JD profile picture


Most people confuse evil with their own trivial lusts and perversions.

About Me

Writer. Lover. Eater. Drinker. Primarily, those are the words that best summarize what I am within the world I live.
You can find me trolling around such places as the forums of Digital Webbing and Newsarama , but I'm also to a lesser extent on nerd havens like Comicbloc or Paperfilms . Other little web homes that I inhabit would be spots like Hollywood Stock Exchange or ComicSpace , though I've not put any time into that slow-assed site.
Photography is a hobby of mine so, if you're on my friend list you should give a look to my picture area and see if something may catch your fancy. I'd only regard myself as an amateur, but my "post-shoot" skills are increasing and I feel as though I can at least start to make some pretty pictures. Also about my friend list...if you go to friend me without sending me a message as to why you'd like to be my friend, chancese are I'm not going to accept you. The list is made up primarily of people I've either really met or at the very least, really spoken to. That is "primarily" and not "totally." Also, if you're not on my list, you'll only see the photo folder that contains photos of my silly ass and none of the others. Sorry but themz the breaks.
Some things about me, in brief description:
--Born on April 3rd .
--I live with a little tuxedo cat named Moto. She likely has more personality than I do.
--I'm a knowledge buff with specific interests in art, ancient history, secret/seedy organizations, cryptozoology, yadda yadda.
--Three Olives or Van Gogh are my vodkas of choice; drank only with tonic water.
--Emailing me, texting me, or sending me messages on this site are much easier ways of contacting me than trying to get me to speak on the phone.
--There is a credit card in my wallet of which I've charged junk on since 1991.
--Cartoons rule my world from Tex Avery to Walt Disney through Warner Bros and Miyazaki...even "newer" fare like Aqua Teen Hunger Force or Home Movies.
--Allie Sin is my favorite pornstar, though it seems she has unfortunately retired.
--The only television show that I watch that isn't something on Discovery, Food Network, Travel or History Channels would be Nip/Tuck.
--Sports are near and dear to me and I've lots of opinions on baseball, football, hockey and basketball (in that order).
This text always changes, as like yourself, I live every day. Drop me a line and I'll drop you one back...unless you're a weirdo.

My Interests

Past Interview Subjects of Mine:

Attila Adorjany
David Alvarez
Frank Cho
Raven Gregory
Erica Hesse
JG Jones
The Luna Brothers
Marcus and Bleep
McManus and Moreno
Tara McPherson
Jimmy Palmiotti
Joe Pekar
Ben Templesmith 01
Ben Templesmith 02

Two of My Old Features I Like:

Suffering For Their Art...and Our Pleasure

Tales From The Creeped: Convention Sketch Horror Stories

I'd like to meet:

Deceased: Salvador Dali, John Holmes, Aaliyah, Savannah, Steve Irwin, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain, Walt Disney, Marcello Mastroianni, Charles Dodgson

Living:Bear Grylls, Kari Byron, Johnny Knoxville, Shaquille O'Neal, Allie Sin, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Tori Amos, Grant Morrison (a 2nd time), Vince Vaughan, Anthony Bourdain (a 2nd time), Mike Rowe, Rachael Ray (ONLY to grab her ass), Tara McPherson, Kathryn Beaumont, Ben Templesmith, Dave Atell, Ginger Lynn (a 2nd time), J.K. Rowling

Fictional: Alice (from Wonderland), John McLean, Captain Picard, Christian Troy, Indiana Jones, Lolita, Frank the Bunny, Ford Fairlane, Dante & Randall






My Blog

Hey, check it out! I’ve got nothing to say...

Work is really hitting me these days, leaving me very heavy-eyed, tired and generally beat up.  We're short-handed by like two people and one of our main accounts recently got a brand new compute...
Posted by JD on Thu, 15 May 2008 06:25:00 PST

Three cheers for...Donnie Darko 2? **gulp**

I'm serious. Richard Kelly has nothing to do with it. Neither does it's breakout star, Jake Gyllenhaal. This sequel will be directed by Chris Fischer and be called "S. Darko," as it features Donnies y...
Posted by JD on Mon, 12 May 2008 03:53:00 PST

Joy, Rage, Lust, Creepy: The Weekend that Was...

Oh, what a weekend! For someone who stayed in for much of it, I'll never truly know how so many things could happen. Friday night kicked off with myself and the gang at Cavs' house to watch the Flyers...
Posted by JD on Mon, 12 May 2008 07:46:00 PST


I'll be seeing Ironman tonight. Work has been so insane that I could likely work at least 3 extra hours every day and still not be caught up due to the mass emailing I must do to other people in order...
Posted by JD on Wed, 07 May 2008 03:20:00 PST

Attack of the 50 Ft. Blog!

For those of you who can't tolerate all my various interests, I'll bold the titles for each area.  That way you can read just about what you'd like to because this may be on the side of long... *...
Posted by JD on Mon, 05 May 2008 07:31:00 PST

My dear lesbian friends, beware this impending lawsuit!

Believe it or not this piece below is on the New York Times forums at: http://theboard.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/05/01/who-are-you-cal ling-a-lesbian/ but I'm gonna post the whole little thingy here for a...
Posted by JD on Sun, 04 May 2008 09:48:00 PST

The Tour part 2: Pittsburgh

Ok, I'll try this again, taking my lovely pal Jackie's advice and writing this somewhat long blog in Word.  Still mad about losing this the first time, but what can ya do, right?  People are...
Posted by JD on Thu, 01 May 2008 06:20:00 PST

The eve of "can’t win."

Work was rough today. Could have been in that place for many more hours than I was and still not have been finished. It was even remarked that I never left my seat in the 8 or so hours that I was ther...
Posted by JD on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 10:16:00 PST

Adult: A small respite within the sewage of my mind

I've always wanted to photograph my member with a mini cocktail umbrella poking out from the urethra just like so many happy beach scenes on greeting cards and Corona beer adverts.  This isn't a ...
Posted by JD on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 08:43:00 PST

The tour’s first stop: New York

Yeah I've been a little busy...but here is the first of a few blogs that'll tell  a little bit of what I have been doing.  This is the full extent of my night's activities this eve, so trust...
Posted by JD on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 06:51:00 PST