"Hailing from Vineland, New Jersey, Real Cool Yeah at times calls to mind such straightforward, progressive rockers as Stone Temple Pilots and Queens of the Stone Age, at other times Sublime-like smoothness, with a little bit of the weirdness of Modest Mouse thrown in. Vocalist Brian Saxton has voice that can be gritty and rough-edged one moment, then soft and even the next. It does well playing off the technical prowess displayed by both his own guitar and Mark Wardell's soaring solos. Sean Friel on bass and Jerry Arsenault on drums both contribute pounding rhythms to the band's sound. " - Playphilly.com
RealCoolYeah is a band whose members are as ecclectic and innovative as the music they create. Founded in 2004, RCY has made a name for themselves as being, not only an entertaining live show, but also an extremely effective studio band. Comprised of 4 members; Brian Saxton (vocals & guitar), Mark Wardell (guitar), Jerry Arsenault (drums), and Sean Friel (bass), the band has been successful in blending an amalgamation of sounds, coming together from a variety of different influences and musical expertise into one cohesive groove that has proven to be nothing less than infectious to audiences at any of the many venues at which RCY has performed. The proof of this statement can be seen in the loyalty of their growing fan base that spans from their local area of New Jersey to such surrounding cities as Philadelphia and New York City. Drawing from such a diverse number of musical influences such as; classic rock,modern rock,progressive rock, jazz, funk,and soul music, RealCoolYeah, rather than mimic these genres, expands on them creating their own unique brand of rock music. All members, possessing varying degrees of training and musical education, bring with them an air of professionality, enthusiasm, and dedication that can only be found in musicians that consider the acts of creating music and performing it as a career. Having achieved impressive accolades as seperate musicians, the members of RCY have joined together to take the best of each of their musical abilities and put them together to create one finely tuned musical machine.
Accomplishments / Accolades :
Featured on WMMR's Local Rock Show Case (feb,2007) at Grape St. Pub (Manyunk,PA)
Featured Band on Warped Tour (2006) compilation cd by Danimal Records
Track of the Day twice at Garageband.com
First PLace ,First Round Of Emergenza Music Festival (Philly)
Jersey Shows.com Battle of the Bands Regional Finalists (Philly)
Headlining Act multiple times for the Continental club (Manhattan, Nyc)
Featured in local newspaper multiple times (Vineland Daily Journal)
Featured in Cable Tv add on Comcast.
Featured artist in G-Machine magazine.
CD reviews and Interviews on music web sites (philadelphiamrk.com, solomentemusica.com)
Sold Out Club/Bar Shows, as well as Sold out all age shows.
Over 1500 google hits
Thousands of Cd's sold
Venues Played :
The Blue Room (NJ)
Brenners Brew (NJ)
Cagney's (NJ)
Rumors Rib Room (NJ)
Double D's Saloon (NJ)
C.C. Charlies (NJ)
Bridgewater Pub (NJ)
Dj's Bar (NJ)
Loyale Lanes (NJ)
Whiskey Dix (Phil)
Club 218 (Phil)
The Pontiac (Phil)
The Fire (Phil)
Grape Street Pub (Phil)
Chestnut Room (Phil)
Doc Watsons (Phil)
The Five Spot (Phil)
Don Hill's (NYC)
The Continental (NYC)