In the days of old, a great war was waged by two mortal enemies. The Pirates came from the North, and all the south seas feared the black sails of their dreaded armada. The Ninjas came from the East, the silence of their footsteps matched only by the severity of their assassinations. For generations, they roamed land and sea, warring ceaselessly without victor for reasons long forgotten. At last, the Ninjas utilized all their craft and trickery to dispatch with their adversaries once and for all: they lured the Pirate vessel into the Bermuda Triangle, trapping the unknowing seamen in its mystical field. For five centuries, the Pirates have lain in suspended animation, waiting for the day when the triangles magic would hold them no more. The Ninjas vanished into hiding, blending into society, living among us in secret, all the while preparing for the return of their mortal opponents. Recently, a brief rip in the triangles vortex allowed a single ship to escape into the turbulent, shark infested waters. All its inhabitants - unaged after 500 years - died, save one. He floated for weeks on the seas, surviving only on the flesh of his fallen brothers. Nearly dead, the lone Pirate washed up unconscious on the shores of a strange new world. Soon enough he will awaken, ready to renew the ancient battle of PIRATES VS. NINJAS.