Joci - new vid & preview! profile picture

Joci - new vid & preview!

continuous hustle

About Me

How I made my profile:
I used ’s amazing MySpace Editor .

I am a singer song writer born in the UK in London raised in Hertfordshire, living in Tottenham, North London. As a little girl i always wanted to sing but not being a dreamer i decided to pursue other avenues...
One day i was lead down a path which has put me where i am today, I was always told ’Do something with your voice or shut the f**k up’ as qouted by a great old freind of mine. I always wanted to sing i jus didnt no how to get involved until i was introduced to recording by a freind from college...
The rest as they say is history...I haven’t looked back from that point and i want to achieve more things than eva before!I have met some great people in my life so far and i am grateful to each an everyone of u...u no who you are!
I have come to discover in recent times that happiness is under ur nose pushing for things that aren’t ready to come we only push them furthur out of reach.
So far I have worked with the following artists and producers: Soule Soulja, Skill Stitch, Mission Crowney, Liquid, Ddark, Dark Boi, Sladey K, Envy, Triple Threat, Terra Danja, Mz Bratt, DOK, Magnum, Redz, Ruff Squad, Rapid, Dirty Dangerous, Tinie Tempah, Badness, Elrae, Lowdeep, Danny C, Frostman, Riddle,Plus many more to this space...i promise....xxxx Thanx for visiting xxxx

My Interests


Member Since: 3/26/2006
Band Members: Me, Myself and I
Influences: Over the years i have had many experiences which are shaping me to be who i am; my main influence is my mother who taught me to fight for what i want.
My 1st musical experiences were from my dad who is a talented pianist and singer, I would sing along in my nappies...hehe
There are so many artists that have inspired me but just to name a few:
Here is just a handful of artists and albums that have contributed to my love of music...

Photo Collage by Dundoo - MySpace EditorI like all different types of music rnb, indie, bashment, soul - many different sounds have contributed and added to my love of music...
Sounds Like: Something you'd like to listen too...
Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog


Y do men think that it is acceptable to grab ur bum in iceland? Y do men think 'No' means please touch me? Y do men assume that shoutin from their car is going to impress us? Y does any man (no matter...
Posted by Joci - new vid & preview! on Sat, 19 May 2007 12:01:00 PST