I am into Music, Photography, Martial Arts especially Kendo, Archery. my dog Soup. Spirituality. Cultures, Philosophy, watching people, sex, and a lot more....I have been around the world both with my job as the stage manager and guitarist for George Clinton as well as a traveler going to India and Japan to study their cultures and philosophies. Most Hindu say I am more Hindu than they are...same with Bhuddists...the Blackfoot Indians took me into their CrazyDog Society cuz I am just that a Crazy Dog..I wintered in Montana in a small lodge, chopping wood all day so I could burn it all night. I love to cook and eat..I love to read and listen. I am not a great talker..but I do speak my mind at the strangest of times....more on me later test
Musicians, Artists and outcasts like myself...people who know how to think and aren't afraid to act.
Just got hooked up with Madison Amplifiers! more to come on that!
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Funk Funk and more Funk... I play the Guitar for George Clinton and a bunch of spinoff groups. I play the Sitar and studied in a very old traditional style called guru shishya parampara....wich means I sat at the feet of my guru and tried to play exactly what he did. It's tough cuz you not only have to pay attention to what you are playin, but you have to listen to what he is playin...I learned a lot....I have really enjoyed the mentorship that I have gotten recently from MR. Bernie Worrell...He has shown me many new ways to look at things. Garry Shider is as he always has been...a giver of the light that is music and soul. I am into all kinds of music. It just has to be good..I cried when Johnny Cash died and will when Willie passes too. Laffin at him hard for getting busted recently. I am into anything that is good music ya know...Peep Manu Chao if ya haven't heard....I play DR strings...Boogie Amps and Washburn and Parker guitars out there on the road...Monster Cables too don't forget the MONSTER!!
i really get off on the Zatoichi films and crazy Japanese samurai movies... ..
Book of Five Rings, The Unfettered Mind, The Sword and the Mind.
Miyamoto Musashi...Takuan Soho...many of the heroes that I had up high have since fallen...but they are still my heroes...it's my fault for making them more than they are.