped Off!"
A complete down-to-earth, easy-to-read-and-understand, Music Business Education Center on one CD.
It includes Complete Courses in:
-- Artist Development/Management [10 Weeks],
-- Songwriting/Publishing [8 Weeks],
-- Producing/Production Company/Indie Label [6 Weeks],
-- Law Basics Mini-course, and
-- 300 Page Music Business Book which shows you the whole Music Business Industry and how it operates... Over 700 pages.
Check it out! Click on the Disk for complete details including Sample Pages... Written by Professor Pooch for all those interested in having a safe and successful, Creative or Business Career in the Music Industry...

My Interests

Music and the Music Business, including: Consulting, Education, Courses, Services, Contracts, and Information.

I love helping those who want to learn about, or who are, or want to be Singers, Musicians, Groups, Bands, Managers, Songwriters, Publishers, Producers, Production Companies, and/or Indie Record Companies.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone interested in the Music Industry, especially those that I can help. My objective is to help those interested in either the creative or business side "Get In, Survive & Succeed in the Music Biz - Without Getting Ripped Off!"


I started out as a Rock Singer/ Songwriter/Guitarist and I'm basically into Great Rock 'n Roll, but I like most types...

I look for Great Songs put out by Great Artists/Bands. It's gotta come from the Heart!!! I hate most of the "safe acts" put out by the "Majors"...

I love a lot of the unsigned acts out there - better than a lot of stuff I normally hear on commercial stations.


Sci-Fi and Martial Arts, Fantasy. Especially love 3D I-Max stuff...




Sci-Fi! Yeah, I love Star Trek - especially "the Next Generation"


Those in the Music Industry who give it all they've got and never give up...

My Blog

Top Ten Music Business Laws

If you've read this before, read it again  :)Professor Pooch's Top 10 -Music Business Laws- © 2001-08 David J. Spangenberg -1- You Don't Get A Second Chance To Make A First Impression! ...
Posted by Professor Pooch on Tue, 20 May 2008 03:59:00 PST

Philly area people - See Pooch speak on the State of the Music Biz 2008 - Free!

Hi! This Thursday, the 15th between 8 and 9:15 I'll be starting a series of Music Biz talks for unsigned Artists, in regards to furthering their careers.  I will appear every 3rd Thursday of the ...
Posted by Professor Pooch on Tue, 13 May 2008 04:17:00 PST

Music Biz Producing and Production Companies [Part 2]

Part 2: This was stolen from the 1st week of my "Producing, Producers, and Production Companies" course available at  This part contains the intro to, and explanation of the c...
Posted by Professor Pooch on Sun, 11 May 2008 02:40:00 PST

The Role of Music Biz Producing and Production Companies [Pt.1]

This was stolen from the 1st week of my "Producing, Producers, and Production Companies" course available at  This part contains the intro to, and explanation of the creative ...
Posted by Professor Pooch on Sat, 10 May 2008 06:43:00 PST

Types Of Music Biz Contracts w/brief descriptions...

Here's a list of some of the more important Music Business types of contracts I write, negotiate and explain on a regular basis, with brief descriptions: Partnership Agreements - The contract peopl...
Posted by Professor Pooch on Fri, 02 May 2008 09:14:00 PST


and if you've read this - read it again :)  In the Music Biz, this is where you're going to make your $$$!!! Note: This was stolen from the 1st week of my Songwriting/Music Publishing Course... P...
Posted by Professor Pooch on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 01:33:00 PST

Your Name Is On the Line...

Names are all around you, everywhere.  Not only the names of people, but products, airlines, trucking companies, hospitals, schools, TV networks, radio stations, web sites... every single thing h...
Posted by Professor Pooch on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 04:53:00 PST

Getting Paid for Radio Airplay...

[[a necessary re-post - people still aren't taking care of this important thing!]]I tried to send letters to each of my "Friends" on MySpace with a song "on the air" the following important info. But...
Posted by Professor Pooch on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 01:58:00 PST

Important Notice from the Copyright Office

The Copyright Office is modernizing its operations by moving from a paper-based to a Web-based processing environment. This change will allow the Office to better meet the needs of its customers th...
Posted by Professor Pooch on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 12:09:00 PST

MySpace Announces Music Service

[From Billboard Magazine] By Antony Bruno, Denver As expected, MySpace today officially announced its MySpace Music service. The move clears up much of the speculation and conflicting reports surroun...
Posted by Professor Pooch on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 08:47:00 PST