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T0x1C TV23 T0x1C TV is the most recent experiment creative streaming 24/7 broadcasts with the newest FMS3 Flash Media Server donated via Influxis Hollywood. Everything you see&hear now on the screen is remote controlled plus can be live injected. We are currently designing portable media viewer that will easily be upper layer on desktop so it can be entertaining while surfing or doing whatever. In the next revision, our interface will have the capability for performing live sound performances with video from various remote studios. Agents for participating in such future shows are wanted. Please submit comments on this page for suggestions of obscure horror scifi that would be entertaining. We are fashioning this for becoming underground subculture arts community driven that counters the mass media mind programming machine by investing our own mental powers and resources. Do you make original video content or have the ability for doing time slots? Eye am also looking for creative people who make sounds/film/video/write vehemently. IAORenegadeTimeLord trapped on a planet inhabited by a majority of low mental capacity beings where society propagates that several geneticly varied races just all of a sudden evolved from apes and is over run with a fanatical cult who believes thier undead savior is the one and only manifestation of a monad local dessert deity whom likes having chats with only historical hebrew prophets published by a small nation in the middle east yet none of this story can be confirmed with historical facts or even in the supposed original language thus using enforced blind faith as it's meal ticket although he is now suspiciously late for his big encore... even more pretentiously lame is the fabricated myth about the first man, his rib is turned into the perfect female lover that spawns children, a demonic ex girlfriend, an apple, a snake, & an eviction notice used as law for thousands of years... fortunately at this point in the story the self appointed social elite who give themselves supreme sovereign rule over all scientific data have stopped killing humanoids for them becoming aware of such little facts like the Star referred to as "the Sun" is actualy the true center of this galaxy... yet they still murder millions each year for political economical reasons as population control and paranoid meglomaniacal preservation of an ancient conspiritorial 0.1% of the populace who controls the rest with a system of computerized credit originaly based upon raping and pillaging the planets culture under the devious following eyes of a tortured god of love and substituted the intergalactic super electro conductive natural material known as gold for pictures of dead leaders printed on trees. Now the planet thrives with technology moving at an exponential rate since 60 years of backwards engineering impounded alien space vehicles yet they still try using spiritual control methods(one of my favorites is hey let's authorize the CIA taking a really shitty band... give them an unlimited supply of lsd for distribution... instruct the fat ass gluttonous lead signer who is also one of our agents how to become a cult leader... burn out the brains of any gullible potential active militant political radicals to the point of complete complacent passivity while they only hallucinate making any real social reforms that could threaten operations then label them deadheads for a few generations) and using hypocritical martial laws (we can sell them the drugs... charge them for possession or freelance traffic of the drugs... incarcerating anyone that doesn't have enough cash for giving us... then resell the drugs in pure profit loop) as a way of keeping the worker drones productively in line for completing quotas designated by secret government leaders whom are all the descendant of the same despotic reptilian infused genetic line with a legacy of atrocities in underground bases funding sinister black ops childishly toying with the fates of every soul moving on a shining blue and green orb that streaks through space at the rate of 66,600 mile a solar day. MISSION: use the current media technology for reprogramming previously brainwashed denizens, network other more worthwhile souls also stranded on 3rd planet from radioactive core who see through illusionary mind control techniques being employed, & proceed with operation sounds like the synopsis of such a bad sci fi novel... and i even left out the giant lizards STATUS:Further experiments in search of exact resonant frequency produced by the planets velocity show substantial indicators that a sonic weapon can induce enough phase cancellation harmonics directly triggering instant polar shift. The exact number required of high frequency microwave devices simultaneously deployed for split second pulse variance of the global magnetic grid is still as of yet unknown... so please keep dailing! Revolution is the only real solution. .Antequam De magia, sicut antequam de quocunque subiecto disseratur, nomen in sua significata est dividendum; totidem autem sunt significata magiae, quot et magi. Magus primo sumitur pro sapiente, cuiusmodi erant Trimegisti apud Aegyptios, Druidae apud Gallos, Gymnosophistae apud Indos, Cabalistae apud Hebraeos, Magi apud Persas (qui a Zoroastre), Sophi apud Graecos, Sapientes apud Latinos. Secundo sumitur magus pro faciente mirabilia sola applicatione activorum et passivorum, ut est medicina et chymia secundum genus; et haec est naturalis magia communiter dicta. Tertio magia est cum huiusmodi adduntur circumstantiae, quibus apparent opera naturae vel intelligentiae superioris ad concitandam admirationem per apparentia; et est ea species quae praestigiatoria appellatur. Quarto cum ex antipathiae et sympathiae rerum virtute, ut per ea quae pellunt, transmutant et attrahunt, ut sunt species magnetis et similium, quorum opera non ad qualitates activas et passivas reducuntur, sed omnia ad spiritum seu animam in rebus existentem referuntur; et haec proprie vocatur magia naturalis. Quinto cum his adduntur verba, cantus, rationes numerorum et temporum, imagines, figurae, sigilla, characteres seu litterae; et haec etiam est magia media inter naturalem et extranaturalem vel supra, quae proprie magia mathemathica inscriberetur, et nomine occultae philosophiae magis congrue inscriberetur. Sexto si isti accessat cultus seu invocatio intelligentiarum et efficientum exteriorum seu superiorum, cum orationibus, consecrationibus, fumigiis, sacrificiis, certis habitibus et ceremoniis ad Deos, daemones et heroas, tunc vel fit ad finem contrahendi spiritus in se ipso, cuius ipse fiat vas et instrumentum, ut appareat sapiens rerum, quam tamen sapientiam facile pharmaco un? cum spiritu possit evacuare; et haec est magia desperatorum, qui fiunt vasa malorum daemonum, quae per Artem notoriam exaucupatur: aut est ad finem imperandi et praecipiendi daemonibus inferioribus cum authoritate superiorum daemonum principum, hos quidem colendo et alliciendo, illos vero coniurando et adiurando, constringendo; et haec magia est transnaturalis seu metaphysica, et proprio nomine appellatur qeourgia. Septimo aut est adiuratio seu invocatio, non ad daemonas et heroas, sed per istos ad hominum defunctorum animas acciendas, per eorum cadavera vel cadaverum partes ad oraculum aliquod suscipiendum, divinandum, cognoscendum de rebus absentibus et futuris; et haec species a materia et fine appellatur necromantia. Quod si materia non accedat, sed ab energoumen* excantante facta spiritus in eius visceribus incubantis invocatione oraculum perquiratur, tunc est magus, qui proprie Pythonicus appellatur; ita enim ab Apolline Pythio in templo illius solebant 'inspiritari', ut ita dicam. Octavo aut incantationi utcunque acceptae accedant rerum partes, indumenta, excrementa, superfluitates, vestigia et omnia quae tactu communicationem aliquam concepisse creduntur: et tunc aut haec fiunt ad solvendum, ligandum et infirmandum, tunc constituunt magum qui appellatur maleficus, si ad malum tendant, si ad bonum, ad numerum medicorum referantur, iuxta certam speciem atque viam medicinae; aut ad ultimam perniciem et exitium aspirant, tunc magos veneficos appellant. Nono magi dicuntur omnes qui ad divinandum quacunque ratione de rebus absentibus et futuris accinguntur, et isti generaliter divini a fine appellantur, quorum species primae aut sunt quatuor e principiis materialibus: igne, a?re, aqua et terra, unde dicuntur pyromantia, hydromantia, geomantia; aut a tribus obiectis cognitionis: naturali, mathematico et divino, et tunc sunt variae aliae species divinandi. A principiis enim naturalibus seu physicorum inspectione divinant augures, aruspices et caeteri huiusmodi; a mathematicorum inspectione secundum genus sunt geomantae, qui per numeros seu litteras seu lineas et figuras certas, item aspectus, irradiationes et situs planetarum et similium, divinant; a divinorum usu, ut sacrorum nominum, occursibus locorum, brevibus quibusdam rationibus et servatis circumstantiis, et hos ultimos nomine magorum nostrates non inscribunt, apud quos pro indigna usurpatione magus male sonat, sed dicitur non magia, sed prophetia. Ultimo sumitur magus et magia iuxta significationem indignam, ut inter istas non annumeretur neque adnumerata habeatur, ut magus sit maleficus utcunque stultus, qui ex commercio cum cacodaemone et pacto quodam pro facultate ad laedendum vel iuvandum est informatus; et iuxta hanc rationem sonat non apud sapientes vel ipsos quidem grammaticos, sed a quibusdam usurpatur nomen magi bardocucullis, qualis fuit ille qui fecit librum De malleo maleficarum, et ita hodie usurpatur ab omnibus huius generis scriptoribus, ut legere licet apud postillas, catechismos ignorantum et somniantium presbyterorum. I do not recall distinctly when it began, but it was months ago. The general tension was horrible. To a season of political and social upheaval was added a strange and brooding apprehension of hideous physical danger; a danger widespread and all-embracing, such a danger as may be imagined only in the most terrible phantasms of the night. I recall that the people went about with pale and worried faces, and whispered warnings and prophecies which no one dared consciously repeat or acknowledge to himself that he had heard. A sense of monstrous guilt was upon the land, and out of the abysses between the stars swept chill currents that made men shiver in dark and lonely places. There was a demoniac alteration in the sequence of the seasons-the autumn heat lingered fearsomely, and everyone felt that the world and perhaps the universe had passed from the control of known gods or forces to that of gods or forces which were unknown. And it was then that Nyarlathotep came out of Egypt. Who he was, none could tell, but he was of the old native blood and looked like a Pharaoh. The fellahin knelt when they saw him, yet could not say why. He said he had risen up out of the blackness of twenty-seven centuries, and that he had heard messages from places not on this planet. Into the lands of civilisation came Nyarlathotep, swarthy, slender, and sinister, always buying strange instruments of glass and metal and combining them into instruments yet stranger. He spoke much of the sciences-of electricity and psychology-and gave exhibitions of power which sent his spectators away speechless, yet which swelled his fame to exceeding magnitude. Men advised one another to see Nyarlathotep, and shuddered. And where Nyarlathotep went, rest vanished, for the small hours were rent with the screams of nightmare. Never before had the screams of nightmare been such a public problem; now the wise men almost wished they could forbid sleep in the small hours, that the shrieks of cities might less horribly disturb the pale, pitying moon as it glimmered on green waters gliding under bridges, and old steeples crumbling against a sickly sky. I remember when Nyarlathotep came to my city-the great, the old, the terrible city of unnumbered crimes. My friend had told me of him, and of the impelling fascination and allurement of his revelations, and I burned with eagerness to explore his uttermost mysteries. My friend said they were horrible and impressive beyond my most fevered imaginings; and what was thrown on a screen in the darkened room prophesied things none but Nyarlathotep dared prophesy, and in the sputter of his sparks there was taken from men that which had never been taken before yet which shewed only in the eyes. And I heard it hinted abroad that those who knew Nyarlathotep looked on sights which others saw not. It was in the hot autumn that I went through the night with the restless crowds to see Nyarlathotep; through the stifling night and up the endless stairs into the choking room. And shadowed on a screen, I saw hooded forms amidst ruins, and yellow evil faces peering from behind fallen monuments. And I saw the world battling against blackness; against the waves of destruction from ultimate space; whirling, churning, struggling around the dimming, cooling sun. Then the sparks played amazingly around the heads of the spectators, and hair stood up on end whilst shadows more grotesque than I can tell came out and squatted on the heads. And when I, who was colder and more scientific than the rest, mumbled a trembling protest about "imposture" and "static electricity," Nyarlathotep drove us all out, down the dizzy stairs into the damp, hot, deserted midnight streets. I screamed aloud that I was not afraid; that I never could be afraid; and others screamed with me for solace. We swore to one another that the city was exactly the same, and still alive; and when the electric lights began to fade we cursed the company over and over again, and laughed at the queer faces we made. I believe we felt something coming down from the greenish moon, for when we began to depend on its light we drifted into curious involuntary marching formations and seemed to know our destinations though we dared not think of them. Once we looked at the pavement and found the blocks loose and displaced by grass, with scarce a line of rusted metal to shew where the tramways had run. And again we saw a tram-car, lone, windowless, dilapidated, and almost on its side. When we gazed around the horizon, we could not find the third tower by the river, and noticed that the silhouette of the second tower was ragged at the top. Then we split up into narrow columns, each of which seemed drawn in a different direction. One disappeared in a narrow alley to the left, leaving only the echo of a shocking moan. Another filed down a weed-choked subway entrance, howling with a laughter that was mad. My own column was sucked toward the open country, and presently I felt a chill which was not of the hot autumn; for as we stalked out on the dark moor, we beheld around us the hellish moon-glitter of evil snows. Trackless, inexplicable snows, swept asunder in one direction only, where lay a gulf all the blacker for its glittering walls. The column seemed very thin indeed as it plodded dreamily into the gulf. I lingered behind, for the black rift in the green-litten snow was frightful, and I thought I had heard the reverberations of a disquieting wail as my companions vanished; but my power to linger was slight. As if beckoned by those who had gone before, I half-floated between the titanic snowdrifts, quivering and afraid, into the sightless vortex of the unimaginable. Screamingly sentient, dumbly delirious, only the gods that were can tell. A sickened, sensitive shadow writhing in hands that are not hands, and whirled blindly past ghastly midnights of rotting creation, corpses of dead worlds with sores that were cities, charnel winds that brush the pallid stars and make them flicker low. Beyond the worlds vague ghosts of monstrous things; half-seen columns of unsanctifled temples that rest on nameless rocks beneath space and reach up to dizzy vacua above the spheres of light and darkness. And through this revolting graveyard of the universe the muffled, maddening beating of drums, and thin, monotonous whine of blasphemous flutes from inconceivable, unlighted chambers beyond Time; the detestable pounding and piping whereunto dance slowly, awkwardly, and absurdly the gigantic, tenebrous ultimate gods-the blind, voiceless, mindless gargoyles whose soul is Nyarlathotep. I don't need anyone Don't need no mom and dad Don't need no pretty face Don't need no human race I got some news for you Don't even need you tooI got my devil machine Got my electronic dream Sonic reducer Ain't no loser I'm a sonic reducer Ain't no loserPeople out on the streets They don't know who I am I watch them from my room They all just pass me by But I'm not just anyone Said I'm not just anyoneI got my devil machine Got my electronic dream Sonic reducer Ain't no loser I'm a sonic reducer Ain't no loserI'll be a pharaoh soon Rule from some golden tomb Things will be different then The sun will rise from here Then I'll be ten feet tall And you'll be nothing at allSonic reducer Ain't no loser I'm a sonic reducer Ain't no loser Sonic reducer Ain't no loser I'm a sonic reducer Ain't no loser Sonic reducer Ain't no loser I'm a sonic reducer Ain't no loser CYCLES PER SECOND (HERTZ), and Correspondences to MENTAL STATES, PHYSIOLOGY, COLORS, NOTES & PLANETSThese frequencies are of all types; light, sound, electrical, etc. The two- or three-character source codes after each frequency are defined at the bottom.0.1-1 Organ/muscle resonances [SS]0.1-3 Delta range, according to [NEU] - deep sleep, lucid dreaming, increased immune functions, hypnosis [NEU]; "Monroe focus 21" [MB2 via DW]0.16 - 10 - Neuralgias [AT]0.18 - 10 - Mod. therapy [AT]0.20 - 0.26 - Dental pain [AT]0.20 - 10 - Post-traumatics [AT]0.28 - 2.15 - Alcohol addiction [AT]0.28 - 10 - Arthritis [AT]0.30 - 0.15 - Depression [AT]0.30 - 10 - Cervobrachial syndrome [AT]0.37 - 2.15 - Drug addiction [AT]0.40 - 10 - Confusion [AT]0.45 - 10 - Muscle pain [AT]Below 0.5 - Epsilon range, extraordinary states of consciousness, high states of meditation, ecstatic states of consciousness, high-level inspiration states, spiritual insight, out-of-body experiences, Yogic states of suspended animation. [CNR]0.5 - very relaxing, against headache [MB], for lower back pain [AS] ; Thyroid, reproductive, excretory stimulant, whole brain toner [SS]0.5-1.5 Pain relief [SS + CMP] ; endorphins, better hypnosis [SS]0.5-3 Delta range, according to [RA]0.5-4 Delta range, according to [SS,PWM+AWI]. Deep dreamless sleep, trance, suspended animation [SS]; Anti-aging. Reduces amount of cortisol, a hormone associated with stress & aging. Increases the levels of DHEA (anti-aging) & melantonin (decreases aging process.) [BAR]; Associated with unconscious mind & sleep state - in conjunction with other frequencies in a waking state, "Delta acts as a form of radar – seeking out information – reaching out to understand on the deepest unconscious level things that we can't understand through thought process." Provides intuition, empathetic attunement & instinctual insight. [AWI]; Conducive to miracle type healing, divine knowledge, inner being & personal growth, rebirth, trauma recovery, "one with the universe" experiences (samadhi), near death experience, characterized by "unknowing", merely a blissful "being" state such as deep sleep or coma. [PWM via DW]*The anti-aging info comes from a Brainwave Generator preset authored by TheMind2 - he uses binaurals at 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 & 4.0 HZ. They all play simultaneously.0.9 Euphoria [SS]0.95 - 10 - Whiplash [AT]1-3 - Delta: deep, dreamless sleep, trance state, non-REM sleep [??]; profound relaxation, restorative sleep, feelings of tranquility&peace, if one can remain aware [VUG via DW]*There's disagreement over where the delta range begins & ends - [SS,PWM+AWI] list it as 0.5 to 4.0 HZ, [NEU] 0.1 to 3.0 HZ, & [RA] considers it 0.5 to 3.0 HZ.1.0 - Feeling of well-being, pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone; overall view of inter-relationships; harmony & balance [MB]1.05 Helps hair grow + get its color back [RA]; pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone (helps develop muscle, recover from injuries, rejuvenation effects) [HSW]1.2 - (used on) headaches [RS]1.45 - Tri-thalamic entrainment format. According to Ronald deStrulle, creates entrainment between hypothalamus, pituitary & pineal. May benefit dyslexics + people with Alzheimer's. [MP2]1.5 Abrahams Universal Healing Rate [SS]; Sleep [NEU]; Those individuals whose ailments have manifested into the fourth stage of Chronic Fatigue, where some form of disease is apparent, experienced a release from the negative sensation of their symptoms when moved into 1.5HZ. [NYT via NEU]1.8 Sinus Congestion seems to clear centering around 1.8 HZ [MPT] (tested with binaural beats, primarily)2.15 - 10 - Tendovaginatis [AT]2.06 Associated with coccyx (small triangular bone at end of the spinal column) [TOS]2.30 Associated with genitals [TOS]2.5 - pain relief, relaxation [MB]; production of endogenous opiates. [EQ]; Use for sedative effect [ESP]; Sedative effect - reported use on bleeding, bruises, insomnia, and sinusitis. [RS]2.57 Associated with bladder [TOS]2.67 Associated with intestines [TOS]3.0-5.5 - "Theta1" Range. [DW]*[DW] divides the Theta Range into Theta1 & Theta2.3.0 Increased Reaction Time [RT] [SS]; 3.0 HZ & below used to reduce muscle tension headaches, but worked less well on migraines & sinus headaches. [RED]; used to treat allergies, in conjunction with 330 HZ [RS]3.07 Associated with hara (3cm or 1.5 inch below navel, balance of pelvis) [TOS]3 - 4 Influences physical vision [SS]3 - 6 Childhood awareness/vivid memories [SS+RA]3 - 8 Theta Range according to [NEU]; deep relaxation, meditation, increased memory, focus, creativity, lucid dreaming, hypnagogic state [NEU]3.4 - Sound sleep3.5 - Feeling of unity with everything, accelerated language retention [×]; enhancement of receptivity [MB]; Earth Resonance (?) [SS]; (a remedy for) depression & anxiety [ESR]; Wholebeing regeneration, DNA stimulation [DIV]*[MPT] I was under the impression the Earth Resonance is 7.83 HZ - unless [SS] is talking about a different earth resonance.3.6 (a remedy for) anger & irritability [ESR]3.84 Associated with ovaries (Effects=vitality, life at every level) [TOS]3.9 (a remedy for) unsociable behavior [ESR]; Theta/Delta brainwave range - crystal clear meditation, lucid dreams, enhanced inner awareness, "facilitates easy access to inner resources & creates space for inner peace + self-renewal". [SED]4-6 - attitude & behavior change [MH]4-7 - Theta Range : recall, fantasy, imagery, creativity, planning, dreaming, switching thoughts, Zen meditation, drowsiness; Access to subconscious images, deep meditation, reduced blood pressure, said to cure addictions [SS]; Reset the brain's sodium potassium levels, which cuts down on mental fatigue [INT]; Increases sex drive [INT] ; Meditation, Intuitive Augmentation [NEU]; Near Sleep brainwaves, conducive to profound inner peace, "mystical truths", transforming unconsciously held limiting beliefs, physical & emotional healing, purpose of life exploration, inner wisdom, faith, meditation, some psychic abilities, & retrieving unconscious material. [PWB]; bursts of inspiration, twilight sleep learning, deep relaxation, reverie, high levels of awareness, vivid mental imagery. Hypnopompic & Hypnagogic states [NSS via DW];*Some disagreement over the theta range - [NEU] lists it as 3.0 to 8.0 HZ. [AWI] lists it as 4.0 to 8.0 HZ. [RA] & [PWB] both have it as 4.0 to 7.0. [DW] divides it into two ranges, Theta1 (3.0-5.5 hz) & Theta2 (5.5-8.0 hz).4.0 - 8.0 HZ Theta State according to [AWI]+[VUG via DW] - present in dreaming sleep, deep meditation, storehouse of creative inspiration, spiritual connection, subconscious mind [AWI]; creative insight, twilight ("sleep") learning, vivid mental imagery. Found in advanced meditators [VUG via DW]4-12 Skeletal muscle resonances [SS]4.0 - Enkephalins, Extrasensory perception [MB]; Astral Projection, Telepathy, "Seduction mindset" [DIV]; Catecholamines, vital for memory & learning, respond at around 4 HZ. [PSI]; Subconscious Problem Solving/Full Memory Scanning (if one can manage to stay awake) [RA+CAV via DW]; Associated with object naming, an important aspect of memory [TDM via DW]; "Those who suffer from Chronic Fatigue exhaust very easily. When moved to 4HZ these individuals showed marked improvement in the length of time between the occurrence of exhaustion after certain exercises were completed." [NYT via NEU]4.11 Associated with kidneys (Effects=strength) [TOS]4.5 Shamanic State Of Consciousness/Tibetan Buddhist Chants [MMF via DW]4.5-6.5 Wakeful dreaming, vivid images [SS]4.6 Associated with spleen & blood (Effects=Emotional Impulse) [TOS]4.9 - Introspection [SS]; Induce relaxation, meditation, & deeper sleep [ESR]5.0 - unusual problem solving [×] reduced sleep needed, theta sounds replacing need for extensive dreaming [INT] ; relaxed states, pain-relief (beta endorphin increases of 10-50% reported) [INT]; Alleged Sphincter Resonance (mechanical)(not good) [TB]5.0 - 10.0 Relaxation [NEU]5.14 Associated with stomach (Effects=Emotional Acceptance) [TOS]5.35 Associated with lungs (Effects=Oxygen, Heat) [TOS]5.5-8.0 "Theta2" frequency range : .. Consists of trains (long runs) of rhythmic frontal activity centering at 6.5-Hz with amplitudes reaching the 50-100 uV (micro-volt) range. .. Is induced in some people by the performance of a mental task such as mental arithmetic, tracing a maze, counting the number of cubes piled in a three-dimensional representation, & imaging a scene. .. More common in extroverts with low traits of neurosis & anxiety. Because Theta2 is associated with mental tasks & its influence is seen in evoked potential latencies, Mizuki (1987) believes that the appearance of Theta2 closely relates to mechanisms of attention or arousal. [DW]5.5 - Moves beyond knowledge to knowing, shows vision of growth needed ; "Inner Guidance" [SS]; Inner Guidance, intuition, heat generation [DIV]5.8 (reduce) Fear, Absent-mindedness, Dizziness [ESR]6.0 - long term memory stimulation [MB] ; (reduce) unwillingness to work [ESR]6.0 - 10.0 Creative Visualization - about 6hz for a while, then up to 10hz [NEU]6-9.6 Somatic Responses, tingling, pressure, heat [SS]6.15 Associated with heart (Effects=love,warmth) [TOS]6.2-6.7 Frontal Midline Theta (Fm Theta) is a specific EEG frequency seen in those subjects actively engaged in cognitive activity, such as solving math problems & playing Tetris [TDM via DW]6.26-6.6 Hemispheric desync, confusion, anxiety, low Reaction Time, depression insomnia [SS]6.30 Hz - Mental & astral projection [SS seconded this]; accelerated learning & increased memory retention.[??]; (reduce) Anger + Irritability [ESR]6.5 - "Center" of Theta2 Brainwave Frequency Range [DW]; "Your frontal lobe, or brain entrainment of the two hemispheres is around 6.5 hz." [RA]*I quoted the second entry from [RA] directly, due to its ambiguity. It probably ties into what the 5.5-8.0 HZ entry says above.6.8 Possible use for muscle spasms [ESR]6.88 Associated with collarbones (Effects=vitality, overall balance, stability) [TOS]7.0 - 8.0 For healing purposes, like laying of hands by a healer, or self vizualization in a healing situation [RA]; Treatment of Addictions [DW]7.0 - Mental & astral projection, bending objects, psychic surgery; Increased Reaction Time [SS]; Mass aggregate frequency (can deaggregate matter), alleged to resonate & rupture organs at excessive intensity [TB]; Treatment of sleep disturbances [PGS via DW]7.5 - Inter-awareness of self & purpose; guided meditation; creative thought for art, invention music, etc.; contact with spirit guides for direction; entry into meditation [MB]; At 7.5 HZ subjects who before suffered from confused thinking reported an ease at finding solutions to troublesome problems after a re-evaluation was conducted. [NYT via NEU]; (?) Earth magnetic field frequency, useful theta (brain) waves frequency [TB]7.5 - 8 For Treating Alcohol + Drug Addiction - This range of frequencies tells a person they're satisfied, which is "missing" in addictive personalities [RA]7.69 Associated with shoulders (Effects=strength of the arms, expansion, teaching) [TOS]7.8 Schumann Resonance (see 7.83 HZ), ESP activation [DIV]; Doyere's group (1993), found that short high frequency bursts at 7.7 Hz induced LTP in prefrontal cortex, though only for one day. [AA via DW]7.8-8 Stimulates ESP, paranormal [SS]7.83 - Earth Resonance, grounding [×], "Schumann Resonance." [TS, ESR+HSW, MAG]; anti-jetlag, anti-mind control, improved stress tolerance [SS]; psychic healing experiments [ESR]; pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone (helps develop muscle, recover from injuries, rejuvenation effects) [HSW]; Earth Resonance Frequency - 'leaves you feeling revitalized like you've spent a day in the country.' [PWM via DW]; reports of accelerated healing/enhanced learning - "the earth's natural brainwave" [MAG]*[HSW] notes that overtones of the Schumann Resonance can also stimulate the pituitary in the same way that 7.83 HZ can - especially 31.32 HZ.8-8.6 Reduced Stress/Anxiety [SS]8.0-10.0 learning new information [MH]; Alpha - Rapid Refreshment 15 min [NEU]8.0-12.0 - Alpha range (per NEU, RA, PWM & NSS) - light relaxation, "super learning", positive thinking. [NEU]; Slower brain waves that are conducive to creative problem solving, accelerated learning, mood elevation, stress reduction, etc., characterized by intuitive insights, creative "juice", inspiration, motivation, daydreams etc. Relaxed, yet alert [PWM via DW]; Associated with calm, relaxed, unfocused (not concentrating), lucid mental states, dream sleep & pleasant drifting feelings or emotions. [NSS via DW]8-13 - Alpha range - Non-drowsy but relaxed, tranquil state of consciousness, primarily with pleasant inward awareness; body/mind integration. ; Amplifies dowsing, empty-mind states, detachment, daydreams, mind/body integration. (can cause) epilectic seizures [SS];*Note : [NEU], [RA], [PWM] & [NSS] consider the alpha range to be 8.0-12.0. [AWI] considers it 9.0-14.0. [VUG] has it as 9.0-13.0.8-14 - Qi Gong and infratonic Qi Gong machine [QG]8.0 - Past life regression [×]; More Lymphocytes, DNA repair (RAD-6) [SS]; Associated with Base/Muladhara chakra (Color=Red) (Body Parts=Adrenals, Spinal Column, Kidneys) (Effects=Physical energy, will to live)(Note=C) [OML]8.22 Associated with mouth (Effects=speech, creativity) [TOS]8.3 - Pick up visual images of mental objects [??]; clairvoyance [SS]; "Monroe Focus 12?" [NEU]8.6-9.8 Induces sleep, tingling sensations [SS]9.0, 11.0, 16.0 [bad] ..ed calcium ion migration (brain tissue) [SS]9.0 - 13.0 - Alpha Range (according to [VUG]) - relaxed, not thinking about anything in particular, sometimes a pleasurable feeling of "floating". Often dominant in certain kinds of meditation, alpha waves have for the past twenty years been associated with calm, lucid mental states (the "alpha state"). They're also often detected during dream sleep. This pattern typically occurs in daydreaming, relaxed awareness, guided or focused imagery & smoothly rhythmic athletic activity. There's often a euphoric, effortless feeling of "flow" as the doer is absorbed in activity and subject + object are felt to be united. [VUG via DW]9.0 - 14.0 Alpha range (according to [AWI]) - Relaxed & detached awareness, visualization, sensory imagery, light reverie. Also, gateway to meditation - provides bridge between the conscious & subconscious mind. [AWI]9.0 - Awareness of causes of body imbalance & means for balance[×] Blind person phantom touch reading (somatosensory cortex) [RA]; Associated with Sacral/Svadhisthana chakra (Color=Orange) (Body Parts=Gonads, Reproductive System) (Effects=Relationships/Sexuality) (Note=D) [OML]9.19 Associated with upper lip (Effects=emotions, conflict resolution) [TOS]9.4 Major frequency used for prostate problems. [ESR] - Self-explanatory. =)9.41 - Pyramid frequency (outside) (I can't find a good definition of "Pyramid Frequency". Anybody?)9.5-10 - Center of Alpha Range - The brain's scanning/idling frequency - indicating a brain standing by, waiting to "give way to beta should attention be required, or be the bridge, the gate, to Theta & Delta for drowsiness, sleep, and certain cognitive challenges. [DW]*He gives credit for the 'brain scanning' factoid to Eccles & Walter (1950). (It was their conclusion.)9.6 - Mean dominant frequency associated with earth's magnetic field [EQ]; Facial Toning [ESR] (I'm not completely sure what "facial toning" is.. Anybody?)9.8-10.6 Alertness [SS]10 - enhanced release of serotonin & mood elevator, universally beneficial, use to try effects of other mixes [MB]. Acts as ananalgesic, safest frequency, especially for hangover & jet lag. [EQ] Meg Patterson used for nicotine withdrawal. [MB3] dominant alpha frequency, clarity, normalcy, anti-convulsant, circadian rhythm resync, activate kidneys, raise body temp, more serotonin [SS]; Good when trying to correlate information by the subconscious - Sort of a waiting frequency while the subconscious does the work at lower frequencies. [RA]; Motor impulse coordination (Motor Control cortex) [RA]; Learning a foreign language [RA+PWM via DW]; Centering, Sleep Spindles, Arousal [DIV]; Associated with Solar Plexus/Manipura chakra (Color=Yellow) (Body Parts=Pancreas, Stomach, Liver, Gall Bladder, Nervous System) (Effects=Spiritual wisdom, self-healing)(Note=E) [OML]; Increased alertness (caused by an increase in norepinephrine + serotonin & a decrease in melatonin), sense of well being & decreased pain (caused by increase in beta-endorphins) [RED]; Adrenal Stimulant [RS]; Significant improvements in memory, reading & spelling are reported (in conjunction with 18 HZ) [RUS via DW]; Treatment for Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity [LUB via DW]; Treatment for closed head injury [HOF via DW]; 'Berger Rhythm' [BER via DW]; (used on) headaches [RS]10-14 Dream/sleep spindles [SS]10.2 Catecholamines10.3 Associated With Nasal Passages (Effects=breathing, taste) [TOS]10.5 - Frequency for healing of body, mind/body unity, firewalking [×]; potent stabilizer & stimulating for the immunity, valuable in convalescence. [MB] Relaxed alertness, contemplation, body healing, mind over matter [SS] Lowering Blood Pressure [RA+PWM via DW]; Associated with Heart/Anahata chakra (Color=Green) (Body Parts=Thymus, Heart, Blood, Circulatory System) (Effects=Love of Life, love of self&others) (Note=F) [OML]10.6 - Relaxed & alert10.7 Associated with ears (Effects=hearing, formal concepts) [TOS]11.0 (& Below) - Stress Reduction (DW)11-14 Focused alertness [SS]11.0 (used to) achieve "relaxed yet alert" states. [PWM]11.5-14.5 An implication for neurotherapy is that if increased intelligence + mental efficiency is the objective, then a frequency band with a 13-Hz center should be used. A more desirable frequency band than 12 to 15-Hz is 11.5 to 14.5-Hz. [DW]12.0 - Centering, doorway to all other frequencies [×] ; frequency of earth resonance (Hercules - a researcher); Centering, mental stability, transitional point, time seems faster [SS]; To stimulate mental clarity [ESR]; Associated with Throat/Vishuddha chakra (Color=Blue) (Body Parts=Thyroid, Lungs, Vocal Cords) (Effects=Expression/self in society)(Note=G) [OML]12.3 Associated with eyes (Effects=Visualization) [TOS]12.0-14.0 Learning Frequency - Good for absorbing information passively, when you plan to think about it later. [RA]*[RA] distinguishes between active studying where you're processing information & passive studying where you're just trying to absorb information + plan to think about it later. For the former, he suggests 36 to 44 HZ.12.0-15.0 Beta (low) - relaxed focus, improved attentive abilities [NEU]; Treating Hyperactivity [RA] ; Sensorimotor Rhythm (SMR) - Used in the treatment of mild autism [AUT via DW]13-27 - Beta Range (according to [NSS]) - Associated with focused attention towards external stimuli, alert mental activity, normal waking consciousness, & active thought processes. [NSS via DW]13-30 - Beta Range - Normal wakefulness, the taking in & evaluating of various forms of data received through the senses. It's present with worry, anger, fear, hunger & surprise. [×] Waking state, motivation, outer awareness, survival, problem solving, arousal, dendrite growth, combats drowsiness [SS]; Conscious Thinking, Autonomic Processes & Emotions [EH]*[NSS] considers Beta to be 13-27 HZ, [AWI] considers it 14-38 HZ, [PWM] & [RA] consider it 13-40 HZ, and [VUG] (seems to) consider it 14-30 HZ. *[NEU] breaks up Beta into ranges - Low Beta=12-15 HZ, Mid Beta=15-18 HZ, & High Beta=18.0+ HZ.13-40 Beta Range (according to [RA] + [PWM]) - a high frequency pattern, conducive to stimulating energy + action; most of our current institutionalized education is beta geared, characterized by logical, analytical, intellectual thinking, verbal communication, etc. [PWM via DW]13.0 - Alleged sphincter resonance (mechanical)(not good) [TB]; Associated with Brow/Ajna chakra (Color=Indigo/Violet) (Body Parts=Pituitary,Lower Brain, Left Eye, Ears, Nose, Nervous System)(Effects=Visualization, Conceptualization)(Note=A) [OML]13.8 - Associated with Frontal Lobes (Effects=the seventh sense, final decision) [TOS]14-16 - associated with sleep spindles on EEG during second stage of sleep [EQ] [note SS said 10-14]14-15 - Slows conditioned reflexes [SS]14.0-30.0 - Beta Range (?I think? according to VUG) - This pattern is optimal for intense mental activities such as calculations, linear logical analyses & other highly structured functions [VUG via DW]14.0 - Awake & alert [??]; Alert focusing, vitality, concentration on tasks [SS?]; Schumann Resonance (2nd of 7 frequencies. 7.83 HZ being the first) [TS+HSW]; pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone (helps develop muscle, recover from injuries, rejuvenation effects) [HSW]; Intelligence Enhancement in conjunction with 22.0 HZ (medium=audio-visual stimulation) [APE]*[APE] used audio-visual stimulation alternating between 14 & 22 HZ. Check the link under [APE]'s bibliography entry for more information.14.1 "Earth Resonance" [SS]; Earth Harmonics - accelerated healing [DIV] (probably tied to Schumann Resonance above.)15.0-18.0 Beta (mid) - increased mental ability, focus, alertness, IQ [NEU]15-24 Euphoria [SS]*I will vouch for this one - I find binaurally produced tones between 18 HZ & 21 HZ have very pleasant results, in a jogger's high sort of way. This effect seems the strongest around 20 HZ. While other sources equate this frequency range with stress, I'm thinking it might be like the roar of a car engine - in small doses, it can be quite a rush, but too much of it can lead to a headache. The serotonin system is funny like that. [MPT]15 - chronic pain [MB]; Sound which bypasses the ears for sublimination (auditory cortex) [RA]; Associated with Crown/Sahasrara chakra (Color=Violet/White) (Body Parts=Pineal, Upper Brain, Right Eye)(Effects=Integration of personality & spirituality.)(Note=B) [OML]15.4 - Associated with Cortex (Effects=intelligence) [TOS]16.0 - bottom limit of normal hearing [MP2]; Release oxygen & calcium into cells [CC]16.4 Associated with top of head (Effects=spirit, liberation, transcendence) [TOS]18.0-22.0 - Beta: outward awareness, sensory data [??] ; Throws brain's sodium/potassium levels out of balance, resulting in mental fatigue. [INT]; Theoretically can be used to achieve a "relaxed body/focus mind" state of consciousness [DW]*[INT] + [DW] seem to contradict each other here.18.0 Beta (high) - fully awake, normal state of alertness, stress & anxiety [NEU]; Significant improvements in memory, reading & spelling are reported (in conjunction with 10 HZ) [RUS via DW]; (used to) improve hyperactive behavior [PWM via DW]20-30 Phospene imagery, peak luminosity in visual field [SS]20-40 Meditation For Stress Relief/Just At The Edge Of Audible Sound/As A Musical Backround [RA]20.0 - fatigue, energize. Causes distress during labor.[EQ]; Human Hearing Threshold [SS]; Schumann Resonance (3rd frequency of 7) [TS+HSW]; Imposing subconscious commands on another (thought center) [RA]; Stimulation of pineal gland [ESR][JB] ; Helps with tinnitis (a condition that causes ear-ringing) [JB]; Pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone (helps develop muscle, recover from injuries, rejuvenation effects) [HSW]; Adrenal Stimulant, (used on) sinus disorders/sinus infection/head cold/headache [RS]; Commonly used "cure-all" Rife Frequency [CR]20.215 LSD-25 [PSI] (he implies it could mimic the effects of)20.3 "Earth Resonance" [SS]*Probably the same thing as the Schumann Resonance at 20 HZ.22.0 Used in conjunction with 14 HZ for intelligence enhancement (medium=audio-visual stimulation)[APE]; Used in conjunction with 40 HZ for 'out of body' travel [EWI via DW]; Also used with 40 HZ for psychic healing. [FAH via DW]*[APE] used audio-visual stimulation alternating between 14 and 22 HZ. Check the link under [APE]'s bibliography entry for more information.22.027 Serotonin [PSI] (he's unclear what he means by this)25.0 Bypassing the eyes for images imprinting (visual cortex) [RA]; Tested clinically with patients who complain of anxiety [PGS via DW]26.0 Schumann Resonance (4th frequency of 7) [TS+HSW]; Pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone (helps develop muscle, recover from injuries, rejuvenation effects) [HSW]26.4 "Earth Resonance" [SS]27.5 lowest note on a piano [MP2]30 Meg Patterson used for marijuana. [MB3]30 - 60 Gamma Range - little known but includes decision making in a fear situation, muscle tension, [EH]*[INT] considers Gamma to start at 40 HZ.30 - 190 Lumbago [AT]30-500 High Beta: Not associated currently with any state of mind. Some effects have been observed, but currently not enough research has been done in this area, to prove, or disprove, anything.; a few people able to replicate at will (?? - not sure what that last point means)*Starting at 30 HZ, sources begin to seriously disagree over what the names of each range are. *[EH] considers 30 to be the beginning of the Gamma range, which it believes run to 60. It then considers 60 to 120 to be the Lambda range. *Incidentally, [INT] believes that 40 is where Beta ends & Gamma begins.31.32 Schumann Resonance (5th frequency of 7) - pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone (helps develop muscle, recover from injuries, rejuvenation effects) [HSW]*[HSW] is a bit off from the other sources on the exact value of this overtone of the Schumann Resonance.32 Desensitizer; enhanced vigour & alertness [MB]33 Christ consciousness, hypersensitivity, Pyramid frequency (inside) ; Schumann Resonance (5th frequency of 7) [TS]*Funky coincidence it lines up with the Christ Consciousness & Pyramid frequency, eh? I've had some interesting results with this one -- particularly when I overlap waves at 9.0 HZ (pyramid outside frequency). The mind tends to wander in funny ways.35 - 150 Fractures [AT]35 - 193 Arthralgy [AT]35 Awakening of mid-chakras, balance of chakras36 - 44 Learning Frequencies, When [Actively] Studying Or Thinking. Helps To Maintain Alertness. Waking Operating State [RA]; Frequencies of the olfactory bulb, prepiriform cortex & amygdala [DSH via DW]38 Endorphin release [WL]39.0 Schumann Resonance [6th frequency of 7] [TS]40-60 anxiolytic effects & stimulates release of beta-endorphines [MB]43 - 193 Carcinomatosis [AT]40.0 - dominant when problem solving in fearful situations. [EQ] ; Gamma - associated with information-rich task processing & high-level information processing [NEU]; "'For scientists who study the human brain, even its simplest act of perception is an event of astonishing intricacy. 40 Hz brain activity may be a kind of binding mechanism', said Dr. Rodolfo Llinas a professor of neuroscience at New York University. Llinas believes that the 40-cycle-per-second wave serves to connect structures in the cortex where advanced information processing occurs, and the thalamus, a lower brain region where complex relay & integrative functions are carried out." [NME via NEU]; Used in conjunction with 22 HZ for 'out of body' travel [EWI via DW]; Also used with 22 HZ for psychic healing. [FAH via DW]; "40--Hz activity varies from 38.8 to 40.1-Hz, regardless of the electrode site. The average frequency is in the ~39.5-Hz range. In summary, when the body is profoundly relaxed & the mind is in a state of high focus and concentration, 20 & 40-Hz brain activity can be seen in the raw and quantitative EEG of some subjects. It is possible that 18 to 22-Hz Beta & possibly 40-Hz neurofeedback training may help create a "relaxed body/focused mind" state of consciousness." [DW]; Activity in the ectosylvian & lateral cortex, medial geniculate, reticular formation, center median thalamus & hippocampus [ROW via DW]; Confirming Sheer et al.'s work,compared the EEG of middle- & high-I.Q. subjects during mental multiplication activity. A 40-Hz rhythm occurred just prior to the subject's answering the question. Forty--Hz pulses are thought to lead to synchronization + coordination of neurons assigned to the processing of incoming sensory stimulation. Put in "computerese," 40-Hz may be the brain's "operating system" frequency [GIA via DW]*Considered the dividing point between beta waves + gamma waves, although there's some disagreement about this. [INT] Schumann Resonance (7th frequency of 7)[TS]46.98 - Useful for "weird effects" (use with 62.64 HZ and 70.47 HZ) [TB]*[TB] gets the award for most ambiguous description. Although, I'm including it since it's a very specific frequency. I'll research it further and try to dig up some additional information.50-60 ..ed negative effects too numerous to mention There is no correlation given with signal strength or modality used, i.e. audio-visual, EMF, magnetic, electrostatic, gravitic. Also, most ELF research is now Govt classified, particularly since the mid-1960's when Hamer discovered behavioral effects as the result of applied sinusoidal field gradients as low as 4 volts. [SS via DW]50.0 - dominant frequency of polyphasic muscle activity, mains electrical in U.K. [EQ]; Slower cerebral rhythms [??]55.0 - Tantric yoga; stimulates the kundalini. [×]60 - 120 Lambda Range - Little known but includes central nervous system activity [EH]60 electric power lines62.64 - Useful for "weird effects". (use with 46.98 HZ and 70.47 HZ) [TB]63 Astral projection [×]65.8 Associated with coccyx (small triangular bone at end of the spinal column) (higher octave of 2.06 HZ) [TOS]70-9,000 Voice spectrum [MP1]70 Mental & astral projection ; Endorphin production/used with electroanalgesia. [VPL]70.47 Useful for "weird effects". (use with 46.98 HZ and 62.64 HZ) [TB]72 Emotional spectrum [??]; Used on sinusitis/sinus infection/head cold [RS]73.6 Associated with genitals (higher octave of 2.30 HZ) [TOS]80 Awareness & control of right direction. Appears to be involved in stimulating 5-hydroxytryptamine production, with 160Hz. Combine with 2.5 Hz. [EQ]82.3 Associated with bladder (higher octave of 2.57 HZ) [TOS]83 Third eye opening for some people85.5 Associated with intestines (higher octave of 2.67 HZ) [TOS]90.0 - 111.0 Pleasure-producing beta-endorphins rise between these frequencies. [PSI]*In the MIDI scale, the notes that would fall in this range begin with F#3 and go up to A3. ["A3" being the fourth octave up -- since there's an A0, and A1, A2 lower than it.] Playing the F#3 and the A3 as a chord seems to function as a good painkiller. An additional undertone in the alpha range of frequencies sometimes helps too. [Try adding a tone around 12.5 HZ].90.0 Good feelings, security, well-being, balancing [??]95.0-125.0 Acoustical Resonances of Assorted Ancient Structures [ACS via DW]95.0 Use for pain along with 3040 HZ [ESR]98.4 Associated with hara (3cm or 1.5 inch below navel, balance of pelvis) (higher octave of 3.07 HZ) [TOS]100 Can help with pain [used with electrical stimulation] [CMP]*The site specifically mentions it can be good for pain initially, but then recommends using 0.5 or 1.5 to treat pain.105 Overall view of complete situation108 Total knowing110.0 Frequency associated with stomach. [Note=A] [BH1][BH4]; Associated with ovaries (Effects=vitality, life at very level) (higher octave of 3.84 HZ) [TOS]111 Beta endorphins [MB2]. cell regeneration [??]117.3 Frequency associated with Pancreas [Note=C#] [BH1][BH4]120 - 500 P.S.I., moving of objects, changing matter, transmutation, psychokinesis120 Helps with fatigue (Medium=pad)[JB]; (used on) sinus disorders/sinus infection/head cold [RS]125 Graham potentializer; Stimulation [MH]; (used on) sinusitis [RS]126.22 - Sun, 32nd octave of Earth year [HC]; The Frequency Of The Sun (Note=C) (Color=Green) (Tempo=118.3 BPM) (Chakra=Manipura, also called Hara {associated with Navel & 3rd lumbar vertebrae}) (Effects=advances the feeling of centering of magic & of the transcendental) [HC/Planetware website]*There seems to be a little disagreement between [HC] & [HC/Planetware] over what exactly this is the frequency of - [HC] ties this into the period it takes the earth to revolve around the sun, while [HC/Planetware] says this is the frequency it would take an imaginary planet to orbit the outside edge of the sun. My money is on the second, since there is another frequency that is given for the Earth year. (136.1 HZ)*This is tricky to paraphrase, so here it is as it appeared on the Planetware website :"Meditation carried out to this tone will lead to state beyond good and bad, shame and guilt, beyond space and time, knowledge and wisdom, action and rest an being and not-being. It leads to a state where being has no name, to a state where the all-one and the all encompassing are no longer separate entities but are reunited at their one common origin, the origin that is also you."132.0 Associated with kidneys (Effects=strength) (higher octave of 4.11 HZ) [TOS]; Associated with coccyx (small triangular bone at end of the spinal column) (higher octave of 2.06 HZ) [TOS]136.1 Sun: light, warmth, joy, animus [RV]; Resonates with the earth year (Note=C#) (Color=Turqouise Green) (Effects=calming, meditative, relaxing, centering) [PSI]; Period it takes earth to revolve around sun (Tempo=63.8*127.6) (Chakra=Anahate/Heart chakra)(Effects=relaxing, soothing, balancing, harmony with the cosmos, associated with the soul {"frequency of the soul}) (Medicinal=Sedative) (Other=significant tone in Indian music {called it the "sadja" or "father to others" - it was a keynote} - corresponds to "OM" & the Christian "AMEN") [HC/Planetware website]*Note : [PSI] seems to disagree a bit with the original source on the list. [PSI] says this one calms/centers, while the original source seems to associate it with happiness. Also some disagreement between [RV] and [HC/Planetware], once associating this with the sun, and the other associating this with the frequency with the earth year. I suppose you could associate the earth year with the sun, since it's the time it takes the earth to go around the sun, but 126.22 HZ uses "frequency of the sun" in a little different context. See the comments with that frequency for more.140.25 Pluto: power, crisis & changes [??]; Frequency associated with the orbit of Pluto; (Note=C#) (Color=blue-green) (Tempo=65.7 * 131.4 BPM) (Effects = support the magic group dynamic principle and is said to be responsible for integration into certain structures of society) [HC/Planetware website]141.27 Mercury: intellectuality, mobility [??]; Frequency associated with orbit of Mercury (Note=C# or D) (Color=blue-green or blue) (Tempo=66.2) (Chakra=Vishudda/Throat chakra) (Effects=Supports speech center and communicative-intellectual principle, associated with communication and cleverness) [HC/Planetware]*[HC/Planetware] says the frequencies of planets revolving around the sun are less important than those of the moon, sun, and Earth. *Again, I'm not sure how [HC/planetware] is associating these frequencies with these chakras. {shrugs} *A discrepancy in the note and color - they're both given twice - once as C# and blue-green, the second time as D and blue. *[HC/Planetware] and [BH] seem to associate different frequencies with the revolutions of each planet - these frequencies are determined by HC/Planetware by taking higher octaves of the actual period - octaves that are in the audible range. [BH] might use even higher octaves than [HC/Planetware] does, or some other method completely.144.0 (helps with) headaches (Medium=pad)[JB]144.72 Mars: activity, energy, freedom, humor [??] ; Frequency associated with the orbit of Mars (Note=D) (Color=blue) (Tempo=67.8 * 135.6 BPM) (Effect : Supports strength of will and focused energy, ability for achievement) [HC/Planetware]146.0 (used on) sinus infection/head cold [RS]147.0 Associated with the spleen/blood (Effects=Emotional Impulse) (higher octave of 4.6 HZ) [TOS]; Associated with genitals (higher octave of 2.30 HZ) [TOS]147.85 Saturn: separation, sorrow, death [??]; Frequency associated with orbit of Saturn (Note=D) (Color=Blue) (Tempo=69.3 * 138.6 BPM) (Effects=enhances concentration and the process of becoming conscious + shows very clearly karmic connections, brings structure and order - is considered to be a cosmic controller) [HC/Planetware]*I'm not completely sure what the dual tempo means. I'll have to research that further.160.0 Appears to be involved in stimulating 5-hydroxytryptamine production, with 80 Hz. [EQ]; Use for rapid relief from headaches [ESR]; used on sinus infection/head cold [RS]164.3 Frequency associated with Gall Bladder [Note=E] [BH1][BH4]165.0 Associated with stomach (Effects=Emotional Acceptance) (higher octave of 5.14 HZ) [TOS]; Associated with bladder (higher octave of 2.57 HZ) [TOS]171.0 Associated with lungs (Effects=Oxygen, Heat) (higher octave of 5.35 HZ) [TOS]; Associated with intestines (higher octave of 2.67 HZ) [TOS]172.06 - Resonates with the Platonic year {about 26,000 years} (Note=F) (Color=purple-violet) (Effects=joyful, cheerful, spiritual effect) [PSI]; The Frequency Of The Platonic Year (Color=red-violet {purple}) (Tempo=80.6 BPM) (Chakra=Sahasrar/Crown chakra) (Effects=cheerfulness, clarity of spirit, cosmic unity on highest levels) (Medicinal=antidepressive) (Other=F is considered the tone of the spirit, and had a lot of significance to the Chinese)*Other sources [PM] disagree about the tone F being associated with the Crown chakra, which is how HC/Planetware connects this frequency to the crown chakra. [PM] considers the crown chakra to be associated with the B note, and not F.176.0 - Frequency associated with the colon. [Note=F or F#] [BH1][BH4]183.58 - Jupiter: growth, success, justice, spirituality [??] ; Frequency associated with the orbit of Jupiter (Note=F#) (Color=Red) (Tempo=86.05 * 172.1 BPM) (Effects : supports creative power and continuous construction) (Associated with Jupiter : Generosity, Continuity, Magnanimity, Joviality) [HC/planetware website]185.0 - (used on) sinus infection/head cold [RS]187.61 frequency of "moon culmination" ; [HC/planetware website]194.18 frequency of Synodic "Earth" Day {the "day tone"} (Note=G) (Color=Orange Red) (Tempo=91.0 BPM) (Chakra=Muladhar/Base chakra) (Effects = dynamic, vitalizing)(Medicinal="tonifies") (Other="weather determining" spheric frequency, influences proteins, brings one into harmony with nature") [HC/planetware website]*Note : By "weather determining", [HC/planet

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The creatively inspirational muses whose presence and synaptic sparks make the mundane world vibrantly intense with enigmatic charm... or... how about people that remotely share the same brain wave patterns for analog or binary exchange of data stimulus? a.k.a Those dreamers with the revolutionary spirit that will ultimately transform the world... collaborators, instigators, alligators, noisemakers, beings with functional somewhat modified organic brain wave generators, experimental beta testers, sonick sculptors, voices that sustain beyond the great abyss ov daath, magnetizers
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Posted by DestraDecibelResearch on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 12:00:00 PST