iAndre profile picture


You are the exacto knife of my communal reality

About Me

"Time is a meat waterfall..."


Favorite Quotes: "Upward not Northward" - A. Square
"My fingers emit sparks of fire in expectation of my future labours." - William Blake
"I want a dead one... I need to feel more!" - The Centimeters
"He coughed and shook his crumpled wings. Closed his eyes and moved his lips" - David Jones
A string of vowels and consonants to summarize my carbon decay rate:
It would seem that one is defined by their past. I find now is a much better indicator of the immediate future! As such it holds my attention exclusively.
Very interesting transition I've been in the middle of lately.
There is a place at the center of silence that glows green with a yellow-white fade out. In there the faces arise and morph to devolve and resolve back to another and another again.
Look into the right eye of an incarnate and hold... the bluish-purple equivalent will resolve the years and species and reveal IT.
Doubt as you will but practice makes perfect. Perfect makes practice out of the molecular structure of consensual reality.
Absolute elsewhere in the stones of your mind. Seek the now and you will unbind past into ash blown across the waters of the unknown.
Drink deep of the androgyne wine.
Solve et Coagula ^o^ Dissolve and fix.
Dive, dive... Die Biped!!
ïò.. iAndre is a depth charge in the uBoat of life!
From Cradle to Grave

My mother Luana's artwork...

My wife's [Christiane Cegavske] second in her trilogy of surrealist Stop Motion animated movies: SEED IN THE SAND is now in pre-production!
Add the flick's "production blog" as a friend and be the first on your block to be uber-cutting edge cool...
Support the arts, support my wife, support my pants for crying out loud!
Love ya like no other for sure and a lollipop...

My Interests

Aum Ha...
TANGO, Fencing, aRt, literature, film, music, agit prop, macs, trance art, Thelema, magick, gnosis, mysticism, punks.
Evolution of H. Sapiens, dada, surrealism, akashic downloads, stopmotion animation.
Subversion of the Biped overlords!
Enochian, O.T.O., Golden Dawn, Un & Expected manifestations, 93

I'd like to meet:

People who are forgiving and take the time to be nice to their fellow human beings.

Blood Tea and Red String

An Independent Stop Motion Animation Film

Click on image above to buy the DVD

Created by the Animator/Artist: Christiane Cegavske

Outside of that only....

A brain cell that has control of it's host mouth.
Anyone who breaths more then they talk.
I hope your world is acceptable to you.
hliehhan [et] lachEn

• • • AIM/iChat: iUniped • • •CURRENT MOON lunar phases



Click on the buttons of the radio to adjust or turn off ..
.. ..75-83 LAPunk!

Wonder: the Band I sang with in the 90's

Listen to our Rough Mixes etc..

Captain Beefheart,
Brian Eno,
400 Blows,
Nick Cave,
Mark Bolan,
David Bowie,
King Crimson,
Peter Gabriel,
Tom Waites,
The Damned,
The MC5,
Dirty 3,
Live Nude Psychics,
45 Grave,
Mia Dai Todd,
Master Musicians of Joujouka,
Janet Klein,
Steeple Chase
Ditty Bops,
Something About Reptiles,
Tiger Lilies,
Abby Travis,
Mark Growden,

Orchestral / Classical performed live,
20's & 30's Jazz / Ragtime / Blues,
Gypsy, Zydeco, & Klezmer [classical & revival]

Sufi or Voodoun trance music...

Anything with a violin, drum or accordian that can shift me up & out of my skull into the 10th aether...



.. ..
Thé de Sang et Ficelle Rouge!

[ABOVE] "Charles Schneider's" film with The Centimeters' song: "Help Is On The Way"
Naked Lunch,
Wings of Desire,
Clockwork Orange,
& Kung Fu Hustle...

All Stanely Kubrick,
David Lynch,
Alexandro Jodorowsky,
David Cronenberg,
Jan Svankmajer,
Ladislaw Starewicz,
Charley Bowers,
Bros Quay
& Fellini...
Salome's Last Dance,
Last Temptation of Christ,
Talk to her,
City of Lost Children,
Ringu:, The Ring,
The Professional,
Man Bites Dog,
Betty Blue,
The Loved One,
Angel Heart,
Master of the Flying Guillotine,
Reflective Skin,
Santa Sangre,
The Holy Mountain,
Fire Walk With Me,
The Abominable Dr. Phibes,
Cremaster I-V


Twin Peaks,
Night Gallery,
Kolchak the Night Stalker (1972)
Now Kill your TV and live damn it!!!

~ Stump Puppet Theatre ~

My experimental films as part of GAME ON


All: J.R.R.Tolkien,
W. Burroughs,
W. Blake,
K. Vonnegut Jr.,
A.E. Poe,
H.P. Lovecraft,
M.P. Hall,
J. Campbell,
W. Shakespeare,
J. Joyce,
Gnostic texts,
I. Asimov,
A. Crowley,
A. Camus,
M. L'Engle,
O. Wilde,
Beardsley [illustrated novels],
All the Classics & Mythology,

OH and "Archy & Mehitable", Etc...

Lion & Serpent, the Official Journal of Sekhet-Maat Lodge, O.T.O


Calliope Rose & Chris Parker

Theoretically of course there is no such thing.
However these are my...WELCOME INFLUENCES:
William Blake,
Harry Smith,
Audrey Beardsley,
Aleister Crowley,
William Burroughs,
Brion Gysin,
Oscar Wilde,
Arthur Rimbaud,
The couple that invented TANGO!
François Rabelais,
Benjamin Franklin,
Albert Durer,
Hieronymous Bosch,
Pythagoras of Samos,
Johannes Dee,
Wolfgang von Goethe,
Francis Bacon,
Pieter Brueghel the Elder,

All Philosophers, Gnostics, Alchemists, Hermeticists, Magicians, Thelemites, Writers & Artists. Cubists, DADAites, Surrealists, Beats, Hippies, Punks, and those who refuse to lie down and except the absurd at face value...

Keep the Faith!

My Blog

’Hillary Rodham Clinton’ - Anagrams

’Hillary Rodham Clinton’anagrams to’Lynch harlot in mid-oral.’ Thy Harmonica Droll Nil Doctrinal Horny All Him Non Chairlady Troll Him Ancillary Lo...
Posted by iAndre on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 05:11:00 PST

The greatest story yet to be told...

My wife's [Christiane Cegavske] second in her trilogy of surrealist Stop Motion animated movies: SEED IN THE SAND is now in pre-production!Add the flick's "production blog" as a friend and be the fir...
Posted by iAndre on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 10:06:00 PST

Tomorrow Afternoon BTRS Signing in PDX

Hi Everyone, especially those of you in or near Portland, Oregon,My wife will be at Music Millennium in Portland, Oregon on Saturday, October 20th at 1 pm to sign your copies of Blood Tea and Red Stri...
Posted by iAndre on Sat, 20 Oct 2007 07:03:00 PST

LA Friends... a warning!

From the look of things I will be leaving LA October 24th or so.So if you want to get together and visit before then you have a time frame to reference.Otherwise it is a road trip to Portland, OR. fro...
Posted by iAndre on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 05:03:00 PST

No brains...

Posted by iAndre on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 06:37:00 PST

EMERGENCY: Lisa and Lee need help!

To all who read this,These are two dear friends of mine and I will post further info from their families on ways to assist them in this crisis.Please help in any way possible especially by contacting ...
Posted by iAndre on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 03:38:00 PST


I took the "The Nine Muses" quiz on gURL.comMy muse is...CalliopeCalliope is the patron goddess of epic poetry. She is often depicted holding a writing tablet and wearing a golden crown, for she is t...
Posted by iAndre on Wed, 02 May 2007 01:19:00 PST

To my real world friends... THREE DAYS LEFT!

I don't spam... However I am going to do a 4 day count down and hope to see ALL of you at her screening this weekend!THIS MEANS YOU!!!! ;->Hi there,My wife's film: Blood Tea And Red String has gotten ...
Posted by iAndre on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 05:05:00 PST

Who wrote the Bible? we did, we did... you think you're smart?

The Bible was written by approximately 40 men over the course of 1500 years. Isaiah was a prophet, Ezra was a priest, Matthew was a tax-collector, John was a fisherman, Paul was a tentmaker, Moses was...
Posted by iAndre on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 10:13:00 PST

I put my short films on YouTube

I hope you enjoy Stump Puppet Theatre
Posted by iAndre on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 08:49:00 PST