comic books, horror, masked mexican wrestlers, porn, zombies, UFOs, rockabilly, hot rods, dark comedy, nihilism, existentialism, surrealism, dadaism, absurdism, punk rock, politics, gore, fire, tits, anarchism, cartoons, the bizarre, freaks and freakshows, the macabre, monsters, heavy metal, subliminal messaging, the occult, drag queens, bohemianism, abnormal psychology, serial killers, b-movies, exploitation, blaxploitation, nazi-sploitation, sexploitation, pin-up models, body modification, phrenology, kinky sex, criminology, manga and anime, conspiracy theories, kung fu, fetishism, grafitti, Harry Houdini, pop art, trash culture, demonology, mortuary science, grindhouse, low brow art and culture, claymation, sleaze, raunch, bad words, oddities, cheesiness, retro pop culture
Original independent filmmakers looking for a place where they can find help realizing their cinematic visions. Whether you're looking to make a high-minded art film, or a nostalgic slasher movie, whether you're envisioning a dark psychological thriller, an experimental art piece, a gorey b-grade zombie flick, a retro creature feature mad monster mash, or even a hardcore porno, El Phantasmo Films might just be right for you. We exist to support, aid, and release the movies of no-name cinema buffs like us who want to bring their dreams to life on the screen.
El Phantasmo Films is for you!
Fans of lo-fi, independent, underground, grassroots, low budget/no budget films. If you like your movies dark, strange, funny, bizarre, counter cultural, controversial, weird, creepy, violent, sexy, brutal, offbeat, against the grain, off the wall, deranged, disturbing, twisted, warped, confrontational, goofy, gorey, and/or odd, then you'll love what we've got in store for you. We cater to fans of horror films, experimental films, cult films, exploitation films, off-the-wall comedy films, fan films, porno films, art films, and retro schlock films.
El Phantasmo Films is for you!
projects currently in production for El Phantasmo Films:
Anarchists In Love (feature length) drama/comedy
Quarantine [a.k.a. Merihim] psychological horror/splatterpunk/post-apocalyptic horror/disease disaster flick
Chewing Glass (short film) psychological horror/splatterpunk/character study
The Last House Party (feature length) schlock horror/slasher flick/off-the-wall comedy
"Snuff" Unit 371 (short film) splatterpunk horror/faux snuff film
Super Geek (short film) superhero flick/comedy
The Phantom Of The LARP (feature length) schlock horror/slasher flick/retro creature feature/off-the-wall comedy
Attack Of The Scarlet-Skinned Sex Demons From Beyond The Grave (feature length) erotic horror/schlock horror/retro creature feature
Surf-Wolf (feature length) retro creature feature/schlock horror/50s-60s era style surf rock beach flick
Morlock (short film) art film/character study
Sicko (feature length) psychological horror/surrealist horror