Other than music, I love Video Games, or at least used to.
Books (history, theology, fiction, poetry, philosophy, politics, it doesnt matter as long as its a good read,) Watching obscure cartoons, writing music, enjoying a nice meal, or just being flatout silly.
Oh, i also want to change the World. I still think its a beautiful, wonderful place. Life is precious and wonderful. And may i be Damned if i don't help protect it.
I'd like to meet:
...Whoever. I'm not picky... Anyone whose impossible to meet?
I like a lot of music. Then again, i hate a lot of music too, but i would never consider it music: It's purely organized sounds, hawked to the masses for consumption.
I like music.
I like a lot of movies.
I like a lot of cartoons off of adult swim (though there are a few that are just Awful. FUnny enough, those particular shows are live action, so i guess they don't count; they aren't cartoons...), documentaries. Thats about it. i think.
Really enjoyed The Shining, America by Dave Stewart, Lies And The Lying Liar's Who Tell Them, the Psalms, The Autobiography of Sammy Davis Jr., Theories of Personality, anything Chomsky, Ray Bradbury, Tolkien, Ghost Wars...I like reading. just started reading (again) The Art of War, and Upton Sinclair's The Jungle. Fnu..
Mom, Dad, Step Mom, Step Dad, Grandpa, Grandma, Grandma flip side (RIP), the rest of my family, Louis "Coco" Carlo, Obed Calvaire, Jesus (Christ- Though, i do like the New Millenium Cyanide Christ as well, Great tune), Lonnie Plaxico, Andy MIlne, Ze Luis, and Jim Black (JB has magical powers, i want those. Magical powers. I don't have those. I suck).
Most Importantly, my heroes are anyone who Fights Back.
"The environment that is hostile to dreamers is always the environment that is run by right-wing administrations because in order for the right-wing administration to maintain its fiction, it has to be ideologically pure and that ideology does not admit for creativity. There is nothing creative about a right-wing administration. The whole goal of it is to freeze time and to move things backward. So, obviously the people who are most at risk, whenever there is a right-wing administration sitting in place, is anybody who is an intellectual dreamer or creative person in any field. They are at risk because they pose a threat to the administration."
-Frank Zappa, in regards to George H Bush's Administration, as well as Right Winged Administrations in general.