TOM VRABâ„¢ profile picture


sorry, i just dropped my phone on purpose for 30 seconds. did you say something?

About Me

Welcome to my page! this is my impression of Matthew Perry
now...check out my boobies
i like being friends with people, crayons, DVD's, and pumpkins!
i also like the words diarrhea and boobies.
(poopoo is a close 3rd when used in a serious sentence)

me also good english speak yes and love SKATEBOARDING & acting/comedy/writing too
... i've been doing lots O' standup comedy which is really AWESOME!
i thank God for every opportunity He 's blessed me with so far in my life towards all the dreams & goals i've been pursuing!!!
(ps. if you like my comedy and want to book me or maybe just flat out want to pet my face with happiness love rainbows...message me!)
this is one of my old skate parts..NEW video to come...called 'MAKIN' TEA' hopefully it will be super sexy time 5000 times 11teen...but probably not.

My Interests

MAKIN' TEA is coming soon! watch this retarded preview. ENJOY!

take walks....look at animals....idiot, i dont have the time. You can find me skating at your local under ground parking garage facilities by myself till 3:00 in the morning...

“You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”
-Dr. Suess

I'd like to meet:

GOD (you know...when i die)

"oh pretty LADIEEES!!"


COMBUSTIBLE EDISON , the Mary Poppins SOUND track , Flight of the Conchords, PRIMUS, RUN DMC, TED NUGENT, The ADVANTAGE, FREEZEpop, MUSE, new kids on the block, VAN HALEN, Sauvage =)HAHAHA!, DEVO, THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS,The Bad Plus, eazy-e, JACO Pastorius, Curtis Mayfield, Al Green, Frank Zappa, HERBIE HANCOCK, HERB ALPERT, MICHAEL JACKSON, SABBATH OR OZZY whatever, BUCKETHEAD, the naked men confessions (my band), Gwar, RACER-X, gloria estefan, GROUP-X, ANY CLASSIC ROCK, RUSH, Frank Sinatra, Ralph Myerz and the Jack Herren Band..the GOGOL BORDELLO hahah... etc. ,,, yeah totally...TOO much to name off.......later fuggle muffins Magee


MONTY PYTHON movies ALL Back to the Future's ,LAST ACTION HERO, Tarantino films, JERRY LEWIS movies!!! , HOT ROD, Every DIE HARD!!!, The DEPARTED, Blood Diamond, Grandma's Boy, Shooter, BLades of GLORY, Mallrats , Borat, Transformers, MALL RATS, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies, Anchorman, Vegas Vacation, Opportunity knocks, Knocked up, Spinal Tap, Waynes World 1 & 2, Bill & Ted's 1 & 2, Weekend at Bernie's 1 & 2, National Treasure 1 & 2, ALL RAMBOs, MARY POPPINS, KILL BILL Series, Terminator 2, ALL Will Ferrel movies, THE MATADOR, planes trains and automobiles, LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE, Smart People, Wet Hot American Summer, ZOOlander, the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy, Rat Race, the Life Aquatic, four rooms, DUMB & DUMBER, the BAXTER, Office Space, the big lebowski, Pee-Wee's Big Adventure (in french) ,Men at Work, Killer clowns from outer space, ACE VENTURA, Bad horror movies =), MEL BROOKS movies, ERNEST movies, Dirty work, CLIFFORD, 007 films, what about BOB?, Groundhog DAY, Mr.& Mrs. Smith, Willy Wonka (both versions), OLD SCHOOL, the Graduate, Fletch, Texas chainsaw massacre ...& Im sure there's more !!! there's always more.


i hate tv (and by t.v. i mean tom vrab...that guy's a homo!)
CHUCK, FRINGE, SNL, MUPPET BABIES, Myth Busters, Heroes, ANYTHING on the Discovery Channel, ali G, Family Guy, Ren & Stimpy, Tailspin, Freaks & Geeks, Robot Chicken, King of Queens, The OFFICE, SCRUBS, Flight of the Conchords, That 70's Show, The SIMPSONS, C0nan 0'brien, Mystery science theater ,Pee Wee's Playhouse, THE A-TEAM

SEINFELD, the Monty Python flying circus collection! ,
all Don Hertzfeldt cartoons

My Name Is Earl
& of course STELLA (before it left comedy central)


THE BIBLE :) ...oh & Cards As Weapons


JESUS (my savior)
- Ronnie Creager
- p.j. Ladd
- the GONZ
- Appleyard
- Kirchart
...only the best for my child.
People & stuff:
-Sean connery
-Arnold Schwarzeneggar
-making yellow snow
-not eating yellow snow cones made by suspicious friends
-Bret McKenzie & Jemaine Clement (F.O.T.C.)
-Monty Python guys
-Stella guys
-growing beards & building houses
-paul rubins
-Jim Carrey
-fake mustaches
-drawing wieners on walls
-my old police car
-Conan 0'brien
-Roscoe's Chicken & Waffles
-Clint Eastwood
-Christopher Lloyd
-Don Knotts
-John Stamos
-John Rambo
-Charlie Murphy
-Ben Murphy
-black eyes
-black people
-black jack
-Jack Black
-things that make the sound "squeaky"
do you like me?
[ ] yes [ ] no [ ] maybe
[ ] kinda [ ] never [ ] bake sale
[ ] ikea [ ] bill paxton

My Blog

the $450 tip

this dates back awhile ago when i first got flown to Aspen colorado to perform in the HBO comedy festival.  Many stories have gotten lost in the time since that were awesome and moments captured...
Posted by TOM VRAB" on Tue, 05 Aug 2008 07:14:00 PST

HOW i fractured my spine! :) YAY!

because EVERYONE keeps asking for the full story...and it's kind of interesting anyway, here ya go :)my dad hit me with a batthe endno just kidding!okay so.,...i went skating in Huntington Beach ...
Posted by TOM VRAB" on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 06:26:00 PST