Stephen King. And Bugs Bunny. Oh, and other horror genre and punk rock and psycho-billy fanatics, other artists (of all categories), other people with an immense sense of humor
Oh, and victims... always room for more victims.....
ALICE COOPER (of course), Punk rock (generally older stuff - the Ramones, the Damned, the Cramps, Black Flag, Dead Kennedys)but also some newer stuff including lots of the excellent bands that have been submitting material to us for the upcoming "Chainsaw Sally 2: Bloodkin" - namely PISSANT (I LOVE you guys!), the Screeches, and Big John Bates (who's more in the Psychobilly category), Psychobilly (new and old - from The Cramps to the Necromantics), some techno (Juno Reactor), classical (if it's in a minor key), Irish folk music, 70's funk
HORROR, gore, exploitation (60's - 70's roughies and nudie-cuties mostly), blacksploitation (I LOVE Dolemite and anything with Pam Grier!), good clever comedy (that can still include toilet humor, as long as it's well-written, funny toilet humor - you know, like South Park) especially Mel Brooks, and more and more. I watch way too many movies... CURRENT FAVORITES: Faster Pussycat, Kill, Kill; Texas Chainsaw Massacre; The Devil's Rejects; The Wizard of Gore, 2,000 Maniacs; Blazing Saddles; Batman: The Movie (adam west, burt ward); The Story of Riki-O; Enter the Dragon
NOTHING REAL. The closest I like to get to reality is UFC, TNA, and The Daily Show with John Stewart, Adult Swim on Cartoon Network, most of Comedy Central, DEXTER (great show!!), FIREFLY!!!!, Masters of Horror, Penn & Teller's Bullshit, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Star Trek (both), Bugs Bunny, cartoons cartoons cartoons
almost everything by Stephen King (not very into the "normal" genre of stuff he broke into for a while. ex., "Hearts In Atlantis") especially love the Dark Tower series, some Anne Rice, The Dark Elf Trilogy (R.A. Salvatore), plus any of the books involving Drizzt, some Clive Barker, and more and more. I read ALOT and constantly.
Marilyn Burns (she busted her ASS for TCM! tough chick!), everyone involved in the creation of the ORIGINAL Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Stephen King, Bugs Bunny, Katie Hutchinson, Jimmyo Burril