Avast Matey!
Fear me! For I be the dreaded Captain Scrotum...scourge of the 7 Seas!
I be here searching fer those who be loyal and fearless and ruthless enough to join me merry crew aboard the 'Good Ship Lollipop'.Join me crewe and I kin promise ye all of the glory and rewards a pirate's life kin bring ye! (...mostly bein' rum, sodomy, treasure, prostitutes, cabin boys, adventure, sodomy and buggery!)Now...get off yer lazy arse and add me as a friend!!! And be sure ye takes the time to WRITE A COMMENT a'fore I have ye keel hauled!AARRRGGGHHH!!
~ BE WARNED: ~ Please remember to extinguish all smoking materials a'fore ye board the Good Ship Lollipop...or I'll make ye walk the plank!Thank ye fer yer co-operation...ye shiftless, scurvy, good for nothin' bilge rat!!!