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may I squeeze your boobies?

About Me

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I lIkE To RuN AnD PlAy WiTh My LiTtLe DoG mUsSoLiNi. ThEn AfTeR hE gEtS eXcItEd, I StRoKe HiS pInK tHiNg UnTiL AlL kInDs Of GrOsS WhItE sTuFf SplUrTs OuT eVeRyWhErE! iT's ReAlLy FuN AnD He SuRe DoEs LiKe It!

I'd like to meet:

I used to live in the ocean with the other lobsters until a commercial fisherman hoisted me into his boat and sold me to the circus. Now I jump around with monkeys and frighten children with my big claw-like hands. YAY!


ThEsE ArE My FrIeNdS At ThE CiRcUs. ArE'nT ThEy ThE cOolEsT! At NiGhT aFtEr WoRk We LiKe To GeT NaKeD AnD pLaY tWiStEr! Oh JeEz It'S fUn!