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Welcome to Circular Music. We are an innovative live music promotion and event co-ordination company based in Cardiff.We create friendly live music events comprised of leading local talents combined with cutting edge artists sourced from Cardiff, nation wide and abroad! Come and check out our weekly nights.....
LIVE REVOLUTION hosted weekly @ REVOLUTION - Hosted every Sunday from 8pm (10 Castle St) offering a caberet of acoustic wonderment! It is a mind blowing venue, with jaw-dropping stylish decor and top notch drink offers! and amazingly enough... it is FREE ENTRY ALL NIGHT - TILL 2AM!! AND please do check out our MONTHLY BAND NIGHT, hosted on the 1st sunday of every month - Oct 5th, we proudly feature RAINY AND THE DUST!!! - we promise goose-pimples!! (check them out below in our top friends)
POKERFACE BLUES hosted @ The End every Thursday offers top-notch-free jazz and blues + for those who fancy, TEXAS HOLD 'EM POKER!
THE BLENDER - occurs every Friday @ The End, offering a diverse blend of musical miscellany, anything goes from Indie to reggae to rap to folk!
We also offer PA hire, sound engineering services, CD/flyer/web design, photography, free agency services and event management. If you are in need of a 'live-music-solution', we are happy to help... even if advice is all you seek.
If however, you have come to this site because you are a band/solo artist or even a DJ looking for gigs, please contact us or just be our friend... we are always on the look out for diversity and welcome queries from bands of ANY genre! In truth, we are primarily here for the musicians.
If you are looking for live musical entertainment, find the gig of your preference and come join us for some great music in a relaxed environment.