Southpaw take listeners on an inspired journey through unusual soundscapes, utilising right-brain innovation and a daring eclecticism.
Comprised of four highly individualistic musicians who manage to fuse an ethereal, uncompromising style from their love of funk, rock, jazz and alternative, this Cape Town outfit are on the brink of bigger things.
While the band have not managed to record an album as yet, constant live performances and a commitment to professionalism should soon remedy this state of affairs.
The band are loathe to label their sound, but others have likened their music to a melodic chant of amusing madness, peering into the lives of everyday people and transmuting their experiences into a bold artistic endeavour.
Southpaw are a close knit group (the band comprises two brothers, a cousin and a best friend), a fact that should be abundantly clear to anyone who has witnessed their unique fusion of tightly drilled perfectionism with the bravery to improvise at will.